KRAMPUS rewards : Can someone please help me understand their drop chances ?

According to the Publish Notes 
Based on player feedback new Krampus rewards are weighted as a higher chance than old Krampus rewards
As of now, I completed moreless 15 Krampus hunts (little short of 2,000 Luck worn...) and gotten nothing on a couple, about 10 Titles of 3 different types, 2 Purses and, only at the 15th Krampus, a Recipe BUT, mind you, it is one of the old ones, for a Minions' Hat.

No, zero, nada Whips' Recipe which, according to the Patch notes, should have a higher chance to drop.

What Gives ?

What am I doing wrong ?

We all know how it takes time to spawn Krampus, especially on a lowly Populated Shard and when there is concurrently the competition of the Shrines Battles....

Shrines' Battles are less annoying for many players as they are easier to trigger, less time consuming and probably they also consider the Shrines' Battles as more fun compared to all the walking and sailing that it takes to spawn and kill a Krampus.

Not to mention the Loot Table of Krampus which is quite disappointing.... extremely little chance at a Legendary, no Gargoyle items that I could find in 15 Krampus so far, and even the gold is very limited...

Bottom line is, that many prefer to do the Shrines' Battles rather then work up Trade Orders to spawn and fight Krampus....

So, the end result is, that in low Population Shards it is extremely time consuming and difficult to get a Krampus spawn.

Now, if the Whips' Recipes, even though the patch notes say that they should spawn more likely, have such a low chance to spawn, I wonder how a crafter can ever dream to get one....

The few that dropped, go on Vendor Search for 100 millions on average.... most crafters likely cannot afford to purchase them.

So, I wonder, @Kyronix , @Bleak , is this as you "intended" it to work or is something not working well and needs to be looked at ?

Personally, I find it extemely disappointing that, in 15 Krampus hunts which took me a week to be able to do, given the low Population Shard that I play on and the difficulty to find players interested in doing the Krampus Trade runs over the Shrines' Battles, I collected a whole bunch of Titles which I have no use for other then for 1 for my character, just a couple of Purses, and only 1 Recipe but, mind you, of the old type, not of the Whips which I am looking for....

At least, I would like to know if this is my fault and I am doing something wrong that determines my difficulty in getting a Whips' Recipe, or whether it is working as a Charm because this is how you intended it be....

- Is the 1,950 Luck that I am wearing not enough ? Do I need to raise it to get a Whips Recipe ?

- Do I need to accumulate a large number of Trade Orders (several more then 3) in order to increase my chances at a Whips' Recipe ?

- Do I need to do considerably more damage to Krampus to increase my chances at a Whips' Recipe (as of now, my shared Loot Corpse gets about 2,000-3,000 gold and like in between of 15 to 20+ items, not sure how this fares with competing damagers on Krampus...) ?

Or is there nothing that I can do over what I am currently doing and I can only blame the RNG ?

But if this last one is the case, I know that the RNG goes on "streaks", but considering how long it takes to work Trade Orders to spawn a Krampus, especially on a low populated Shard, and that my 15 Krampus took place over the span of a week, I cannot possibly blame the RNG for not getting a Whips' Recipe, it is not possible that, at various times of the day, on various days of the week, after multiple maintainances, I ALWAYS get a RNG that gives something else BUT a Whips' Recipe.

Please, let us know whether this is working as you intended it to work OR, something is not working well in regards to the chances to get a Whips' Recipe as a drop.

Lastly, since I got 10 Titles over 15 Krampus, can we please get to know what the chances are to get a Title deed as a drop compared to the chances to get a Whips Recipe to drop ?

Thank you SO much.


  • psychopsycho Posts: 370

    1: Please accept that some things are rare.
    2: if you have done 3 trade quests it increases the chance for a drop
    3: Dont write so long posts cause its a pain and people wont bother to read/reply to it.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited December 2019
    psycho said:

    1: Please accept that some things are rare.
    2: if you have done 3 trade quests it increases the chance for a drop
    3: Dont write so long posts cause its a pain and people wont bother to read/reply to it.

    The problem is, that the Publish Notes, as I indicated and quoted in the OP, state that the NEW Krampus Rewards (and the Whips' Recipes ARE a "new" Krampus Reward) have been given a HIGHER chance to drop as the "older" Krampus Rewards.

    Based on player feedback new Krampus rewards are weighted as a higher chance than old Krampus rewards
    What does it mean, in the English language, " ARE WEIGHTED AS A HIGHER CHANCE " ?

    To my understanding (please correct me if I understood it as wrong...) that, RATHER then getting an OLD Krampus Reward, a player participating to a Krampus hunt, and with at least 3 Orders Delivered (which I always had but in 2 cases), they should get a NEW Krampus Reward (the Whips' Recipes ARE a New Krampus Reward...).

    Now, the Titles' Deeds are an OLD Krampus Reward from Publish 103 (

    HOW COME, therefore, that over 15 Krampus that I could do over the span of a Week, I get 10 Title Deeds AND 1 Minions' Hat Recipe, all OLD Krampus Rewards which I should much LESS likely get, and get ZERO, none, nada Whips' Recipes which is a NEW Krampus Reward and which, according to the 107 Publish Notes, I should instead have a HIGHER likeliness to get ?

    It looks to me, with my experience over 15 Krampus Hunts so far, that something IS NOT working as intended in regards to the Whips' Recipes drops, at least if what the Publish Notes say, which I quoted and Linked in my OP, is true.

    @Kyronix , @Bleak , could we PLEASE kindly get to know something from you about this and have you look at this issue of the scarcity of Whips' Recipes drops, a NEW Krampus Reward, PLEASE?

    Thank you SO much.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541

    there are some things that just should be enjoyed and taken as they are. if you wanna know percentages and drops and all the other things you so crave, go make your own world - then you'll know everything.

    otherwise... just.... stop.

    Popps... enjoy the discovery. let everyone else enjoy the discovery. 
  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
    I explained in your other post about this exact same issue, only the new drops from inside the Coin Purse are weighted higher than the old drops -- meaning if you get a coin purse, you have a better chance to get a Broken Wristwatch, Rude Ranger's Tunic, Naughty Elf Gloves, or Krampus Star. This does not mean you still cannot get the old items, you just have a higher chance to get the newer items from the Coin Purse.

    The other new drops (i.e. the Whip Recipes) are not weighted higher (confirmed by Kyronix in one of the threads in the Test Center forum). 

    The Whip Recipes also appear to be a much lower drop rate than the other drops, making them rare drops.

    To further explain what weighted means, try to think of it as a set of scales. If old drops and new drops are weighted the same, the scales are even. If something is weighted higher, the scales tip in favor of the heavier weighted item (in this case, newer items from inside the coin purse are weighted higher).

    Exact weight ratios, and drop percentages are unknown and unlikely to be given by the developers.
    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • Living with RNG and rare things means nothing else than we are all equal - but some are more equal than others ;)

    A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier

    (Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Kirthag said:

    there are some things that just should be enjoyed and taken as they are. if you wanna know percentages and drops and all the other things you so crave, go make your own world - then you'll know everything.

    otherwise... just.... stop.

    Popps... enjoy the discovery. let everyone else enjoy the discovery. 
    This is NOT about a discovery, it is about something NOT working as intended, at least to my understanding....

    When the Publish notes CLEARLY says that NEW Krampus Rewards have a higher chance to spawn versus older Krampus Rewards and YET, out of 15 Krampus Rewards I get 11 that are OLD Krampus Rewards, that is, OVER 2/3rds of the Krampus Encounters I was able to do over a week, I am sorry, but I can only conclude that something is not going as it was intended....

    Hence, my suggestion that the Developers should look into this and make it work as it was intended which it is, according to the Publish notes, with the NEW Krampus Rewards, not the old ones, having a HIGHER chance to spawn.....
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited December 2019
    Khyro said:
    I explained in your other post about this exact same issue, only the new drops from inside the Coin Purse are weighted higher than the old drops -- meaning if you get a coin purse, you have a better chance to get a Broken Wristwatch, Rude Ranger's Tunic, Naughty Elf Gloves, or Krampus Star. This does not mean you still cannot get the old items, you just have a higher chance to get the newer items from the Coin Purse.

    The other new drops (i.e. the Whip Recipes) are not weighted higher (confirmed by Kyronix in one of the threads in the Test Center forum). 

    The Whip Recipes also appear to be a much lower drop rate than the other drops, making them rare drops.

    To further explain what weighted means, try to think of it as a set of scales. If old drops and new drops are weighted the same, the scales are even. If something is weighted higher, the scales tip in favor of the heavier weighted item (in this case, newer items from inside the coin purse are weighted higher).

    Exact weight ratios, and drop percentages are unknown and unlikely to be given by the developers.
    Well, I was not aware of what you say and, honestly, then I need to disagree with that since the Whips' Recipes DO ARE new Krampus Rewards....

    Recipes are a NEEDED item for a Crafter's Profession.

    And Crafters, do not make such huge gold in Ultima Online, at least nowadays...

    Actually, in the past Years since Legendaries have been dropping left and right, Crafters have HARDLY a way to make a living in Ultima Online with their Profession....

    So, if Recipes are forced to be an almost impossible drop (on Vendor Search they usually are found, the Whips ones from Krampus, for 100 millions a piece....), may I ask how on earth is a Crafter who needs them for their Profession supposed to get them ?

    Buying them for those prices is out of question, unless one has a crafter that is a "mule" but makes money doing the Roof and other High End "fighting" encounters and then can sell Cameos at 150+ millions a piece if not more.....

    So, is this what Crafting has been cornered to be ?

    Mainly "Mules" used by Fighting "Mains" to support their occasional needs for whatever crafting needs be done ?

    I am sorry, but that I can remember, Crafting in Ultima Online was NOT like this....

    Crafters were a Profession on their own, MAINs to be actually played by characters and that "Fighters" went to in order to support their Crafting needs, and paying Crafters for their much wanted services thus helping them also to make a living in Ultima Online...

    By the way, is this the Post from @Kyronix that you talk about ?

    If that is the one, he says in it that : "Should of made it clear - the weighting applies to the Krampus Coin Purse."

    He does not say that the Whips' Recipes, a NEW Krampus Reward, have been made a "particularly" Rare drop....

    He actually says nothing, if "that" is the Post you are referring to, about the new Whips' Recipes and how they are weighted in comparison to all other drops, that is, the Title Deeds and the Old Minions' Recipes.

    If all of those drops (that is, the titles deeds, the old Minions' Recipes and the new Whips' Recipes) have all an equal chance to spawn, that still does not explain why, out of 15 Krampus I did, I got 10 Titles' Deeds and 1 Old Minions' Recipe. No, nada, zero New Whips' Recipe....

    The problem that I lament remains in full, to my opinion.

    Spawning (and killing) Krampus on low Population Shards takes forever, especially with the competition of the Shrine Battles which, at least to my viewing, seems to be preferred by most players as what to do when in-game...

    If Whips' Recipes have been made such an impossible drop, then this means that on low Population Shards, due to the difficulty to spawn Krampus and to find fellow players to then kill it, that these Whips' Recipes will be hardly seen and used, and likely not by Crafters' "Mains" who likely do not have the 100M or so needed to purchase them, each, on Vendor Search....

    Unless, of course, a Crafter "Main" gets unusually lucky and gets a drop but, after I did 15 Krampus over a week span and saw none, I doubt is something likely to happen....
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    Crafters have many ways of making gold...
    you can turn in BODs to get powder of fort, keg for powder of fort, clothing bless deeds, the natural dyes, runics… etc
    scribes can make gate, mark & recall scrolls. These have always been a good seller.

    there will always be people who need those kind of items, that can actually get themselves but prefer to buy them. Saves them time when they don't have much time in game.

    Since the new vendors have come out, I am amazed at some of the items that have been selling lately... because I don't have to worry about vendor fees, I can now put that stuff out

    About your titles
    you can always put them on a vendor.
    what you think is worthless, can and would be treasure to someone else...
  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
    popps said:
    Well, I was not aware of what you say and, honestly, then I need to disagree with that since the Whips' Recipes DO ARE new Krampus Rewards....
    No one is disputing that the whip recipes are new rewards, they just aren't weighted to have a higher drop chance.

    By the way, is this the Post from @ Kyronix that you talk about ?

    If that is the one, he says in it that : "Should of made it clear - the weighting applies to the Krampus Coin Purse."

    He does not say that the Whips' Recipes, a NEW Krampus Reward, have been made a "particularly" Rare drop....

    Yes, that is the post I am referring to. You are also unfortunately making assumptions on things based on how you want them to work.

    Yes, he does not say the whip recipes are a rare drop. He does also not say that they are an equal drop. The only thing he says is that the items in the coin purse are weighted higher.

    Drops in UO have different drop %, they always have. For example, if you do Medusa, you don't expect a Slither each kill. In fact I have never seen a Slither from Medusa, and I have killed her countless times. 

    The determination that the whip recipes are in fact a rare drop, is done through extensive testing by people on live servers.

    I can tell you that my guild has killed Krampus around 100 times total this year, and we have received 6 whip recipes total, so yes, it is a rare drop.

    I have also seen people do a single Krampus kill and get a Whip Recipe their first drop.

    RNG is RNG is RNG unfortunately.

    I understand your frustration and the fact that you want the Whip Recipes, but UO has always had rare "chase" items. If everyone got everything they wanted after a few kills, everyone would stop doing the content after a day or two and then complain they have gotten everything and now they have nothing to do.
    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Crafters have many ways of making gold...
    you can turn in BODs to get powder of fort, keg for powder of fort, clothing bless deeds, the natural dyes, runics… etc
    scribes can make gate, mark & recall scrolls. These have always been a good seller.

    there will always be people who need those kind of items, that can actually get themselves but prefer to buy them. Saves them time when they don't have much time in game.

    Since the new vendors have come out, I am amazed at some of the items that have been selling lately... because I don't have to worry about vendor fees, I can now put that stuff out

    About your titles
    you can always put them on a vendor.
    what you think is worthless, can and would be treasure to someone else...
    There is gold and gold....

    Sure, Crafters can make some "little" gold nowadays, but to be able to purchase Recipes which they need in order to be able to carry on their Profession that cost 100M each ?

    Selling powder/kegs of fortification, clothing bless deeds, natural dyes, runics or gate, mark and recall scrolls do not raise the kind of money which would be needed to purchase crafting recipes.....
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Khyro said:
    popps said:
    Well, I was not aware of what you say and, honestly, then I need to disagree with that since the Whips' Recipes DO ARE new Krampus Rewards....
    No one is disputing that the whip recipes are new rewards, they just aren't weighted to have a higher drop chance.

    By the way, is this the Post from @ Kyronix that you talk about ?

    If that is the one, he says in it that : "Should of made it clear - the weighting applies to the Krampus Coin Purse."

    He does not say that the Whips' Recipes, a NEW Krampus Reward, have been made a "particularly" Rare drop....

    Yes, that is the post I am referring to. You are also unfortunately making assumptions on things based on how you want them to work.

    Yes, he does not say the whip recipes are a rare drop. He does also not say that they are an equal drop. The only thing he says is that the items in the coin purse are weighted higher.

    Drops in UO have different drop %, they always have. For example, if you do Medusa, you don't expect a Slither each kill. In fact I have never seen a Slither from Medusa, and I have killed her countless times. 

    The determination that the whip recipes are in fact a rare drop, is done through extensive testing by people on live servers.

    I can tell you that my guild has killed Krampus around 100 times total this year, and we have received 6 whip recipes total, so yes, it is a rare drop.

    I have also seen people do a single Krampus kill and get a Whip Recipe their first drop.

    RNG is RNG is RNG unfortunately.

    I understand your frustration and the fact that you want the Whip Recipes, but UO has always had rare "chase" items. If everyone got everything they wanted after a few kills, everyone would stop doing the content after a day or two and then complain they have gotten everything and now they have nothing to do.
    I understand your frustration and the fact that you want the Whip Recipes, but UO has always had rare "chase" items. If everyone got everything they wanted after a few kills, everyone would stop doing the content after a day or two and then complain they have gotten everything and now they have nothing to do.
    The problem is, that Crafting Recipes are not ordinary items like any others....

    They are not like an EM "rare" deco item or some rare Artifact Armor or Weapon item which some player might want to get as a drop to further boost their character and be more powerfull....

    For a Crafter, a Crafting Recipe is "vital", without it, they simply cannot carry on their Profession.

    It is already a curse for a Crafter that Crafting Recipes are forced to be obtained through fighting since a Crafter is no fighter.... but when they are also made so rare, their price goes through the roof and they become unreachable by a Crafter who cannot afford purchasing them.....

    Can anyone dispute that the wealthiest category in Ultima Online is Fighting characters, certainly NOT Crafters ?

    And why is that if I may ask ?

    Because it is Fighting which brings the best and most valuable items, INCLUDING Crafting Recipes which are made too much "rare"....

    Everything is so much focused and centered around fighting that Crafters are totally left out of it.

    A Crafter who does not have a Fighter is basically out of any possible chances to get expensive Crafting Recipes....

    And if a Crafter has a Fighting character then what happens ?

    That chances are, that the Fighting character becomes the "Main" and the Crafting character is relegated to become a "Mule", a subsidiary character only used in support of the Fighting character....

    The Ultima Online that I remember was not like this.....

    In the early Years, Crafting WAS meaningfull and important and players had Crafters as their MAIN playing characters and Fighters would come to them to ask for their Crafting services and pay for those services....

    Personally, I MUCH preferred that old Ultima Online where each Role was important on its own, and Crafting was important and respected as an activity and a Profession in Ultima Online.

    Then, something changed, at some point, and Crafting was abandoned by the Developers and everything because focused on Fighting to the point that Crafting Resources needed high end Fighting (Peerless or the Abyss for imbuing) and even Crafting Recipes could not be gotten unless one had a High End Fighter who was able to compete with experienced Fighters for looting rights....

    I am sorry, but, at least to my opinion, that is so wrong towards Crafting....

    I would like to see Crafting get back to what it was in the early Years of Ultima Online, when it was meaningfull, important, a Fighting character would "seek" Crafters for their important and much needed services....

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    @popps Like I said in the other thread that was on this same topic.

    I have crafters I have killers.  I highly doubt I will get all three recipes and even thou I am On a ship in the Ocean right now for a week, I will still do more Krampus encounters than you do.  I will be glad that I get 1 whip recipe.  I have all 3 type warriors.

    Also unlike you, I would know how to make useful whips.

    If UO were fair, the more advanced crafters should get whips and the ones like yourself should get hats and shoes.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ParnocParnoc Posts: 236
    My Mama used to say, "Son, a watching pot never boils".
    Try to remember that Popps, stuff comes/drops when you least expect it, remember?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Parnoc said:
    My Mama used to say, "Son, a watching pot never boils".
    Try to remember that Popps, stuff comes/drops when you least expect it, remember?
    Sure, that's the RNG but nonetheless, if the chances to drop of a given item are set as extremely low, that least expected moment for that drop to happen could still take a looooooooooooooooong time.....

    My argument, is that we are talking here not about some EM rare drop item, but of Recipes which are fundamental and totally necessary for a Crafter to be able to carry on their Profession....

    To my opinion, Crafting needed items should NOT come from fighting but in other ways.

    Quests, puzzles, occasional findings doing non-combat activities etc. etc.

    I find it contradictory that a non-fighting Profession as Crafting is, might then be forced to have to fight in order to obtain so much needed items for their Crafting Profession.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    (i had some real snarky stuff here, but changed my mind cos is just.... *sigh* not worth it)

    Dude, is an RNG thing 100% regardless of you being on Atlantic (high pop) or Napa (low pop). The RNG is the Real Nonfulfillment God and no amount of blathering hullaballoo from you on this or any other forum will change that fact. 

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Kirthag said:
    (i had some real snarky stuff here, but changed my mind cos is just.... *sigh* not worth it)

    Dude, is an RNG thing 100% regardless of you being on Atlantic (high pop) or Napa (low pop). The RNG is the Real Nonfulfillment God and no amount of blathering hullaballoo from you on this or any other forum will change that fact. 

    Sure, it does is a 100% RNG thing to get a Whips' Recipe drop regardless of whether one is doing Krampus on the Atlantic shard or on a low population shard....

    No doubt about it.

    What makes the difference, though, is the fact that in the same time frame, (say 1 hour playing time ?), on Atlantic one can spawn and kill way more Krampus as compared on a lowly populated other Shard.... This, because of the higher number of players that there are on Atlantic as compared to other, lowly populated Shards....

    And not only that, on Atlantic, there is pretty much players across the entire day, playing.... sure, at prime time there is a lot more but if anyone is playing off-prime time hours, while on Atlantic they "can" find fellow players to spawn a Krampus (although most players seem more interested in the Shrine Battles....), on a Low Population Shard "good luck" to find anyone else interested in Delivering Trade Orders and to join helping to Kill a Krampus at off-prime playing hours....

    All of this, results in a RNG questioned way more times on Atlantic as compared to lowly populated Shards and, the more the RNG gets triggered, the higher the chances to get a Whips' Recipe to drop.....
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    Much more then 7 people doing runs wont help, yes you get more Krampus to fight but you dont have the guaranteed drop after 3 runs. Seven to eight people are the sweet spot where you can dish out a Krampus about every 30 mins or so.
    On the "low" population shard Poops play Ive filled a set of the recipes traded for the third one and got two by myself, the person I traded with also got a full set after our trade.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Chrille said:
    Much more then 7 people doing runs wont help, yes you get more Krampus to fight but you dont have the guaranteed drop after 3 runs. Seven to eight people are the sweet spot where you can dish out a Krampus about every 30 mins or so.
    On the "low" population shard Poops play Ive filled a set of the recipes traded for the third one and got two by myself, the person I traded with also got a full set after our trade.
    On the "low" population shard Poops play Ive filled a set of the recipes traded for the third one and got two by myself, the person I traded with also got a full set after our trade.
    May I ask, overall, how many Krampus you had to go through in order to get so many Whips' Recipes ? I seem to understand that you got 9 Whips' Recipes (WOW) ?

    That is, 3 sets of all 3 Whips' Recipes in each set ?
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782

    Look pops, I play on the smallest shard, we do ONE Krampus day, a group of 3 of us.   I have each of the whips,  stars, tunics, gloves, cards, branches, snowballs, broken watches, titles out the wazoo,  at least 4 of each hat and boot recipes. One garg recipe, only used my garg once. My mate has about 5-6 whip recipes +the rest  

    Occasionally we may do more than one run but that is less than 10% of the time as it is BORING AS HELL running trade routes to spawn the thing.  And yes we multiclient it, I use three accounts, so does my mate and the other person generally just brings one.  Mainly as there is no one else on during the day to run them.   As long as  you can cast an ev or RC or are a tamer it is a simple task.  The most onerous bit is running the darn routes to get it to spawn in the first place.  Not hard just boring.  We have got to the point where we just run between Minoc and Vesper and back again, cancelling all other destinations, although sometimes we do a brit run, but mostly NOT.

    Just get on and do it.  The time you have spent here complaining about it you could of got em by now.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited December 2019
    MissE said:

    Look pops, I play on the smallest shard, we do ONE Krampus day, a group of 3 of us.   I have each of the whips,  stars, tunics, gloves, cards, branches, snowballs, broken watches, titles out the wazoo,  at least 4 of each hat and boot recipes. One garg recipe, only used my garg once. My mate has about 5-6 whip recipes +the rest  

    Occasionally we may do more than one run but that is less than 10% of the time as it is BORING AS HELL running trade routes to spawn the thing.  And yes we multiclient it, I use three accounts, so does my mate and the other person generally just brings one.  Mainly as there is no one else on during the day to run them.   As long as  you can cast an ev or RC or are a tamer it is a simple task.  The most onerous bit is running the darn routes to get it to spawn in the first place.  Not hard just boring.  We have got to the point where we just run between Minoc and Vesper and back again, cancelling all other destinations, although sometimes we do a brit run, but mostly NOT.

    Just get on and do it.  The time you have spent here complaining about it you could of got em by now.

    Wow, I am impressed by you Luck.....

    Publish 107 was released on December 3rd, Worldwide.

    Today is the 17th so, it is 14 days that the Krampus content has been available.
    Assuming that you have been able to do it once a day for 13 days, times 3, since you say you use 3 accounts per 1 daily hunt, this means 39 Rewards in between all 3 Accounts and over 13 days.

    Now, you mention 4 each of the boots and hats recipes, that makes 8.
    Then you say that you have received each of the whips,  stars, tunics, gloves, cards, branches, snowballs, broken watches, titles out the wazoo....

    There is Dirty Snowballs, Golden and Silver Branches, The Punishing List, 7 Cards, 5 different hues Stars, The Rude Ranger's Tunic, The Naughty Elf's Gloves, the Broken Wristwatch, 3 Titles (Nice, Naughty and Punisher), and, of course, the 3 Whips' Recipes.

    That comes a total of 26 different Rewards as possible drops from Krampus.

    Since you do not mention how many Titles you got (you just say that you got many of them..."out the wazoo"....) it is hard to figure out those 39 Rewards you got, assuming that you have been able to do 1 Krampus every single day of these 13 days that the 107 Publish has been active Worldwide, times 3 accounts, that is, I am amazed how the RNG was so nice to you to grant you with pretty much all Krampus Rewards without too many doubles...

    I mean, with a total of 39 drops you were able to get all 26 available rewards ?

    Wow, that is RNG luck.

    I have so far done 15 Krampus, with only 1 character so, less then half yours, and got mostly just titles (10), only 1 Hat Recipe, 1 Star, and 3 duds with no drop.... No Whips' Recipes here.

    The RNG seems to love you more then me, oh well....

    By the way, considering all of the side Minion spawn when Krampus spawns, I wonder how you can handle 3 different characters at the same time without ending them up killed because of the Minions which spawn all over, not to mention Krampus which moves around and hits bad....

    What type of 3 Templates are you using to Multi-Client Krampus if I can ask ?

    Lastly, at least with Last Year's Krampus Event it looks like you had something you were not happy with.... you could complain last Year with Krampus but I cannot this Year ?
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited December 2019

    As I said sometimes we have done more than one on a day , about 4 days have done 2.  Each char gets a guaranteed drop as we all do a minimum of 3 trade routes.  I have eaten about 3-4 titles.  Already had all of last yrs rewards but they are NOT shown above.   Sold most of them now anyways. 

    If you are gonna multiclient a lot as we have to on our smalls shard than chars that have hide/stealth or who can invis when not in 'use' is a must. All my chars have those things in some form, hide is your best friend.  'Protection' is  your fiend as well.  None of my chars play without it. You do get nailed more as can only work one character at a time but you only need to get rights, not like you have to do much more than that. I also only use chars with spellweaving on em to do Krampus, that way if you do go down you have gift of life to get back into it and word of death will pretty much guarantee you rights with a full focus.  I never use a Melee char for Krampus.

    Just a tip the more you 'run around' the more minons  you get on you.  If you  get minions get invised instantly don't 'run'.  We won't play with ppl that run around any more as they are a headache :).   Another tip have at least 2 tamers with AOE pets and if you do get minions on you and you have to run (not recommended) run TO Krampus not away from him and invis so  the pets take the minion agro.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • DasilvaDasilva Posts: 98
    edited December 2019
    I have been back in UO for about 10 months now, I have gotten to know you via these forums, and quite honestly you play the squeaky wheel, you are disruptive,antagonistic towards the community and the devs and are always trying to annoy, you find the most outlandish topics to complain about and you are always trying ot get things changed in a way that will benefit you personally rather than the community. in most games this is considered a troll and banned on the forums, but apparently UO allows your behaviour on these and other forums to continue....why I don't know, 
    RNG is RNG you either get the drop or you don't, if you want the drop that bad then get on ATL get on your CRAFTER and do some trade runs, if your crafter doesn't have the capability of using magery which I highly doubt considering you can easily soulstone magery off one character and put it on another. then put forth a little effort and buy the recipes for 100 mil which im SURE you can easily afford.

    Definition: An "Internet troll" or "Forum Troll" is a person who posts messages to bait people to answer. Trolls often delight in sowing discord on the forums. A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is purposely provoking and pulling people into flaming discussion.
  • DasilvaDasilva Posts: 98
    edited December 2019
    and BTW i have gotten two whip recipes on Napa Valley - takes me 6 hours to spawn Krampus and 1 recipe on ATL - takes about 45 minutes to spawn a Krampus

    with 0 luck

  • To summarize:

    Get off the Boards...

    Do three trade runs, in between YOUR trips to do Krampus.  That increases your chances.

    Kill a lot of Krampus's, and you might get a drop.  

    Don't waste time killing all the raiders you encounter during the trade run, just run on by.

    Don't use gates,etc.

    None of which can be accomplished in here :p

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