The Fellowship (Infiltration)

EM MalachiEM Malachi Posts: 63Event Moderator
edited January 2020 in Great Lakes

The Fellowship (Infiltration)

 “Strive For Unity. Trust Thy Brother. Worthiness Precedes Reward.”

Leader: Batlin
Operations: Britain and the Cities of Britannia
Values: Trust, Worth, Unity
Rival: Britannia

The Worthy Paragons

  • None currently

Unity Leaders

  • None currently

Brothers and Sisters

  • Arc Angel
  • Aridas
  • Biscuit Kreuger
  • Bits
  • Deavous
  • Denise
  • Destinie Moon
  • a DIRTY old FART
  • Duncan
  • Frans
  • Kittie
  • Kromwell Farland
  • maints magic
  • Malice
  • Martyna Z'muir
  • Norry
  • Reinquist
  • Spoonman
  • Watcher


  • EM MalachiEM Malachi Posts: 63Event Moderator
    Lord Batlin needs help, so he calls to his loyal Fellowship members.

    Tasks of Unity
    1. Poorhouse: Donate enough food (meats, vegetables, and grains) to feed five families for a month.
    2. Missioner: Collect a set of locations in a runebook to places with large groups of people who can be told about the Fellowship.
    3. The Bulwark: Donate enough arms and supplies to equip three soldiers for a single shift. Examples: lamp oil, bandages, potions, weapons, armor, etc.
    4. Perform another “Task of Unity” of your own choice.

    Tasks of Trust
    1. In Our Name: Heal five different people at events.
    2. Batlin's Words: Write a book explaining the Fellowship's teachings and principles to share with everyone.
    3. The Stage: Organize a play or story-telling event to share Fellowship stories in entertaining ways.
    4. Perform another “Task of Trust" of your own choice.

    Tasks of Worthiness
    1. Eyes Everywhere: Write a brief report for Lord Batlin about the happenings around Sosaria that may interest or affect the Fellowship.
    2. Builder: Gather rare arcane materials for future Fellowship use (for example blackrock, Caddellite, Ethereal Sand, serpent venom, power crystals, etc.).
    3. Protest: Hold a protest or other such event against any of the city governors who have come out against the Fellowship.
    4. Perform another “Task of Worthiness” of your own choice.

    More to come...

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