Classic Client & Items displayed on players' Vendors : any way to see those "stacked up" below top ?

When browsing players' Vendors, in the Classic Client, it often happens that multiple items are "stacked up" one on top of the other thus making it harder to see the ones below...

For example, say that a player is looking for a Ranger's Cache Treasure Map but the Vendor's owner has "stacked up" ALL of the Cache Treasure Maps one on top of the other....

How to then see and target that "specific" Ranger's Cache Treasure Map that is not on top but well hidden into that stack of Treasure Maps ?

I know that with the Enhanced Client it is possible to display them on a grid, but how about if a player uses the Classic Client ? Is there a way to change the view for items displayed by a Vendor so as not to have them all look "stacked up" ?

Thanks !


  • If they loaded the vendor in EC, you just have to log into EC for a moment to see it.  Or do like I do and just go buy from a vendor that is stocked with CC...

    Other problem I hear is that if someone stocks a container on a vendor, like a crate, and they are using the large view, and you are using the normal view, that will also be what you see.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    Try to find the owner of the vendor and let them know there is a setting in EC to view the container (mostly) as CC and that they would be a better merchant if they stocked their wares so that ALL their customers can see it.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Thanks, from the answers, I gather that there is little that the buyer can do, other then log in with the Enhanced Client and "hope" that the seller has stocked up that vendors not "piling up" the items one of top of the other....

    That's unfortunate, though, because this inconvenience can occur not just with Treasure Maps, especially now that they are "split" in Professions and Levels, but with several other items as well...
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited September 2019
    With EC, there is no ''hoping''. If you use the grid view, every single item is in its own little space like 99% of MMOs. However, UO is the game that worked out most of the issues for the MMOs that followed, so we are stuck with 2 clients. The best solution is for the EC merchant to stock while using the CC view. Then everyone wins. Otherwise, CC folks must keep their EC client patched so they can relog easily, buy what they need, and then go back to CC.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Tanager said:
    With EC, there is no ''hoping''. If you use the grid view, every single item is in its own little space like 99% of MMOs. However, UO is the game that worked out most of the issues for the MMOs that followed, so we are stuck with 2 clients. The best solution is for the EC merchant to stock while using the CC view. Then everyone wins. Otherwise, CC folks must keep their EC client patched so they can relog easily, buy what they need, and then go back to CC.

    Or add a toggle on the VS map to buy said items. Much more simple.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Urge said:
    Tanager said:
    With EC, there is no ''hoping''. If you use the grid view, every single item is in its own little space like 99% of MMOs. However, UO is the game that worked out most of the issues for the MMOs that followed, so we are stuck with 2 clients. The best solution is for the EC merchant to stock while using the CC view. Then everyone wins. Otherwise, CC folks must keep their EC client patched so they can relog easily, buy what they need, and then go back to CC.

    Or add a toggle on the VS map to buy said items. Much more simple.
    How does one add a toggle to buy the items without even having to go to the Vendor in the first place ?
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    popps said:
    Urge said:
    Tanager said:
    With EC, there is no ''hoping''. If you use the grid view, every single item is in its own little space like 99% of MMOs. However, UO is the game that worked out most of the issues for the MMOs that followed, so we are stuck with 2 clients. The best solution is for the EC merchant to stock while using the CC view. Then everyone wins. Otherwise, CC folks must keep their EC client patched so they can relog easily, buy what they need, and then go back to CC.

    Or add a toggle on the VS map to buy said items. Much more simple.
    How does one add a toggle to buy the items without even having to go to the Vendor in the first place ?

    When using vendor search there are already toggles. One to teleport you to the vendor and one to open the container the item is located in. If they added another toggle to buy that item from the map, while having the container open, while standing where the map put you, then it wouldn't matter which client the vendor was stocked in.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    Urge said:
    popps said:
    Urge said:
    Tanager said:
    With EC, there is no ''hoping''. If you use the grid view, every single item is in its own little space like 99% of MMOs. However, UO is the game that worked out most of the issues for the MMOs that followed, so we are stuck with 2 clients. The best solution is for the EC merchant to stock while using the CC view. Then everyone wins. Otherwise, CC folks must keep their EC client patched so they can relog easily, buy what they need, and then go back to CC.

    Or add a toggle on the VS map to buy said items. Much more simple.
    How does one add a toggle to buy the items without even having to go to the Vendor in the first place ?

    When using vendor search there are already toggles. One to teleport you to the vendor and one to open the container the item is located in. If they added another toggle to buy that item from the map, while having the container open, while standing where the map put you, then it wouldn't matter which client the vendor was stocked in.
    I like this idea...
    it gets so frustrating when I find a vendor stocked in the EC.
    And I hate having to switch clients just to be able to purchase something...

  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Oh I know. I pass those vendors up. It would be a major quality of life feature IF it can even be done.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    I tell EC users all the time about this and the vast majority tell me "Then don't buy my shit" and guess what I don't no matter what the price.
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    They really need to fix this. Could just have the items line up beside each other in cc. 
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    I play in EC, but I stock my vendors in legacy view.  It does have problems, like trying to stock from a stack you can end up with the bag sticking to the cursor.  I get around that by having the 'restock' agent do my unstacking for me.
    I've thought of making a short vid to demo that, but I'm not sure if others are having the same problem.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    I also have that problem in Legacy view, but found another way around it. I separate the amount I want to stock from the main stack and put it somewhere in my pack. Then, drag the smaller stack to the vendor using the method where you do not type in the amount. Hold down shift and drag? Can't remember the default cuz I changed mine ages ago.

    Another issue is that some items sit differently in EC than CC, and some items appear smaller or larger in one client or the other. So if your vendor has a full pack, or you want to arrange containers in a certain way, they just won't look the same. No work around for that, I use an alt in CC to check my work while my main sets up the display in EC until I work out something I like in both clients.
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