Bracelet of Primal Consumption : Why it was made so disappointing ?

Sure, it has 200 Luck, 20 Resists and a 6% Eater, but many Legendaries can come with 150 Luck AND much better modifiers....

The 50 extra Luck and the mere 6% eater which this Craftable comes with as compared to many Legendaries that drop, I do not think can compete with modifiers that quite a few Legendaries can be generated as a drop....

It should have had at least a better Eater % like 20% or so.... and some other modifier together with the 20% Resistances...

How do we want to help Crafters and Crafting in Ultima Online if the stuff that they can make is way, but WAAAAAY below the quality of what drops ?

@Kyronix , @Bleak , Happy New Year and could you please kindly comment on the status of Crafting in Ultima Online and why Crafted stuff is sooooo worse as compared to what drops ?



  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    She is up early. Gets her brain function inducing cup-a-joe, and opens the laptop. Logging into the one community she still loves, she wonders what the first post of the new year will be. A joyous chorus of new year revelry? Well wishes to and from the gods of Sosaria.


    Well, happy new year @popps - see you're starting the year off, eh?

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited January 2020
    Absolutely !

    I just hate it that Crafters in Ultima Online have been getting the short end of the stick for too long now....

    Hunters pretty much get it all..... what is left, really, for Crafters to do other then small, little things ?

    Happy New Year !
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    Jewelry is not general purpose. This item has its place. Few of my toons wear looted jewelry.  None of my main toons wear looted jewelry. 

    I doubt you know how to make an excellent suit that uses the template of your toon since you think crafting is not used.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TrismegistosTrismegistos Posts: 197
    edited January 2020
    I use it for several new luck suits. Remember each property has its weight. 
    100 resist and 200 luck  are useful. I can spare raising them on armor parts.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    edited January 2020
    One of the difficult things when crafting/looting a luck suit is getting high resists.

    You can find a ring with high luck. To compliment .

    Popps could have chosen almost any other recipe item and had a valid point but he has a poor grasp of the game he wants to change.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    I don't think he's wrong on this. He used this item as example but as a whole there are lots of older drops that are subpar today. Some were even subpar when they were introduced. 

    He is right that crafting needs a bump.

    Its a new year and I'm switching sides. I'm team Popps on this round. 

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    edited January 2020
    Yes. But he chose one of the few recipe items that has a use. We need a better spokesperson for change than the OP. Someone who understands game mechanics.

    We have asked for more imbuing points for years. We have asked for better artifact drops. 

    We could use some artifact drop upgrades that do not require recipes. 

    Make the current artifact drops have better stats. Glenda, ironwood bow, bow of swarms, etc. Without needing recipes. Just make the new drops have good stats. 

    Does anyone use any of the recipe weapons?  I'd like to see the template they use with them.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited January 2020
    Pawain said:
    Yes. But he chose one of the few recipe items that has a use. We need a better spokesperson for change than the OP. Someone who understands game mechanics.

    We have asked for more imbuing points for years. We have asked for better artifact drops. 

    We could use some artifact drop upgrades that do not require recipes. 

    Make the current artifact drops have better stats. Glenda, ironwood bow, bow of swarms, etc. Without needing recipes. Just make the new drops have good stats. 

    Does anyone use any of the recipe weapons?  I'd like to see the template they use with them.
    Yes. But he chose one of the few recipe items that has a use.
    That is why I used that craftable.....

    Because, if "even" a craftable which might have left some miniscule use is STILL outdated largely by Legendary drops, well, then it better can show how Crafting IS, at least to my viewing, in DEEP trouble in Ultima Online....

    You mention in your other post that Resistances on a Luck suit are needed.... but the Bracelet of Primal Consumption comes with "only" 20 resistance in each.... it is not that unusual, on the other end, to get Legendaries with resistances "exceeding" 20 for each and every one....

    AND, some Legendaries ALSO come with high Luck..... not as high as 200, but still, not much farther from it.....

    AND, on top of that, they also usually have "other" modifiers too, which the Bracelet of Primal Consumptions entirely lacks, other then a laughable 6% Eater modifier....

    That is why I used as an example a Craftable that some "still" consider as usable for some niche suits....

    If even the Bracelet of Primal Consumption is still outdated by Legendaries drops.... well, as I said, Crafting IS in dire need of some LOVE, and love with Capital letters, from the Developers....

    We'll see what 2020 will bring to Crafting in Ultima Online....

    My wish ?

    That the Developers will be so kind to bring back Crafting to what it was with the early Ultima Online when Crafters were SEEKED by players for their services, and when a Crafter was playable as a MAIN character and not a mere mule to support one's own Fighting character....

    Oh well, Happy New Year to everyone, let's see what 2020 will bring to Ultima Online and Crafting or whether items' drops from hunting will still rule and make everything else outdated and obsolete....

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    @popps please post a picture of a bracelet you found with 20 in each resist.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Pawain said:
    @ popps please post a picture of a bracelet you found with 20 in each resist.
    How about this one just as an example ?

    Some 10 Modifiers besides Resistances like 20,25, 29, 25, 25 ......

  • oh the famous tricorne hat bracelet! Pawain must have forgotten about that one!
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    popps said: bi
    Pawain said:
    @ popps please post a picture of a bracelet you found with 20 in each resist.
    How about this one just as an example ?

    Some 10 Modifiers besides Resistances like 20,25, 29, 25, 25 ......

    First. You did not find that. I asked for a pic of something you found.

    Second. Jewels that drop now only have 8 stats.

    The devs stopped the drop of items like that.

    Now show us the best jewel  you found recently.   It will not have all 20s resist and other stats.

    You are the one who says looted items are better.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    edited January 2020
    I understand what he's saying. It's not uncommon to see 190 looted luck enhanced armor with unreal stats and resists. I've seen several entire luck suits made with all legendary loot. 

    The brace is pure garbage. Compassion eye isn't that hot either but at least it has some stats that can be useful. The brace might look good to someone making a cheap suit but it's not good at all. Cleanup luck jewels are still far superior and they're 15 years old.

    If you absolutely need the resists then that just echoes the cause that crafting should be increased. 
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    edited January 2020
    i think its very good for what it is and pairs nicely with ring of compassion for a cookie cutter, easy to make pvm caster suit.

    i like the new crafted arties alot, strong, have their place, but not too strong.

    is it a scholars halo?  no, but its also not the price of one and for a different type of suit (luck suit)

    the resists are nice because thats usually the hard part to get in crafted luck suits.

    i think if it had anything more like hci or casting it would be too strong (not meant to be a high end piece)
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited January 2020
    Urge said:
    I understand what he's saying. It's not uncommon to see 190 looted luck enhanced armor with unreal stats and resists. I've seen several entire luck suits made with all legendary loot. 

    The brace is pure garbage. Compassion eye isn't that hot either but at least it has some stats that can be useful. The brace might look good to someone making a cheap suit but it's not good at all. Cleanup luck jewels are still far superior and they're 15 years old.

    If you absolutely need the resists then that just echoes the cause that crafting should be increased. 
    The brace is pure garbage.
    My argument is, that with Legendary drops raising resists is the easiest thing to do.

    Therefore, the Bracelet of Primal Consumption with its Resists at 20% holds no utility when, chances are, that with Legendaries one has ALREADY gotten high Luck AND high resists not even counting the Jewelry at all....

    What else does this bracelet have ? A mere 6% Eater modifier..... 

    So, what good is it for what, if I may ask ?

    Not for its Resistances which one has already increased with other Legendary parts, not so much for its Luck since, as you mention, it is not uncommon to get 190 looted Luck enhanced armor with high stats and resists, and neither for its 6% too little Eater modifier....

    So, why bother with this craftable if, going with Legendary drops, can get one to achieve much better results for the entire suit, overall ?

    That is my argument, on the current status of crafting....

    Crafting, simply, as I see it, IS NOT COMPETITIVE with Legendary drops. Not a chance.

    And that is why I dearly hope that 2020 will bring some BIG Love to Crafting in Ultima Online.
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