Endless Journey post on UO Facebook Page

Not sure why this isn't posted here first unless I missed it but here you all go! Lot's of answered questions here you all have been putting opinions in on. 

*Tips his hat back and takes another sip of his Good Old Moonglow Red*

Endless Journey

Coming Spring 2018

For over 20 years Ultima Online has given thousands the ability to live in a world born of mystic arts and ancient sorcery. Endless Journey will allow players past and present to return to Britannia and rekindle the magic of the most venerable MMO of all time!

What is Endless Journey?

Ultima Online: Endless Journey is a way for players to experience the core features of Ultima Online without a paid subscription.

Who is eligible for Endless Journey?

New accounts and previously paid veteran accounts that have been closed for
at least 120 days are eligible for Endless Journey.

What do I get with Endless Journey?

Endless Journey accounts receive complimentary access to all Ultima Online expansions through Stygian Abyss. Other expansions can be purchased and applied to an Endless Journey account. Endless Journey accounts have
access to Ultima Online’s core features and can enjoy exploring Britannia,
training character skills, making friendships that will last a lifetime,
and much more!

What types of gameplay can I experience on an Endless Journey account?

Endless Journey accounts can access Quests, Community Collections, The Virtue System (except Justice), City Loyalty (except elections), Bulk Order Deeds (except bribing), Cleanup Britannia, Zoo Donations, The Void Pool and much more! Most importantly, Endless Journey accounts can be a part of the community that has allowed Ultima Online to endure for more than two decades!

What does Endless Journey cost?

Endless Journey accounts are free to access.

If I’m playing an Endless Journey account can I upgrade to a veteran account at any time?

Yes! You may upgrade your Endless Journey account to a full veteran subscription at any time.

Can and Endless Journey access the Ultima Store?

Yes! The Ultima Store can be used to purchase a variety of helpful and
vanity items for use in game with sovereigns purchased from the Origin

What are the restrictions on building my character’s skills and stats?

None. Characters on an Endless Journey account are eligible for up to the total skill points their character is eligible for based on age and follow the same stat restrictions of a veteran account. Endless Journey accounts may use Scrolls of Alacrity, Power, Stat, and Transcendence.

Can I use a character transfer with an Endless Journey account?

Yes, character transfer tokens can be used to transfer to all shards where character transfers are eligible. Endless Journey accounts may not character copy or access TC1.

What kind of access to storage does an Endless Journey account have?

Endless Journey accounts have access to a standard player backpack.

What happens to my bank if I am a veteran account and decide to close my account?

Nothing. Your bank will remain waiting for you until you decide to re-subscribe.

Housing & Vendors
Can Endless Journey accounts own a house?

Endless Journey accounts may not place, own, be traded, or co-own a house and may only enter public housing. Endless Journey accounts can be friended to
a house for access to wall safes.

Are there other housing related restrictions to Endless Journey?

Endless Journey accounts cannot access mailboxes, locked down or secure containers, drop stackable items onto a locked down stack, or place auction safes. Endless Journey accounts cannot safe logout in housing and must use a city inn or tavern.

Can Endless Journey accounts access Vendor Search and interact with player vendors and auction safes?

Yes, Endless Journey accounts can access Vendor Search and freely purchase items from vendors and auction safes, however may not place regular and rental vendors, or auction safes.

Can Endless Journey accounts collect IDOC loot?

Endless Journey accounts are not able to pickup IDOC loot until a 30 minute cooldown period has passed.

Can Endless Journey accounts access chat?

Yes, Endless Journey accounts have access to General Chat and Global Direct Messaging.

Dungeons, Combat, and PvP
Can Endless Journey accounts participate in Champ Spawns?

Endless Journey can use Valor to start champion spawns and acquire valor while doing spawns but may not receive rewards or scrolls from Champions.

Can Endless Journey accounts participate in Vice vs Virtue and Player vs Player combat?

Yes, Endless Journey accounts may join guilds to participate in VvV, however are not eligible to create their own guild. While in VvVEndless Journey accounts do not gain town occupation points . Endless Journey accounts may freely participate in PvP however may not use or gain the Justice Virtue and cannot protect or be
protected by another player via the Justice Virtue.

Expansions, Boosters, and Theme Packs
Can Endless Journey accounts access dungeons, the Stygian Abyss, and the Valley of Eodon?

Endless Journey accounts have full access to all Trammel and Felucca dungeons, The Second Age, and the Stygian Abyss. Endless Journey accounts may access the Valley of Eodon if they have purchased the Time of Legends expansion.

Are there restrictions on accessing expansions, boosters, and theme packs?

Endless Journey accounts include access to all content up to Mondain’s Legacy and Stygian Abyss. Access to High Seas, The Gothic & Rustic Theme Packs, The King’s Collection, and Time of Legends is available if purchased.

Are Endless Journey accounts eligible for veteran, promotional, holiday and Event Moderator rewards?

Endless Journey accounts may not claim veteran rewards and will not gain time towards veteran status, however they may use otherwise claimed and obtained veteran rewards. Endless Journey accounts may not claim promotional, holiday, or Event Moderator rewards and cannot attack Event Moderator creatures.

Can an Endless Journey account harvest resources from the world?

Endless Journey accounts may only harvest basic resources such as iron ore and regular lumber and are not eligible for double resource bonuses in Felucca. Endless Journey accounts may use pack animals to assist in their harvesting efforts and can receive Mondain’s Legacy resource rewards. Endless Journey accounts cannot use commodity deeds.

Can an Endless Journey account use the Pet Summoning Ball, Bracelet of Binding, and Bag or Chest of Sending?

Endless Journey accounts may use the Pet Summoning Ball and Bracelet of Binding, but may not use the Bag or Chest of Sending.

Can Endless Journey accounts board and place ships?

Endless Journey accounts may board regular and if purchased, High Seas ships. Endless Journey accounts may not place a ship.

All features are in active development and are subject to change prior to final release.

Lord Nabin
High Council Sage
Ancient Conclave of Wisdom

ICQ 248-636-691
Discord Lord Nabin#5433


  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited March 2018

    What are the restrictions on building my character’s skills and stats?

    None. Characters on an Endless Journey account are eligible for up to the total skill points their character is eligible for based on age and follow the same stat restrictions of a veteran account....

    I'm so confused here. Are there still age restrictions on skill cap? Wasn't that removed a couple years ago? (I remember the brouhaha). Doesn't everyone have 720 skill cap now, regardless of account age?

    Edit: HAHA! I'm not insane. (Well.....)

    Publish 82

    June 24, 2013

    Bug Fixes

    720.0 is now the default total skill cap for all players.

    So, what is all this stuff about "total skill points eligible for based on age"?

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    Thanks for the info!  I passed it along.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    From what we know the Facebook site is NOT operated by Broadsword. So I better wait for some official word on that. There is a lot of hearsay already, so something official from the team would definitely help.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • DJAdDJAd Posts: 290
    JollyJade said:
    From what we know the Facebook site is NOT operated by Broadsword. So I better wait for some official word on that. There is a lot of hearsay already, so something official from the team would definitely help.
    I'm pretty sure the "proper" UO page is (https://www.facebook.com/UltimaOnline)

    There are lots of other fan pages and such but as far as I know that one is official.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    JollyJade said:
    From what we know the Facebook site is NOT operated by Broadsword. So I better wait for some official word on that. There is a lot of hearsay already, so something official from the team would definitely help.
    As you were previously informed the official UO facebook is maintained by a person contracted to Broadsword.
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