I can't find complete information on several ship & sailing topics

- What is the difference between Cannons?
- What do the different Ammo's do (Cannonballs & Grapeshot)?
- What is the "distance" and "angle" information on lining up the ships to fire on?


  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,294
    edited September 2019
    No difference in Cannons
    The normal cannon balls damage the ship only. fire and frost cannon balls damage the crew and ship
    Grapeshot damages the ship and crew 
    i don't know exact distances or angles, sorry.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Pie are square
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    You can attack from side or rear  just stay close and realize there is a delay so dont turn before the cannon fires.  Its easy to pick up.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Before High Seas 2.0 you had to be very particular about how you lined up your ship against dreads, but they were dumbed down so badly that you can roll up on them now and scuttle away, they don't even fire anymore...really bad change.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
     you can roll up on them now and scuttle away, they don't even fire anymore...really bad change.
    on TC, they did more damage to my ship, than I could do to them.
    I shoot two cannons at once and they were shooting all three cannons.
    They scuttled me quickly...
    I am glad they don't fire back now
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
     you can roll up on them now and scuttle away, they don't even fire anymore...really bad change.
    on TC, they did more damage to my ship, than I could do to them.
    I shoot two cannons at once and they were shooting all three cannons.
    They scuttled me quickly...
    I am glad they don't fire back now

      Yeah totally risk free ship battles is a great thing.  I mean why would you need any skill or be at risk of damage from a Dread Pirate Ship loaded down with cannons and a blood thirsty crew of orcs.  (Sarcasm BTW).   Making the Pirate ships not fire was a horrible change!   At least Garth and I can agree on one thing.  Must be  sign the end of the world is near. 
  • GraceGrace Posts: 149
    I agree with Cinderella as I too went to TC at the start of this and the pirate ships were firing back damaging the ship like crazy. Was determined and got a few down and limped to shore for repairs.

    Figured it was a bit much and they might tone the damage to the ship down a few notches.

    They went to the extreme of turning it off, which is understandable as this was an ongoing event 
    and they want people to participate.

    Maybe after the event the can give the pirate quest a different reward (that is permanent content) as incentive and make them shoot back again. 

    A fishing related reward be great, fishing nets, mib's, etc

  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
     The are a couple of proven tactics for taking out Pirate ships when they fired at you........ Without getting your ship shredded. A few of us have used to those tactics for years without getting our boats damaged much if at all.   Most of us would have been happy to teach folks that don't know how to effectively take out pirate ships while taking minimal damage. 

      The ONLY thing that needed changed in regard to pirate ships and their firing was the ones that continued to fire after the ship was scuttled and the crew killed.  But unlike the beacons continuing to fire there were tactics for finishing a pirate ship that continued to fire.

      So basically the "I can't be bothered to learn how to do it" crowd, and "I want everything EASY and handed to me! "  Won the day and got any shred of challenge removed from pirate ships.  It was bad enough that Merch ships would not fire back before the **FIX**

    ""Maybe after the event the can give the pirate quest a different reward (that is permanent content) as incentive and make them shoot back again.  A fishing related reward be great, fishing nets, mib's, etc ""

      Why in the world would a Pirate ship give a fishing reward?  From what I am hearing and seeing in game........ After the event 99% of the people leaving their boats parked all over the seas will never engage another pirate ship again when the event is over.  SO those of us that have, do and will spend a considerable amount of time on the water, will be left with the dumbed down  pirates that offer ZERO challenge.  Thanks to the participation trophy crowd that could not be bothered to learn simple tactics.    

  • GraceGrace Posts: 149
    As it is, I only ever see the same few people fighting pirates. I would have still fought them if they shot back. But I only surmised they turned off them firing cannons is because of the event. 

    Why not have fishing related rewards on the ship? Was just an idea. 

    What would be great is to have them fire back and have the high level tmaps in the hold like they were supposed to have.

    I fought several beacons that fired back, easy enough, just shoot cannon, back up, load cannon, sail in full speed and shoot, back up, reload, repeat.... Had to do repairs after, but didn't have to limp back to shore.  But lordy did people yell and scream about that! Imagine if they had to deal with pirates firing at them too!

    I found during the time the beacons were "broken" about 10% were close enough to the shore that they would fire back after the orcs dead and out of those 10% maybe 25% was so close that it did not drop the cargo.

    Well they are fixed now and I still only see the same few fighting them that were when they were broken.

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Tyrath said:
     The are a couple of proven tactics for taking out Pirate ships when they fired at you........ Without getting your ship shredded. A few of us have used to those tactics for years without getting our boats damaged much if at all.   Most of us would have been happy to teach folks that don't know how to effectively take out pirate ships while taking minimal damage. 

      The ONLY thing that needed changed in regard to pirate ships and their firing was the ones that continued to fire after the ship was scuttled and the crew killed.  But unlike the beacons continuing to fire there were tactics for finishing a pirate ship that continued to fire.

      So basically the "I can't be bothered to learn how to do it" crowd, and "I want everything EASY and handed to me! "  Won the day and got any shred of challenge removed from pirate ships.  It was bad enough that Merch ships would not fire back before the **FIX**

    ""Maybe after the event the can give the pirate quest a different reward (that is permanent content) as incentive and make them shoot back again.  A fishing related reward be great, fishing nets, mib's, etc ""

      Why in the world would a Pirate ship give a fishing reward?  From what I am hearing and seeing in game........ After the event 99% of the people leaving their boats parked all over the seas will never engage another pirate ship again when the event is over.  SO those of us that have, do and will spend a considerable amount of time on the water, will be left with the dumbed down  pirates that offer ZERO challenge.  Thanks to the participation trophy crowd that could not be bothered to learn simple tactics.    

    Well said, the end is near lol
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Grace said:
    As it is, I only ever see the same few people fighting pirates. I would have still fought them if they shot back. But I only surmised they turned off them firing cannons is because of the event. 

    Why not have fishing related rewards on the ship? Was just an idea. 

    What would be great is to have them fire back and have the high level tmaps in the hold like they were supposed to have.

    I fought several beacons that fired back, easy enough, just shoot cannon, back up, load cannon, sail in full speed and shoot, back up, reload, repeat.... Had to do repairs after, but didn't have to limp back to shore.  But lordy did people yell and scream about that! Imagine if they had to deal with pirates firing at them too!

    I found during the time the beacons were "broken" about 10% were close enough to the shore that they would fire back after the orcs dead and out of those 10% maybe 25% was so close that it did not drop the cargo.

    Well they are fixed now and I still only see the same few fighting them that were when they were broken.

    The dreads stopped firing when High Seas 2.0 started, not with this current event. Kyronix felt it was needed apparently.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    Grace said:
    Why not have fishing related rewards on the ship? Was just an idea. 

    What would be great is to have them fire back and have the high level tmaps in the hold like they were supposed to have.

       The fishing reward need to be left in the fishing quest aspect of high seas. Just my Opinion. 

       It would be nice to have either the dread pirate have a guaranteed hoard map on his corpse for the facet the pirate was killed on.  Particularly for Tokuno as high end tokuno maps are annoying to obtain.  Would go with splitting the chance for a white dye tub with a hoard map in the hold.  Nothing about pirate ships or Dread Pirates warrants a Trove Map.  But being able to get hoards and the chance to up it to troves in the chest would be reasonable.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Tyrath said:
    Grace said:
    Why not have fishing related rewards on the ship? Was just an idea. 

    What would be great is to have them fire back and have the high level tmaps in the hold like they were supposed to have.

       The fishing reward need to be left in the fishing quest aspect of high seas. Just my Opinion. 

       It would be nice to have either the dread pirate have a guaranteed hoard map on his corpse for the facet the pirate was killed on.  Particularly for Tokuno as high end tokuno maps are annoying to obtain.  Would go with splitting the chance for a white dye tub with a hoard map in the hold.  Nothing about pirate ships or Dread Pirates warrants a Trove Map.  But being able to get hoards and the chance to up it to troves in the chest would be reasonable.
      It would be nice to have either the dread pirate have a guaranteed hoard map on his corpse for the facet the pirate was killed on.

    Level 7 Treasure Chests

    • These maps can be found in Level 6 treasure chests, in the pirates hold and a rare chance on one of the boss mobs.  You will see a few new creatures and lots of booty ! This is not a solo encounter.
    So, according to Publish 68 notes, Pirates were supposed to have in their Hold a former Level 7 Treasure Map which now would be a Trove Map....

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    popps said:
    Tyrath said:
    Grace said:
    Why not have fishing related rewards on the ship? Was just an idea. 

    What would be great is to have them fire back and have the high level tmaps in the hold like they were supposed to have.

       The fishing reward need to be left in the fishing quest aspect of high seas. Just my Opinion. 

       It would be nice to have either the dread pirate have a guaranteed hoard map on his corpse for the facet the pirate was killed on.  Particularly for Tokuno as high end tokuno maps are annoying to obtain.  Would go with splitting the chance for a white dye tub with a hoard map in the hold.  Nothing about pirate ships or Dread Pirates warrants a Trove Map.  But being able to get hoards and the chance to up it to troves in the chest would be reasonable.
      It would be nice to have either the dread pirate have a guaranteed hoard map on his corpse for the facet the pirate was killed on.

    Level 7 Treasure Chests

    • These maps can be found in Level 6 treasure chests, in the pirates hold and a rare chance on one of the boss mobs.  You will see a few new creatures and lots of booty ! This is not a solo encounter.
    So, according to Publish 68 notes, Pirates were supposed to have in their Hold a former Level 7 Treasure Map which now would be a Trove Map....

    This was commented on by players, with no response from the Devs . I think I'm personally owed several 1000 level 7 maps, but @Kyronix never paid up.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
     If Garth is owed 1000 lvl7 maps, I am owed a solid 750.   I have NEVER seen a L-7 map in a hold or any map for that matter.  I saw exactly ONE very early on from a pirate corpse before it went ww and never another one.  On average I have killed 20 pirates a day  that equals A LOT of pirates over the years so the odds in my experience would be somewhere around 1 in 73,600 if they exist in the pirate loot table at all anymore, which I highly doubt they do. 
  • Tyrath said:
     If Garth is owed 1000 lvl7 maps, I am owed a solid 750.   I have NEVER seen a L-7 map in a hold or any map for that matter.  I saw exactly ONE very early on from a pirate corpse before it went ww and never another one.  On average I have killed 20 pirates a day  that equals A LOT of pirates over the years so the odds in my experience would be somewhere around 1 in 73,600 if they exist in the pirate loot table at all anymore, which I highly doubt they do. 
    That means i'm owed a good Tree Fiddy, but i'll settle for a hunnerd.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    Yep you spend a good amount of time on the water as well.  I would say 450 fer Vic!
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