Stealing is quite disadvantaged as compared to other skills....

poppspopps Posts: 4,130
edited January 2020 in General Discussions
Why so ?

Because Thieves are required, in order to steal, to have to have both of their hands as free.... holding no item....

Compare this to all other templates, whether Spellcasters or Warriors or Tamers, who can use an item in BOTH hands which, if a Legendary, can provide lots of usefull modifiers and properties to that Template....

Perhaps, just perhaps, the Developers should come up with some items with extra properties and modifiers, exclusive to Thieves (if other Templates could also wear them they would become then too powerfull, obviously), or which Thieves can hold in their right and/or left hand without any penalization to their thieving, which can either compensate for their inhability to use items in their hands or would permit them to steal anyways, even when having their hands occupied by an item.

I keep on saying, also, that I do not understand why stealing and other Rogue skills should not have Masteries...

Thoughts ?


  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915

    My biggest criticism about stealing is targeted stealing does not let you select how many items from a stack to steal.  I came across a stack of 200 silver wire in a barrel once. I could not steal any of it despite having 120 stealing. If I could have I would have selected to take 2 or 3 wires at a time and just keep repeating until I had stolen all 200.

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