Some questions after playing a bit of UO

DexxahDexxah Posts: 24
1.  The Luck buff from the 10th Anniversary Sculpture does not show in the buff window. Is there a plan to fix this by Devs?

2. Guildstone. Anyone know the price for it on Europa? Have not seen any on the Vendor search. But I guess some one wants to sell for the right price.

3. How to tell what status a VvV city has? Cant see if the status is Virtue of Vice.

4. When is myUO going to work?

5. Does UOAM work on Windows 10 with UO CC? Because UOAM does not connect to UpdateServer.

6. Does UOC work on Windows 10 with UO CC? Because I can not see any maps. Only black.



  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Luck shows on the character status bar, including the luck boost from the sculpture when it is in effect.

    Guildstones are no longer used and only a few still exist, mostly fiercely held onto by the guild named on them. Occasionally one finds its way into a rares sale if a house falls with a stone inside it. Current guild information can be found here:

    Cities do not have 'vice' or 'virtue' status. More information on the VvV system can be found here:

    MyUO was discontinued after a crashing issue was identified. Recent changes to data protection laws may also be a factor.

    UOAM and UOC are both 3rd party programs, they are not supported by Broadsword, therefore I have no input on that problem.

  • DexxahDexxah Posts: 24
    Thank you for the answers.

    If there are no Vice/Virtue-city status then what is the point with giving the sigil to either Vice or Virtue NPC?

    The Luck buff does not show in the Buff window as in the screenshot here:

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    The item was created for the 10th anniversary, it is now just past the 21st anniversary. The luck bonus has always been shown on the character status bar. 

    I would guess it is not scheduled for a 'fix' because it is not, currently, considered to be broken.
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