INSCRIPTION : What is the best set-up to never run out of Mana when inscribing ?

I have been using all maxed out Mana Regen pieces but, nontheless, when inscribing bulk high circle scrolls (like 7 or 8) that use up lots of Mana, I am never able to regenerate Mana to "keep up" with inscription consumption.

Is there a way to set up a Scribe so as to really have Mana Regenerate really super fast so that, when I am Bulk scribing, I never run out of Mana even when scribing high circle spell scrolls ?



  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited January 2020
    This exact discussion about running out of mana during high level Scribing has been had before...but since I just built a scribing macro this morning.....

    150 Intel: 125 Intel (base) + 25 Intel (gear)
    120 Meditation
    120 Focus
    30 Mana Regen

    (Lich form is supposed to go over the MR cap but there is evidence on these forums and Stratics that there is some type of hard cap at 33.???). You can test this yourself, but from what I've experienced, going beyond 30 MR in any way doesn't really get you much gain.

    That's the fastest I know of to regen mana @popps, maybe somebody else has something more.

    Macro (EC):
    Command "script GenericGump.Shutdown = function() end"
    Command "script GenericGump.OnShown = function () end"
    Tool (Scribe's pen)
    Make Last (Crafting Utilities)
    Delay (However long it takes your toon to regen mana back to where you want)
    Enable Repeat (Yes)
    Repeat (10)

    You can mod the delay time as you work through the spell levels or set up 8 individual macros for each of the spell circles (or as many macro's as you would like if you're doing other spell schools).

    Adjust repeats or add lines for Tool, Make Last, Delay, to make in batches of 10, 15, 20 (or 9, 14, 19 since you're using make last).  I personally use Make Number and just manually click tools, but I don't do that much BoD Scribing.  

    Some macro's have worked for me without the first two Command's, but not others. Quirks and features of UO.

    If I remember CC&UOA correctly, there is a condition you can tick to wait for mana to be at a certain number before continuing with the macro. Even easier than EC.

    When you're scribing 8th circle you're going to run out of mana. Just adjust the Delay and you'll be fine.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    This exact discussion about running out of mana during high level Scribing has been had before...but since I just built a scribing macro this morning.....

    150 Intel: 125 Intel (base) + 25 Intel (gear)
    120 Meditation
    120 Focus
    30 Mana Regen

    (Lich form is supposed to go over the MR cap but there is evidence on these forums and Stratics that there is some type of hard cap at 33.???). You can test this yourself, but from what I've experienced, going beyond 30 MR in any way doesn't really get you much gain.

    That's the fastest I know of to regen mana @ popps, maybe somebody else has something more.

    Macro (EC):
    Command "script GenericGump.Shutdown = function() end"
    Command "script GenericGump.OnShown = function () end"
    Tool (Scribe's pen)
    Make Last (Crafting Utilities)
    Delay (However long it takes your toon to regen mana back to where you want)
    Enable Repeat (Yes)
    Repeat (10)

    You can mod the delay time as you work through the spell levels or set up 8 individual macros for each of the spell circles (or as many macro's as you would like if you're doing other spell schools).

    Adjust repeats or add lines for Tool, Make Last, Delay, to make in batches of 10, 15, 20 (or 9, 14, 19 since you're using make last).  I personally use Make Number and just manually click tools, but I don't do that much BoD Scribing.  

    Some macro's have worked for me without the first two Command's, but not others. Quirks and features of UO.

    If I remember CC&UOA correctly, there is a condition you can tick to wait for mana to be at a certain number before continuing with the macro. Even easier than EC.

    When you're scribing 8th circle you're going to run out of mana. Just adjust the Delay and you'll be fine.
    Thanks for the detailed help, really usefull.

    I was hoping that, somehow (you mention Lich form, for example), there would have been a way to speed up mana regen to reach such a speed that even when scribing 8th circle scrolls, one could have regenerated mana as fast as when using it....

    Oh well, it looks like I will have to deal with a delay in scribing high circle scrolls and eat the time needed for that ....
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915

    It has gotten much easier to write the macro in the EC

    Make Last
    Delay 5
    Make Last
    Delay 5
    Make Last
    Delay 5
    Make Last
    Delay 5
    Delay 20

    The length of the delay's varies with the magic level

    To use:
    Click on the scribe's pen
    Inscribe the spell you want
    Run the Macro

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited January 2020
    Yeah, I have some inscription macros running without the Command's first, but for others it just gives the "Use a crafting tool first" message. Haven't figured out why some will work with just Make Last and others won't. PEBKAC I'm sure.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    I've noticed that in the past and after increasing my delays between calls to Make Last it went away. You need to give the tool's gump time to close, reopen, and settle during the execution of the Make Last command.  The settle time seems to depend on how long the scribbling sound lasts.
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    Use other options to gain mana, shadow whisp and if other partied players have them helps even more. Mana vamp you 0 resist pets trained with mr 30 and high int to regain more mana. Being in wraith form and attack high int monsters or own pets.
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