Are we ever going to get fully stocked NPC vendors?

Ezekiel_ZaneEzekiel_Zane Posts: 326
edited December 2019 in General Discussions
It's beyond annoying and ridiculously time consuming to buy resources from NPC vendors starting out at 20 each and having to run them up to 999.

NPC vendors need an update.  Stock everything at 5000 and put overweight resources into commodity deeds.

Much thanks.
  1. Update NPC vendors and eliminate the need to run them up.13 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No


  • Ezekiel_ZaneEzekiel_Zane Posts: 326
    edited December 2019

    Just FYI

    It's taken me four hours so far to buy 20k blank scrolls and I'm still only up to 17k.
  • I can't think of a single reason to not update this
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    If they do this, the prices will increase each time you buy them out. Just FYI.
  • Ezekiel_ZaneEzekiel_Zane Posts: 326
    edited December 2019
    Marge said:
    If they do this, the prices will increase each time you buy them out. Just FYI.

    That's how the current system works for some items.  It doesn't have to be that way.  For the most part though there's enough NPCs that if they were stocked at 5000 you just spread your purchases across a few of them.  After a couple cycles of nobody purchasing the price goes back down.  Or, they just make a system where the prices are static.  Either way would be better than what it's like now.  It took me about eight hours to buy 60k blank scrolls yesterday.  Talk about stupid waste of time.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    Why do we need 500 bags of flour but 20 scrolls is the starting max.

    No one can carry 500 bags of flour.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • I'm fine with the fact you have to shop around. 

    Likewise I still wander the forests for regents. 

    It's all part of the RP playstyle. 
    Lord Nabin
    High Council Sage
    Ancient Conclave of Wisdom

    ICQ 248-636-691
    Discord Lord Nabin#5433
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Marge said:
    If they do this, the prices will increase each time you buy them out. Just FYI.
    It may have been Mesanna that implemented this idea, not sure, but it's been a failure since day 1. The original idea was Player A would go and buy things they needed, and the price would go up after each purchase of 20x2, and then Player B would come along and sell those items that he/she acquired through gameplay which "in theory" would lower the price back down. It never freaking happened. Go to any shard and check the prices of arrows, the really rich went from shard to shard, all facets and bought them all up to a level that normal players can't afford. Look at the ridiculous price of saltpeter on any shard (except Siege, where it's still a failure because the NPC at the sea market doesn't spawn the way it should and it still takes all day to acquire a large amount).It won't be fixed.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    So I read this, and after wondering why anyone would need to amass 60k scrolls at once my curiosity was aroused. Just how many scrolls could one gather at 20 per vendor if one visited them all?  I haven't included all Fel, But here's the total for Tram rulesets (yes I know that shows me to be somewhat 'sad'.) Note: Not all mapmakers sell scrolls, where they are listed, I confirmed the scrolls in their inventory
    Brit West
    The First Library, Scribe x 2 - 40
    The Oaken Oar, Mapmaker x 1 - 20
    The Saw Horse, Real Estate broker x 1 - 20
    Britain Public Library, Scribe x 2 - 40
    Sorcerer's Delight, Mage x 2 - 40 
    Total 160
    Brit East
    Incantations & Enchantments, Mage x 2 - 40
    Sage Advice, Scribe x 2 - 40 
    Total 240 (480 inc Fel)
    Bucc's Den
    Violente Woodworks, Real Estate broker x 1 - 20
    Pirate's Provisioner, Mapmaker x 1 - 20
    Total 280 (560 inc Fel)
    Mage x 2 - 40
    Total 320 
    Sailor's Keep, Mapmaker x 2 - 40
    From Tree to Yew, Real Estate broker x 2 - 40
    Jhelom Mage, Mage x 2 - 40
    Total 440
    Magery School, mage x 6 - 120
    Necromancy School, Necromancer x 2, Spirit Speak x 1 - 60
    Total 620
    Hardwoods & More, Real Estate broker x 1 - 20
    Sage's Refruge, Mage x 2 - 40
    Total 680
    The Oak Throne, Real Estate broker x 1 - 20
    Minoc Town Hall, Real Estate Broker x 1 - 20
    Total 720
    Aegis Reagent Shop, Mage x 3 - 60
    The Mage's Seat, Real Estate Broker x 1 - 20
    Lyceum, Scribe x 8 - 160
    Encyclopedia Magica, Mage x 3 - 60
    Illusionist's Guild, Mage x 1 - 20
    Sorcerer's Guild, Mage x 3 - 60
    Total 1100
    Tricks of the Trade, Mage x 2 - 40
    The Carpentry House, Real Estate Broker x 2 - 40
    Pier 39, Mapmaker x 1 - 20
    Total 1200
    Royal City 
    Mage sho,p mage x 1, Mystic x 2 - 60
    Library, Scribe x 1 - 20
    Mysterious Magics, Mystic x 1 - 20
    Total 1300
    Serpent's Hold
    Serpent's Spells, Mage x 1 - 20
    Total 1320
    Skara Brae
    Builder's Delight, Real Estate Broker x 2 - 40
    Mages' Menagerie, Mage x 2 - 40
    Skara Brae Town Hall, Real Estate Broker x 2 - 40
    Superior Ships, Mapmaker x 2 - 40
    Total 1480
    Encyclopedia Magika, Mage x 1 - 20
    Total 1500
    Warped Woodworks, Real Estate Broker x 1 - 20
    Necromancer Amphitheater, Necromancer x 3 - 60
    Total 1580
    The Circles of Magic, Mage x 2 - 40
    The Magestic Boat, Mapmaker x 1 - 20
    The Magician's Friend, Mage x 2 - 40
    The Hammer & Nail, Real Estate Broker x 2 - 40
    Total 1720
    Bloody Thumb Woodworks, Real Estate Broker x 1 - 20
    Total 1740
    Sasara Magical Supplies, Mage x 2 - 40
    Rokuon Cultural Center Mapmaker x 2, scribe x 3 - 100

    Total 1840

    Felucca only
    Ocllo Public Library, Scribe x 4 - 80
    Sorcerer's Guild, Mage x 3, Cashul x 3 - 120
    Total 200
  • Blank scrolls can also make by yourself with GM Lumberjack and an a Cook, Lumber a tree - there will be enough bark fragments, than cook it to wood pulp. 1 woold pulp will give you than 5 blank scrolls with your scribe...much more easier than run around and spending money ;) 

    A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier

    (Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)

  • psychopsycho Posts: 370
    I always wondered the opposite.  Why do vendors respawn with 500each?  Boards, Ingots etc
    Its a MMO, youre supposed to trade with other players.

    lucky there are colored ingots and boards, otherwise everyone would just buy from the NPCs.

    The ones you have to work up from 20,40,80 etc have a reason, none would need 60k in anything. If you need 60k to train skill, you might be training too fast :D
  • The prices change after a player buys or sells 1k of the item. You can shop around for these best prices. I use a buy low/sell high thing to get some quick cash because the differences can be substantial.

    I like it for that reason and because it adds to the character of these town
    Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
    Governor of Moonglow

    Discord: txeggplant
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    psycho said:
    I always wondered the opposite.  Why do vendors respawn with 500each?  Boards, Ingots etc
    Its a MMO, youre supposed to trade with other players.

    lucky there are colored ingots and boards, otherwise everyone would just buy from the NPCs.

    The ones you have to work up from 20,40,80 etc have a reason, none would need 60k in anything. If you need 60k to train skill, you might be training too fast :D
    So you trade with other players for all of your material needs ? Really ?
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    The prices change after a player buys or sells 1k of the item. You can shop around for these best prices. I use a buy low/sell high thing to get some quick cash because the differences can be substantial.

    I like it for that reason and because it adds to the character of these town
    I"m seriously not knocking you if you really do that, but I'm pretty sure you're talking about buying off of player vendors and reselling, because no one is seriously buying 500 arrows from one city and reselling them in another for a 10% profit, are they ?
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    The prices change after a player buys or sells 1k of the item. You can shop around for these best prices. I use a buy low/sell high thing to get some quick cash because the differences can be substantial.

    I like it for that reason and because it adds to the character of these town
    I"m seriously not knocking you if you really do that, but I'm pretty sure you're talking about buying off of player vendors and reselling, because no one is seriously buying 500 arrows from one city and reselling them in another for a 10% profit, are they ?

    There are a lot of items that sell for a lot more than 10%.  You can find an NPC that buys apples or arrows for double the price you bought them.  Something that benefits NOOBs.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    I keep forgetting that there may actually be **gasp** new people with very little starting gold. I suppose that's a thing then..*shrug*
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
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