UOSwag Store - Where is my order?

I have seen other posts detailing issues with the UOSwag Store in the past, but I finally decided to order myself a poster.

I placed my order a month ago and received a tracking number the next day, but according to that tracking number the package has never been received by USPS.  Multiple attempts to email the UOSwag store have gone unanswered.

Short of disputing the charge with PayPal, does anyone know how I can get this resolved? The lack of communication from an official partner is completely unacceptable.


  • really?
    I ordered like 4x and only had a delay on 1 order, Did you try to contact their support?  UltimaOnlineSwag@gmail.com ? I received the answer on the same day!
    Let us know
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    Sargon said:
    The lack of communication from an official partner is completely unacceptable.
    It is, but then what's left of us UO players is pretty used to it... besides that this forum is really only about free QA for new publishes...
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    This conversation should be continued via email, and/or possibly private message to UOSwag
This discussion has been closed.