SOS "Drop" Locations ? What are these ??

I was at a Rune Library on a Shard and sw a couple of Rune Books, one for Trammel and another for Felucca, which were titled "SOS Drop Locations" and then had runes of specific coordinates where to drop an SOS.... of course, being recall runes they were all on costal land locations....

What are these locations for ?

That I know of, the SOS gives the location to sail to with one's own boat which is always at Sea....

Does anyone know what these Locations are then meant to be for ?



  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    You seriously can't figure that one out ? I haven't seen it, but I can assume its a land mark rune close to the water where you would recall to, put your ship in the water and sail to the SoS location.
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  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    You seriously can't figure that one out ? I haven't seen it, but I can assume its a land mark rune close to the water where you would recall to, put your ship in the water and sail to the SoS location.
    That is what I imagined but, since it is a Rune Book with 16 locations (for Trammel and 16 for Felucca), does that mean that the SOSes can have 16 location "tops" in total ?

    I would have imagined that the locations for SOSes were way more then 16 in total....
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    popps said:
    You seriously can't figure that one out ? I haven't seen it, but I can assume its a land mark rune close to the water where you would recall to, put your ship in the water and sail to the SoS location.
    That is what I imagined but, since it is a Rune Book with 16 locations (for Trammel and 16 for Felucca), does that mean that the SOSes can have 16 location "tops" in total ?

    I would have imagined that the locations for SOSes were way more then 16 in total....
    Come on popps... are you deliberately just being thick?

    They clearly created a runebook with 16 jumping off points to assist in getting closer to areas where sos can be fished up.  No, it doesn’t mean there are only 16 places, it just means that if they wanted to fish up an sos between Skara Brae and Shame that they wouldn’t start sailing from the Britain docks.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915

    SoS do tend to drop in certain areas. For example I get a lot of them between Skara Brae and Shame. Having a quick way to recall to the coast just makes it easier.

    Personally, I have a rune library for t-maps. I made a 10 degree by 10 degree grid of the world and can recall to any location that is 5 degrees from a treasure chest.  No trudging half way over the world to get to a chest. Made t-hunting go a lot quicker.

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