Problem bug with Pet summon ball.

MissEMissE Posts: 782
edited December 2019 in Bugs
Putting this here as well as in main forum so that people know it can happen.

Just lost a fully scrolled 5 slot fire beetle.

Was doing a shrine battle with Assassin and Reptile spawn. 

Fire beetle took off into the throng and so I clicked on the pet ball to drag it back to me. Unfortunately the pet ball was still tagged to my triton in the stable which I didn't realise until after clicking it and a triton appeared. 

Instead of getting the message 'you have too many followers to summon that pet'  it actually pulled the triton out the stable.   So for a short period I had two 5 slot pets out.   I recalled to re-stable the triton immediately but of course follower slots then showed 0.  No fire beetle in stable, no fire beetle out of stable.

Logged and relogged as you do, but still no fire beetle.  Recalled to spawn saw dead fire beetle, no ghost. 

The pet ball should NOT have summoned a pet out when the follower slots were not available.  Just another stupid bug to be aware of and another very expensive pet lost due to game bugs. 

Not happy.

Cheers MissE

For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum


  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    TYVM for the warning
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited August 2020
    With the information you have provided, there is no evidence that the pet ball was the cause of the issue which affected you like the title of this thread suggests (in a presumably 1 time event) 
    There is nothing written here to suggest that you claiming a “second” pet from the stables would not have produced a same result as summoning a pet using a pet ball.

    you said “for a short period of time I had two 5 slot pets out”. I guess we’re skipping that you somehow managed to retrieve your firebeetle when it took off?? From your account of what happened, may I suggest that perhaps when your fire beetle “took off into the throng” it went wild, or perhaps even it was never bonded in the first place and died since you saw the corpse - I somehow managed to make a dread spider 5 slot and scrolled and a friend pointed out to me it wasn’t bonded when I was showing him. 

    I would also like to add that when a pet is away from its master and has multiple targets attacking it, this increases the likeliness of it going wild, at 120 taming/lore I have witnessed a pet go wild this way.

    then you simply summoned a new pet with the pet ball. 

    Maybe you have more information that would suggest otherwise, if so please provide.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited August 2020
    Mervyn said:
    With the information you have provided, there is no evidence that the pet ball was the cause of the issue which affected you like the title of this thread suggests (in a presumably 1 time event) 
    There is nothing written here to suggest that you claiming a “second” pet from the stables would not have produced a same result as summoning a pet using a pet ball.

    you said “for a short period of time I had two 5 slot pets out”. I guess we’re skipping that you somehow managed to retrieve your firebeetle when it took off?? From your account of what happened, may I suggest that perhaps when your fire beetle “took off into the throng” it went wild, or perhaps even it was never bonded in the first place and died since you saw the corpse - I somehow managed to make a dread spider 5 slot and scrolled and a friend pointed out to me it wasn’t bonded when I was showing him. 

    I would also like to add that when a pet is away from its master and has multiple targets attacking it, this increases the likeliness of it going wild, at 120 taming/lore I have witnessed a pet go wild this way.

    then you simply summoned a new pet with the pet ball. 

    Maybe you have more information that would suggest otherwise, if so please provide.

    What absolute ROT you speak. 

    The fire beetle was bonded it was my first pet and I had had it for well over a year in fact since the beginning of the pet revamp.  A fully scrolled 120 pet.

    When I said it took off I could still see it. It was not unbonded, it was not wild.  I wasn't giving it commands. I only Clicked the ball to bring it to me so it wouldn't run into the pack of spawn which was further away and the beetle hadn't actually got into yet.

    The SECOND I clicked the ball Triton appeared.  For about 10 seconds or more I watched the fire beetle keep heading into the spawn and the Triton standing next to me.  I was in discord at the time and said to my mate "this is NOT good, the damn ball just summoned the Triton and the beetle is out".

    Never happened before and probably will never happen again, it was in all likelihood just a one time glitch but I posted the warning so others check their summon balls before using just in case.

    What you are implying is that I am in some way lying about it.  Do you not think it very odd that the SECOND I clicked the summon ball and called the Triton out of stable was the EXACT same second my fire beetle went wild and unbonded after I had had it for well over a year?  Seriously... the very, very , very second I clicked that ball summoning the triton was the very, very, very second the fire beetle decided it had had enough and wanted to unbond ????? Think about that for like 5 seconds what are the odds that those two things (clicking a summon ball and a pet unbonding) happened in the space of second after years of gameplay.  What crap is all I can say.

    But Yeah Mervyn you were there so know all about it. 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    I beleive her, Ive' had it happen to me to have more than 5 total pet slots with the ball of summoning , it could be caused if a pet turn blue after not giving it order maybe the game doesnt register you are still controlling a pet at that point, I cant test right now but I will tomorrow, sorry for your loss I dont think the devs can recover your lost pet if it poofed ... sadly the pet system isnt flawless in this game , many flagging pet bugs in pvp , pets poofing etc
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    I beleive her, Ive' had it happen to me to have more than 5 total pet slots with the ball of summoning , it could be caused if a pet turn blue after not giving it order maybe the game doesnt register you are still controlling a pet at that point, I cant test right now but I will tomorrow, sorry for your loss I dont think the devs can recover your lost pet if it poofed ... sadly the pet system isnt flawless in this game , many flagging pet bugs in pvp , pets poofing etc
    Thanks, I didn't post expecting anything could be done just to warn players using balls to double check the correct pet is on before clicking to avoid the same thing happening. After 18 odd yrs of playing it has never happened before and hopefully never again, but I am very mindful now of the potential problem so always dble check the summon ball now before leaving the house. 

    Unlike a pet unbonding you can't just 'retame' it, the fire beetle just 'poofed' after a few seconds never to be seen again. Even though I recalled and stabled the triton asap (the beetle was still there when i recalled) it didn't recall with me nor was still at the spawn when i got back, not that i expected it to be. I knew it was not gonna be a good outcome the second I saw that triton appear.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited August 2020
    I’m not saying you’re lying at all. Why would you think I was implying that?
    What I am proposing is that the beetle went wild sometime BEFORE you clicked the summoning ball (without you realising), you said you could see it, I think (but I’ll have to check) that even when a pet goes wild nowadays it remains blue/green for a while to the former owner

    the fact that it didn’t recall with you also suggests it went wild.

    but now you’re saying the beetle just proofed? I thought you said you saw its corpse. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited August 2020
    Just go back and READ what I said and then go back and read what YOU said.  Then you will see why I assume you mean I am lying.

    I never said I saw it's corpse, I didn't.  had only just dismounted it when it took off after the spawn a ways off. I hadn't given it any command just clicked the ball to bring it back.  I play the EC when a pet goes wild  you get a message in your journal, there was no message, nor any reason for it to unbond as it hadn't even been given any instruction. Maybe it poofed when I recalled, who knows?

    All I know is that the we spawned the stuff on the alters, I dismounted, the beetle started to run off, I clicked the petball to pull it back and a triton appeared next to me.  I said 'oh s*&^ that is NOT good, looked up to see the fire beetle still heading after the spawn, hit my recall button to try and get one of em stabled and the triton came with me the beetle didn't.

    Never saw it again as it was gone.  Maybe it poofed the second i recalled, may of poofed just prior to me recalling as by then it had been a few seconds since it and the triton were both out and it was still running off towards the spawn.  I didn't 'see' it poof, as by then it was in the spawn so was hard to see but there is no way it would of died that quick, that was one tough as nails beetle, would normally last in that spawn at least 3-4 mins before red lining. 

    Anyways, you imply what I said didn't happen and it must of been wild, it wasn't.  You then said "you said “for a short period of time I had two 5 slot pets out”. I guess we’re skipping that you somehow managed to retrieve your firebeetle when it took off??"

    Yes I had two pets out, the fire beetle that I had just dismounted and a triton that was summoned by pet ball, I never said i retrieved the beetle, it was on screen only running after spawn all I did was hit my hotkey to recall to stable hoping that I could get one of em in the stable before the game realised it was glitched.

    You managed to assume a whole lot of stuff not said. 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    MissE said:
    Putting this here as well as in main forum so that people know it can happen.

    Just lost a fully scrolled 5 slot fire beetle.

    Was doing a shrine battle with Assassin and Reptile spawn. 

    Fire beetle took off into the throng and so I clicked on the pet ball to drag it back to me. Unfortunately the pet ball was still tagged to my triton in the stable which I didn't realise until after clicking it and a triton appeared. 

    Instead of getting the message 'you have too many followers to summon that pet'  it actually pulled the triton out the stable.   So for a short period I had two 5 slot pets out.   I recalled to re-stable the triton immediately but of course follower slots then showed 0.  No fire beetle in stable, no fire beetle out of stable.

    Logged and relogged as you do, but still no fire beetle.  Recalled to spawn saw dead fire beetle, no ghost. 

    The pet ball should NOT have summoned a pet out when the follower slots were not available.  Just another stupid bug to be aware of and another very expensive pet lost due to game bugs. 

    Not happy.

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    MissE said:
     Recalled to spawn saw dead fire beetle, no ghost.  

    Miss, you're for some reason taking my suggested explanation of the event as a personal attack. People's memories of events are notoriously bad. This was December 2019. 

    you're helpfully providing more information now:
    "had only just dismounted it when it took off after the spawn a ways off. I hadn't given it any command" 
    again this suggests the pet went wild, as you hadn't given it any commands. Pets become happy when they accept commands. 

    "by then it was in the spawn so was hard to see but there is no way it would of died that quick"
    we've already established that the pet died as you saw its corpse so i'm not really sure what you mean. 

    You've said you play the EC, thank you for providing additional information, 
    you said "when a pet goes wild  you get a message in your journal, there was no message" thank you for this additional information. 

    Like i said there's no evidence to suggest the pet ball was the cause of the issue here, however i will perform some mass testing. 

    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    I have to add also, your account of your behaviour does seem a little....unusual.

    Maybe you do things differently, but most tamers, when their pet goes after a bit of spawn and they want to retrieve it, would hit the "all follow me" macro, but you're adamant you didn't give any commands and went straight to clicking a pet ball with your mouse - rather than pressing the "all follow me" key...

    Could you tell me if you were using pincos ui or default ui?
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited August 2020
    Mervyn said:
    I have to add also, your account of your behaviour does seem a little....unusual.

    Maybe you do things differently, but most tamers, when their pet goes after a bit of spawn and they want to retrieve it, would hit the "all follow me" macro, but you're adamant you didn't give any commands and went straight to clicking a pet ball with your mouse - rather than pressing the "all follow me" key...

    Could you tell me if you were using pincos ui or default ui?

    Depends on what you call 'unusual'.  After doing about 50 or more of those shrine spawns (enough that I have about 30 tabbards and 20+ cloaks experience shows that the easiest way to get your pet back after it takes off is NOT to spam commands at it which for some reason since the new pet revamp results in the pet either ignoring you or continuously targeting spawn or worse going wild I have learnt to just move a few tiles back summon it with the ball (where the summon ball actually works), mount and move back a bit. Works well you should try it.   If the ball doesn't work which in a lot of areas this is the case then the only commands I now give are 'all stop' and 'all follow me' and 50% of the time that will work other times not. I actually have 6 tamers across multiple shards and play them at least 50% of the time. 

    The pet did NOT go wild.  There was NO message to that effect in the jnl.  I have had pets go wild and I get a 'red' message above the pet saying it no longer considers you it's master and there is a comment in jnl.  You also fail to explain just how 'coincidental' it was that if by your account it went 'wild' (which it didn't)  it just so happened within a SECOND of the triton appearing after being summoned on the pet ball.  Those two events are related.

    I use default EC.

    But Just forget it ok. You obviously know all that happened and will not just accept my account as told. 

    For other readers, just check  your pet balls before summoning. 


    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited August 2020
    Okay for the third time.
    there is no “coincidence” involved in my suggestion.

    what I am suggesting is, the pet went wild, and ran away from you. You then used your pet summoning ball to try and retrieve it because you didn’t see it went wild, possibly after “all follow me” didn’t work (because it was wild) and the pet summoning ball summoned a pet because you had 0 followers - because the fire beetle went wild. 

    (I am still trying to summon a second pet with a pet ball, have tried summoning while casting, while going through servers, while mounting/dismounting. But I am still performing tests.)

    if I’m able to reproduce a problem with the balls then that’s great, can get it fixed.

    Other readers do not need to “check their pet balls before summoning”

    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,788
    I have actually had a similiar experience recently.
    my blue beetle was completely surrounded and was taking lot of damage.
    I hit the pet summoning ball and my fire beetle appeared.
    After it appeared, I got the usualy message about can't summon pet...
    but the fire beetle stayed and the blue beetle got stabled.

    I was in Discord with guild mates and i started freaking out when it happened.
    I immediately recalled away and stabled my fire beetle.
    And my blue beetle was in the stable, heavily damaged.
    I fed it and healed it.
    And then put the fire beetles pet ball in the bank.
    I didn't want it to happen again.

    (I didn't notice the name on the pet ball, because I can't always read the writing on stuff.)

    because every time I have to switch to a different char, I have to go in and check this box.
    And having to click this every time I switch, which is often, is getting old.

    No, I don't remember what day this happened, but it was a few weeks ago.
    And one of the reasons I didn't report it before now, is unless someone sees it for themselves, they won't believe it. But it does happen...

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208

    After it appeared, I got the usualy message about can't summon pet...
    but the fire beetle stayed and the blue beetle got stabled.

    The blue beetle automatically dissapeared when the fire beetle appeared and later you found it in the stables? or you had control of both pets and walked to the stables and stabled one?
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,489
    While I can't offer any insight to the pet ball problem, I do have a different solution to the pet in a throng situation, when it's a mount.  I pre-cast invis, run next to the pet and drop the invis on myself, then mount the pet. You can then run out of the throng with the pet.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,788
    Mervyn said:

    After it appeared, I got the usualy message about can't summon pet...
    but the fire beetle stayed and the blue beetle got stabled.

    The blue beetle automatically dissapeared when the fire beetle appeared and later you found it in the stables? or you had control of both pets and walked to the stables and stabled one?
    it was maybe 3 seconds after the fire beetle appeared, that the blue one was stabled.
    it was very odd but I got the message like you do when you lose connection & it stables your pet.

    i believe mine more has to do with line of sight. it was the uneven ground area. A friend had died somewhere in the area of terathon keep and I was trying to look for him. He wasn't giving good directions about where he was at. Both me and my pet were quickly surrounded where I was at. And it wouldn't come when I was calling it, so i tried the pet ball. And the fire beetle appeared and after a few seconds the beetle stabled, with the message about it being unable to join you. (it was there long enough for me to say aloud in discord that i summoned my fire beetle instead of bring my beetle to my side)

    I was scared when i saw that. Even though I got the message that it was stabled. I quickly recalled out and stabled my fire beetle. And sure enough, my giant beetle was listed.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,788
    I have actually clicked on the pet ball since then, just to see if it would happen again.
    And it hasn't since then.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Ok so now three reports of same thing happening.  @quickblade ; @Cinderella you were lucky  your blue beetle auto stabled, my 120 fire beetle just disappeared forever.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited August 2020
    @quickblade was yours also a fire beetle? or blue beetle?
    Could you tell us more about what happened to you.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    edited August 2020
    Well Ive had two scenario where I had more than 5 total pet slots, but I imagine, the last pet summoned ( from pet ball obviously ) is the one you truly control, the other one is just there , but not under your control, still tamed tho, what happen is if that non controlled pet dies, it will not appears as ghost but rather will poof completly , the game doesnt register it as under your control anymore at that point.

    But it can be reproduced easily , just summon your pet ball, and say claim list real quick before the pet get summoned, and claim any pet from your stable, youll then have more than 5 pets slot , but one of them wont be controlled so I dont suggest doing that cause that pet can easily be lost , if you recall to another sub server for exemple or if that pet dies, I'm just sharing this so no one loose any pet accidently dy doing that
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited August 2020

    I'm testing on Test Centre with firebeetles etc so can experiment without loss.
    You can get 2 pets the way you say by claiming,

    But..The game actually managed the situation quite well. You receive a system message that reads
    "You have too many followers to control that creature" which is true, it just follows you (you remain in control of one pet)
    You cannot ride the following pet, and the following pet will not follow you through gates, nor will it recall with you, i tried to log out and in to get the pet into a dungeon however it did not appear next to me, however when i returned to the stables from whence i had claimed it, it was knocking about there still.
    I killed the following pet and the following pet still had a ghost (did not poof)
    The ghost also would not recall with me when i recalled to another server, the ghost again would not be by my side when i relogged. The ghost again remained knocking about the area that i killed it when i returned.
    after stabling the pet i could control, first set my followers to 0/5 however after i returned to the following pet and ressed it, the follower count returned to 5/5 and i was able to control and ride the following pet.

    I had done this trick before with summoning a pet and claimed one from the stables. However I've so far been unable summon a second pet in the field. Nor been able to reproduce a pet poofing. I've tried recreating laggy conditions by tunneling a vpn from UK>Australia>to TC1, it's quite laggy.

    (I didn't notice the name on the pet ball, because I can't always read the writing on stuff.)

    because every time I have to switch to a different char, I have to go in and check this box.
    And having to click this every time I switch, which is often, is getting old.

    (This issue was resolved in PMs)
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    edited August 2020
    Well the second scenario where I had more than 5 total pet slots was a bit more intense. I had a video of it at some point 'I'd need to dig it out , but what hapenned is I was recalling to switch pet from a boat to luna stable, I said stall and stabled my nightmare and claimed my white wyrm I did it so quick that when I recalled back on the key of the boat I beleive both pets recalled with me and I was like wtf why do I have both my mare and white wyrm with me, I didnt even use summoning pet ball at all. Would be hard to reproduce this one tho as my memory is too vague on this one

    @Mervyn Also in your test have you tried to kill the non controlled pet , while you are in another sub server? Because thats what hapenned to MissE, she recalled to another sub server , while the pet died at the shrine battle , that might be why there was no ghost created.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited August 2020
    Good point, I didn't but tried that now a few times. Ghost remained.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited August 2020
    Well Ive had two scenario where I had more than 5 total pet slots, but I imagine, the last pet summoned ( from pet ball obviously ) is the one you truly control, the other one is just there , but not under your control, still tamed tho, what happen is if that non controlled pet dies, it will not appears as ghost but rather will poof completly , the game doesnt register it as under your control anymore at that point.

    But it can be reproduced easily , just summon your pet ball, and say claim list real quick before the pet get summoned, and claim any pet from your stable, youll then have more than 5 pets slot , but one of them wont be controlled so I dont suggest doing that cause that pet can easily be lost , if you recall to another sub server for exemple or if that pet dies, I'm just sharing this so no one loose any pet accidently dy doing that
    @quickblade sorry just to clarify, have you at any point summoned a second pet with the pet ball without doing the claim trick? and did you perma lose one of them?
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

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