Missing NPCs "they were kidnapped"

The Banker was a Mongbat, the Inn Keeper was undead, the fisher was normal. and we would like them return to the Tower of Sorcery on Moonglow Sonoma! Thank God @Mesanna puppy is still on Guard. Oh and the Mage and stablemaster are still here, another good stoke of luck.
Remove Trap = Bad News
Treasure Hunters

Treasure Hunters

Treasure Hunters
Shush they probably did those backwards like they did the sand. Wait until the other recipes are out before they switch them.
the high end ones are Treasures of The Seas rewards, which is temporary
And about the Sand...
I wish that the only way you could get Ethereal Sand is by purchasing it at Minoc & the real sand is what drops when you kill corgul. cause then I would get as much as I can. cause I could always use the sand for crafting empty bottles, what didn't get used during the event.
regular sand would be hard to see, if it covered the sand on the island. but then again, it is hard to see corgul cause he blends in with the ground. And Corgul doesn't have a bar, when you control shift. so it makes it hard to find his body.
Corguls Body is hard to find with all the E sand. I learned to cntr/shft as soon as he dies and dbl clk the body so I can last object until it opens.
We are lucky on LS. A player donated 40k sand on the first day. Others donate sand when they can. I make 60 or more bottles a day to hand out and we have 25k sand still because donations keep the sand pouring in.
I tell them to stop giving me E sand but they can help themselves from picking it up on the island.
when I ctrl/shift it doesn't bring up a titan corpse at all. (CC)
I just have to hover over his body until I see titan corpse appear, & I use my last object macro until I am standing in the right spot to open it.
i have the same problem.
I keep telling them I don't need any more.
Until 2 days ago, I was still using the E sand that I purchased at Minoc on the first day.
They hear that and automatically think I'm running out.
i have over 600K of ethereal sand now lol