How much time we have for Jolly Roger content ?
I have been unable to even do 1 single Shrine Battle....
All my in game time goes into Krampus as I want to get the 3 Whips Recipes (none so far).
Unfortunately, on slow population shards it takes a lot of time to spawn and kill a Krampus so, I am expecting it to take weeks and weeks of being tied up hunting Krampus before I can get the 3 Recipes...
Furthermore, the Holidays usually mean for me less time to play since most of the free time goes into family stuff.... anyways....
How much time will the Jolly Roger content run for ?
I am asking, because I wonder if I will be able to do some Shrines' Battles at some point, after I finally get the 3 Whips' Recipes from Krampus....
Has it been indicated for how long the Jolly Roger content will be going on ?
All my in game time goes into Krampus as I want to get the 3 Whips Recipes (none so far).
Unfortunately, on slow population shards it takes a lot of time to spawn and kill a Krampus so, I am expecting it to take weeks and weeks of being tied up hunting Krampus before I can get the 3 Recipes...
Furthermore, the Holidays usually mean for me less time to play since most of the free time goes into family stuff.... anyways....
How much time will the Jolly Roger content run for ?
I am asking, because I wonder if I will be able to do some Shrines' Battles at some point, after I finally get the 3 Whips' Recipes from Krampus....
Has it been indicated for how long the Jolly Roger content will be going on ?
What I am saying is something else..... that is, that on Low Population Shards to spawn and kill Krampus takes longer then, say, it does on Atlantic ....
Since the spawn of Krampus depends on the number of Trade Orders delivered, it goes without saying that, the more players deliver Trade Orders, the faster Krampus spawns. Of course the same is with killing it.
Since most players seem to prefer Shrine Battles to spawning Krampus, "particularly" on Low Population shards the number of players doing trade orders and collaborating to kill Krampus is particularly limited.
Therefore, Krampus spawns are particularly scarce throughout the day on low Population Shards.
On top of that, I have particular shifts whereas, my free time to be able to play hardly happens at prime playing time. Which it means, that when I am online, usually fewer players are online not being prime time.... and further fewer, for being it a low population Shard.
Which it means, considering the low drop chance for Whips Recipes, that, for a player who wanted to get all 3, it could take considerable time and many many Krampus spawns before they can get all 3.
All I know is, that since the Worldwide Release I have focused on Krampus in all of my playing time and, so far, got no Whips' Recipe at all. So, I wonder, how long will it take before I can collect all 3 ? A month? More ?
So, I wonder, how much time we will be given with Jolly Roger content because, besides Krampus, I would like to "also" do the other content like the Shrines' Battles....
Will the Jolly Roger content run long enough for players to be able to enjoy and collect Rewards from ALL segments of it ?
Anyone knows for how long it is supposed to keep going ?
Now I can play more relaxed knowing that I will have plenty of time, later on, to still enjoy the Shrines' Battles after I will be done collecting the 3 Whips' Recipes from Krampus.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Are you saying that the Krampus Event will not last long enough for a player to be able to collect all 3 Whips' Recipes ?
Why, for how long is the Krampus Event supposed to get going ? @Kyronix , could you please kindly let us know how much time we have to play the Krampus Event and try to get these damn 3 Whips' Recipes ?
In regards to Krampus, I will stick onto it until I get those 3 Whips' Recipes... will post a picture of them 3 when I eventually get them <span>