Origin Playing around with the Soulbinders and Rewards.

  I have turned in enough to score around 500,000 fellowship silver and collect most of the rewards..... I have developed a fetish for the spell channeling bottle of booze so I got several of those.  Have not gotten the recipes yet as they are not of much interest to me.  I also do not do the TC1 thing but do my testing of stuff on Origin because well that is normal game play on a real shard :)  

Soulbinders failure rate of 90% is annoying (10% Success at making them)  I have been averaging 10 made per 1200 normal sand.  Would have rather that % have been 25%-30% success.  I must be missing the point of having such a high failure rate on these.

Filling the Soul Binders is either really slow or really fast depending on what you are killing.  Merch ship crew crews, regular orc ship crew and beacon spawn is slower to fill them.  Beacons kind of medium and Dread Pirates if you can find enough to chain them one after another are fast, assuming you can kill the pirates fast (Kill them, Not bind them and turn them in).  The filled Soulbinders can be traded or given from character to character.  I suspect someone could make a decent amount of gold selling both full binders and empty binders.

 The Rewards available thus far are pretty fairly priced for the effort of collecting the souls.  I have no idea what the Silver Tincture is for but got around 10 of them, have gotten 5 of the bottles of hooch,  3 exploding pumpkins and a ensign title.  I will grab the recipes today and then start saving for the next rewards release.  The Spell Channeling Bottle is a nice addition and has a good graphic when wielded and fits very well with my little UO fantasy play world themes.   The exploding pumpkins are also well done and interesting to play with.   I need to find some info and read up on the bottles of silver stuff and what to do with it. 

  Origin is one of the main shards I play on aside from GL and Siege so I was very well set up there to jump right into this content.  Although I burned through a mountain of Sand I had hoarded very quickly :)  If you want to just fill binders up fast focus on nothing but Dread Pirates.  If you want to go medium speed and still get mythical trade cargos then a combination of Beacons and Dread Pirates is the way to go.  Lower skilled folks may be stuck doing merch ships, non DP Orc Crewed Ships and Beacon Spawn and that is Slowwwww but faster than Dread Pirates if it takes you more than 2-3 minutes to kill a Dread Pirate............ Saw one guy trying to kill a dread Pirate with RCs and EVs and sailed by again 30 minutes later and he was still trying to kill the DP with Evs and RCs, that is NOT even remotely a effective way of killing DPs.  The guy could have filled one or two binders in the same amount of time on Merch ships and Non DP orc crews.  I stopped and talked to him for a bit and a GM Mystic/Mage was the best character he has on Origin, So his tactic made more sense considering that.... big difference in a 120 Mystic/focus RC and a 100/100 RC.  But even then mystic/mage is the slowest way to kill DPs.  Dexxer/tamer with a trained lesser Chiv Hiryu takes them down in 2 minutes or less. As always DO NOT DISARM the Dread Pirate.  If you do just hop on yer boat and find another one because you will spend all day trying to kill a God LIke Disarmed one :)

  In conclusion I was not planning on participating much in this part of the story but figure I am out there killing stuff and capturing dread pirates anyway so I may as well carry some binders with me while doing it.  The first one I put a DP into was an accident as I was having a argument with my dog and killed the dread Pirate instead of binding him.  That pirate turned a barely started binder purple and I was like heyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

  Like I said TC is a total waste of time for me as nothing is done through normal game play and normal game play is where one can find the most efficient ways to do things, bugs and exploitables.  TC is however good for testing pet builds and housing junk......  or just seeing what is available in a upcoming pub before it is release to the handful of actual pre ww release shards. 

  Overall I like the whole concept of the binders and turn in and think it is fairly well balanced for all levels of play.  The rewards are not ungodly high prices, so anyone should be able to fill binders and obtain what they want with a reasonable amount of effort.  Making the binders themselves is the only negative I see in this system and that is only because of the 90% failure rate.  My only suggestion would be to raise the success chance on making a binder to 30%, still going to burn through a ton of sand and etherial sand at that %.  Tricky to make something like this challenging for the high level skilled players but still doable and worthwhile for the low to mid level players.  They did a good job here.

  LOL I transferred soul stones off of Origin for another acct the day before the pub was released to Origin and not thinking about it sent my Origin Alchemist on the delivery and could not get him back home before Origin was closed to transfers.  So I had to make another alchemist to make the binders.  It took  6 hours (With Resource regs) already available to go from 50 to 100 alchemy.  So it is not ungodly hard to make a alchemist and read the glass blowing book if you don't have a alchemist to make the binders.  Just plan on burning through a ton of Nightshade, S ASH and Grave dust/ Pig Iron to get there.  On the bright side you will have kegs of Greater Poison, Greater Conflag, Confusion blast, and Deadly Poison pots when done............. and be able to make 8-12 binders per 1200 regular sand LOL depending on the RNGs hatred of you at the time.


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    edited September 2019
    Silver Tincture is used to make your weapon a slayer. 

    They said they would look into the lack of soul filling for the Beacon Orcs.

    I complained about the amount of sand needed.  8 lost sand per miss is too much. They should have made the lost sand amount smaller or increased the base chance to make. I have been telling players to dig sand on LS since this was on TC.  

    Everybody is not as effective at killing the Dread Pirates as you are. Somebody out there is fireballing them to death... 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    Pawain said:
    Silver Tincture is used to make your weapon a slayer. 

    They said they would look into the lack of soul filling for the Beacon Orcs.

    I complained about the amount of sand needed.  8 lost sand per miss is too much. They should have made the lost sand amount smaller or increased the base chance to make. I have been telling players to dig sand on LS since this was on TC.  

    Everybody is not as effective at killing the Dread Pirates as you are. Somebody out there is fireballing them to death... 
      Does the silver stuff work on spellbooks and ranged weapons?  And what does it slay?

      Dexxer tamer is the fastest way to take them out :)   That grasping claw and a fast hard hitting character make short work of them.  Mage of any flavor is about the slowest way to kill DPs :) Make it even faster by using a second tamer acct with a blue beetle and Rune Corruption and just tossing the deck chest loot in the beetle. 

      Tips:  Use movement macros instead of taking the wheel and don't turn the ship on the same screen at the pirate or merch ship and they will not start moving.  Slower using the macros than the wheel but ultimately fast :)   Leave the GDs, CUs and every other pet in the stable except for Blue Beetles, Fire Beetles, Rune Beetles and the #1 Chiv AI lesser Hiryus.   Use a hybrid Dexxer/tamer With Rune Corruption, grasping claw or both working for you the combo damage between pet and character is massive.   Dread Pirates have around 5000 HP,  Very HIGH RESIST and High HPR.  On the bright side they don't hit you often and rarely do much damage but can occasionally hit very hard.  NEVER use a pet that disarms or you disarm them!  Once disarmed they are wrestling/tactical/ Special Moves and abilities unkillable Gods.  If you stay on the boat after disarming... they will kill all of yer pets and you in short order (Same as disarming Medusa).  No need for cannon macros unless  their ships are moving.  Its just as fast to use 2 accts and fire 3 cannons manually as it is to macro the cannons when they are sitting still.  Pirate and Orc Crew Cannot kill a semi trained pet with 20HPR and a couple hundred HP and in the case of Beetles at 3 slot you should already have rune corruption and from the start have grasping claw with hiryus, 20HPR regens HP faster than the DPs and Orcs can dish it out usually.   CHECK THE DP CORPSES they drop some very nice Legendary and Major Artifacts.  I started a new Mystic Garg character last night and he went onto the boat naked and two hours later walked off the boat with a respectable full legendary 4 piece LRC and full set 36% SDI 6/2 jewels, Max MI, MR and LMC legendary suite and a nice Legendary SC Glass Staff with 9MR 10 INT 5MI 50DI and 20 SSI.  Get a bunch of junk legendary and majors as well but can build a fairly high end suit for gargs with DPs in a reasonable time frame.  While the mystic toon sucks at DPs he is very effective with the beacons.  Use CANNON BALLS not Grape Shot if you hide and dont want to be revealed and targeted by everything on the pirate ship :)  If you don't hide and can take the damage from the crew clear the crew from the decks with the grapeshot.    Once scuttled pets, you, a rc or a ev clears the orc crew fast, leaving only the DP.     

      I am getting them filled doing beacons and it is reasonable between the orc and the spawn.

     Do burn through way too much sand making them, I have enough binders to last another 4 hours of playtime and then am going to have to go mine more sand.  Looks like they cut back the amount you can loot from npc ships :) 

      Boats and the High Seas Content in general is something you have and addiction and fetish for.......... or you don't :)  Personally it is my favorite part of the game and goes hand in hand with my other favorite parts of the game....... crafting and training pets :)

      This is about a hour of pirating this morning, binders are in a bag under the death certs :)

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    you can use a master craftsman talisman for alchemy (for loss prevention)
    I used a lil over 1500 sand (on TC) and made 77 of them...
    and I used runed switches when the talisman got to 0 
    (I posted the exact amounts here on the forums)

    don't forget that you can also get sand out of crates on the ships, in stacks of 50 or 550.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    edited September 2019
    Tyrath said:
    Soulbinders failure rate of 90% is annoying (10% Success at making them)  I have been averaging 10 made per 1200 normal sand.  Would have rather that % have been 25%-30% success.  I must be missing the point of having such a high failure rate on these. 

    Glassblowing Talisman.

    And if you don't have one or want to save sand further, use an BOD crafting failure protection talisman (and they can be recharged).

    If one doesn't have any of those either, there is Vendor Search (when it hits WW)

    Edit: Cinderella beat me too it while I was trying to post.    :D

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    edited September 2019
    The Tincture is a pumpkin head slayer.  The Mobs are not Orcs now, they have been genetically engineered by Aliens.

    I would hope it works on all Weapon types.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    edited September 2019
    Tyrath said:

      Does the silver stuff work on spellbooks and ranged weapons?  And what does it slay?


    During the Titan Arc, Spellbooks and all weapons could be ade into slayers so I assume the silver tincture works the same. The tincture is suposed to act as a slayer for all Fosaken Foes that fill soul binders.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
     Should not need a tali or the other junk for something like this ;)
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
     And about 1 in very many ships raided have sand in the deck chest now.  Either my bad luck or they lowered it.  Well over 200 ships scuttled since it went to Origin and I have collected a total of 1800 new sand from them.  And that was only because one of them had the 1050 sand in it.  Not that sand is particularly hard to come by via mining.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    Hippo said:
    The tincture is suposed to act as a slayer for all Fosaken Foes that fill soul binders.
    We will be able to fill the Binders from T chest guardians.  I wonder if the slayer will work on those.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    Pawain said:
    Hippo said:
    The tincture is suposed to act as a slayer for all Fosaken Foes that fill soul binders.
    We will be able to fill the Binders from T chest guardians.  I wonder if the slayer will work on those.
    supposed to be all soulbound creatures, so they should.

  • Thanks for your information.
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