How to set up a battle chicken fight night?

KitiaraKitiara Posts: 63
edited November 2019 in General Discussions
Hi all,
Back in the day, I had great fun with battle chicken fight nights (i.e. the battle chicken lizards), and was thinking of resurrecting the event. I vaguely remember something being complicated about some players' chickens refusing to battle others', but I can't remember what the issue was... players in different guilds? Same guild? Fel vs Tram? Maybe it was whether players were friended to the house or not? 

Does anybody remember this?



  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Someone in fel could set up a house with a square fighting area with short walls and teleporter to enter and exit.  Then they teleport with the lizard inside, tell them to stay then teleport out.

    Start fighting on a countdown.

    We have an underground pet fighting area on LS in Fel with bleachers that a EM can take us to.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Thanks, Pawain! 
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    We are having a Battle Chicken Lizard tournament on Siege, on Sat 23rd of November at 3pm ET.

    We will be using the Occlo arena. This way there are no flagging issues to deal with, and no one can interfere with the battle once the 2 players and their chicken lizards have entered the arena. The arena is a non-VvV guardzone, and can be gated directly into and out of. The 2 players form a challenge like normal, enter the arena, and tell their pets to fight. They stand aside - no heals, masteries, etc - until one lizard is victorious. Then the players exit arena.

    Production shards could use the Trammel Khaldun Arena in the same way.
  • Thanks, Tanager!

    I'm so glad to see battle chickens making a comeback! :-D 
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