Please fix the Idocs Timers

I am back doing Idocs and I need to ask @Mesanna, @Kyronix and @Bleak to really fix this broken timer. Idocs timers are supposed to be 5-10-15 hours , so they are supposed to be divided in 33.33%?. I am asking because I did at least 20 Idocs this past week and at least 14 of them went down after 15 hours of been idoc and at 2-3-4am is the new timer? Serious, this is not working for the regular person. Well over 80% of them are falling at 15 hour mark and around 2 to 4am ET.  No matter what shard. 


  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    I never knew they were supposed to be divided evenly between the 5, 10 and 15 hour drop, TY for the info.  By the way is there a dev note confirming this?
  • @Dixie this might have to do with you only recently returning to idocs. Me and my guild have been doing them on Siege for the past years and they seem to drop pretty evenly spread over the 5,10 and 15 hour mark. If anything, then the 5 h mark seems to happen a bit more often than the rest but I would guess that this is just a coincidence and I am also sure that we miss some idocs here and there, so hard to make claims about the whole picture.
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    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • LOL at Vic.

    They said they were gonna take a look at idocs this coming year...  Hopefully with different eyewear than they had when they looked at t-hunting...

  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited November 2019
    LOL at Vic.

    They said they were gonna take a look at idocs this coming year...  Hopefully with different eyewear than they had when they looked at t-hunting...

    Shhhhh, we not allowed to tell the t-maps update was rubbish. The mods will get very angry LOL.

    However, if they can piss of the IDOC scripters as good as us T-Hunters, that would be appreciated. 

    They made me quit t-hunting 100%. I believe they can do it to the scripters too :D

    j/k ofc. You all know who they will cater to.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • Dixie said:
    I am back doing Idocs and I need to ask @ Mesanna, @ Kyronix and @ Bleak to really fix this broken timer. Idocs timers are supposed to be 5-10-15 hours , so they are supposed to be divided in 33.33%?. I am asking because I did at least 20 Idocs this past week and at least 14 of them went down after 15 hours of been idoc and at 2-3-4am is the new timer? Serious, this is not working for the regular person. Well over 80% of them are falling at 15 hour mark and around 2 to 4am ET.  No matter what shard. 
    This system is working fine for the ones profiting from it.

    If you are a "regular person" without 10s of accounts, IDOCs are not meant for you. 
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023

    This system is working fine for the ones profiting from it.

    If you are a "regular person" without 10s of accounts, IDOCs are not meant for you. 
    @JollyJade I think I'm very much a "regular person" playing UO. I have two accounts. Not 10's.

     I think I may have been to 4 or 5 IDOC's thus far in 2019. Grant it, neither of the following examples is typical of my experiences with IDOC's. But for how seldom I do them I sure ain't complaining. And I'm super glad I went to them.

    The last IDOC I went to was a castle that fell that was jam packed with years of UO items. I've no clue any of the particulars regarding whose castle it was. I'd never before heard of the name that was on the sign. And never heard any in-game chat regarding the owner.

    It was a typical scene with the usual players that show up with their packhorses and the rest of us. I didn't have any pack animal. Just little old me standing at one corner of the castle where I hoped to snag a Skull Rug.

    I was shocked that I did in fact get the rug, and 5 or 6 little dirt piles not shown here. They'll be so much fun to use in a garden. And this was the rest of it...

    No super duper stuff like, oh I don't know, a small soul forge. Or whatever it is that's considered top shelf UO pixels. And not tons of resources. But I had fun while I was there. And I'm happy to have a skull rug, the little bucket of water, a couple rubble trees, flower pots, etc., that I didn't have before.

    The second to the last IDOC I did was...See the castle and tower on the map?...

    That's my tower. It sat next to a keep for years. For all those years I kept close watch on the keep's house sign. If it fell I wanted to see if I could place there. In all that time I never saw a soul come or go from it. Not once. Periodically I'd ask in chat if anyone knew anyone by that name. No one did.

    I knew it was likely it didn't have much of anything in it. Not that much shows up when you hit Ctrl Shift on a private home but usually, in a castle or keep, there'll be at least a few items that will show. Zero showed up here. And that's likely why those who seriously canvas the lands for IDOC's didn't pay much attention to this place.

    Long story made a little bit shorter. The keep went into decay. My husband and I watched the place like hawks. As the clock ran down I saw two characters that I'll usually see making rounds checking on house signs. Are they BOTS? Maybe. I can't say for sure. I know they don't answer if I talk to them.

    When the keep went IDOC and my husband and I started camping, we saw only one of those two people show up again and hide. Not a single other player showed themselves. Finally it fell in the wee hours. Not a single stick of furniture, or anything else, fell to the ground. The other player who was hidden called out immediately. I was wringing my hands thinking. oh geez, I wonder if he'll go get someone to try to place? The whole wait was nerve wracking waiting to see if anyone else would notice this sudden expanse of green and try placing as well. No one else showed up. My husband placed a keep.

    What we'd known all along was, if my tower was moved over a squidge, a castle would fit. So now, because we got lucky at an IDOC, many years after our last castle fell and we're more actively playing again we have another castle.

    No cheating. No pack animals. No 10's of accounts. IDOC's are for anyone who wants to spend a little or a lot of time on them. They're a part of the game. As much as possible should be done to thwart cheaters. But IDOC's shouldn't go away.

    IDOC.png 198.7K
    Map.png 121.2K
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