NPCs Dread Pirate "Corpse" BUG ?
We have been trying to get some Soulbinders filled up for the new Rewards (been away for over a month from active gameplay of the Event....) hunting NPCs Dread Pirates, but, aside from the issue of some players in the Group of 4 not getting at times (it looks as Random....) their Soulbinders filled, there looks to be a BUG with the NPC Dread Pirate loot....
Only the TOP damager gets to see items inside of the Corpse to be looted, all others in the party see this :

And even if we wait time, that image is what the top damager gets to see after the time has lapsed for the single players to loot "their" share of the corpse's loot....
Bottom line is, other then the top damager, noone else gets any items' loot....
Only the TOP damager gets to see items inside of the Corpse to be looted, all others in the party see this :

And even if we wait time, that image is what the top damager gets to see after the time has lapsed for the single players to loot "their" share of the corpse's loot....
Bottom line is, other then the top damager, noone else gets any items' loot....
What else could it be if not a bug ?
@Kyronix , We are losing quite a lot of Loot since that "Corpse" thing yields no items....
Would it be possible, please, to see it addressed ?
And this, due to this "corpse" BUG against which, the player has no recourse but hoping that the Developers will fix it.....
One thing I am not understanding, though.....
I am surely not the only player in Ultima Online hunting Dread Pirates in a group of several players, yet, am I the only one where all characters but 1 in the Hunting Group are met by this "Corpse" BUG upon opening the Dread Pirate's Corpse ?
I am asking it, because so far noone in this Thread has mentioned this BUG happening to them as well....
And if it happens to me, "why" is that ?
What is it that triggers this bag ?
We are a Group of 4 characters, partied up, all hitting the character and doing damage since, albeit herratically, from 2 to 4, depending on the Dread Pirate, more then 1 character gets the Soulbinder filled up.
Yet, only 1 character actually can see and pick the Loot. All of the others, even though they got Looting Rights, only get to see that "Corpse" image that I posted in the Original Post....
After one char has looted everything the other chars usually get the empty corpse with the corpse tag in it.
If you want more loot you have to break party before the pirate dies.
Not that in a Party all characters get their Soulbinders filled up, mind you, at least, not consistently....
Most of the time only 2 characters get their Soulbinders filled up, occasionally 3 and rarely 4 get their Soulbinders filled up .... still, breaking up Party before the Dread Party dies would take away any chance for ll other characters but the top damager to even "hope" to get their Soulbinders filled up....
It is really annoying and quite upsetting..... I really wished that this got fixed because, as of now, from Dread Pirates it is very little items' loot, the Soulbinders for most characters likely do not fill up, and even the Loot on the Dread PIrates' Ships looks to be underwhelming....
Leather Hides are only usually regular or spined, hardly horned and never ever barbed, Wood only regular, Oak, Ash and rarely Yew, never ever Heartwood, Bloodwood or Frostwood....
Refinements are also usually 3 or 4 and of the low kind like Defense or Protection, ingots are never ever any other type but iron and the "agricultural" stuff just takes up space but has no real value or practical use....
Bottom line is, if it was not for the Soulbinders that need to get filled, to my opinion, the Loot would not justify spending the time to Hunt Dread Pirates....
I think that the Loot Table for Dread Pirates and their Ships should definitively be revamped... and quite some....
To my memory, Dread Pirates used to produce way more items then 10ish.... and there still were Legendaries among them, if I remember it correctly, when they were more plentifull....
Now, they are only a handfull and most of them come cursed or antique which go to the unravelling bin straight....
The bottom line feeling is that Dread Pirates' Loot, both on their corpses as well as on their Ships, have been lowered and quite some....
As I said, to my opinion, considering the time it takes to kill them, if it was not for the chance to fill an average of a couple of Soulbinders per Dread Pirate kill, I think that it would not be worth the time and effort for the Loot they now give.... the time would be better spent on some other hunt, I guess....
Take a long time to kill? I have to wait to look in the chests because they die before I can loot the ingots and cargo.
The wife usually has the boat looted and her beetle loaded before it has killed the Dread Pirate.
I know that.... Popps is talking about 4 players. With my 3, I just take iron, sand, fish steaks, the unique bottle,Cargo.
If I loot the crates Pirate is at so low HP I don't have enough time to stop all the attacking and find the rope to capture him.
I get the occasional legendary loot item from a dread pirate. So they are worth looting if you are looking for legendaries.
Players should be taking advantage of these group activities. Many shards call out these in Gen Chat. Next are Trade runs, Shrine Battles and the Artisan festival. Find others and take advantage of playing UO at the best time of year!