Ship runes

How would I bring back my ship runes?
I have my orc ship in my backpack, but when I place it onto the sea, I don't believe the ship's runes appear for me to use..neither in the bank nor in my backpack..



  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915

    If you have a mage handy he can create a new rune for you.  Otherwise you can go to a harbor master and request a new rune.

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    Ship runes are created once, when the ship is placed from a deed. Unlike the older ship keys, these do not disappear when the ship is dry docked and can be placed into a rune book.
    As TimSt has said, additional runes can be created by casting the mark spell while on the ship, or by requesting one from the harbor master.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    if you recently placed an orc ship and dry docked it without putting a rune in your runebook or Runic atlas... then that rune will be blank... And you have to remark the rune. 

    (Not sure exactly when this started... but with all the HIgh Seas stuff of this year... this happens to every orc ship rune. )

  • yengahyengah Posts: 35
    Thanks everyone!  :)  Very helpful!
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    I keep my ship rune in my book.
    even after drydocking it, the rune will stay in the book. it sometimes changes name - but I know which it is (is the first rune in my book)
    after replacing the ship, the rune is usable again for recalling to my ship.

    handy feature.

  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915

    Putting your ship run in a rune book or atlas is a good idea for several reasons.
    It does not take up a separate storage slot in your backpack.
    You do not need to insure the rune because rune books and atlases are blessed
    You don't loose the rune while crafting rune books and atlas due to a bug that considers ship runes as unmarked and uses them during the crafting process.

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