Question on the New Weapon Belts
in Test Center
Would it be possible to allow both the Crimson and the Tangle to be turned into these belts?
I'd love to use the sword belt on one of my characters, but she needs the MR and Int bonus of the Tangle more so than the Crimson stats.
I'd love to use the sword belt on one of my characters, but she needs the MR and Int bonus of the Tangle more so than the Crimson stats.

What would be really nice is if you could dye the belt one color and the weapon another color!
There a reason your swordsman wears a tangle instead of an Obi? I bet I can design you a much better dex suit. I would say every mage wears a tangle but I guess they dont. Would look like a pouch for their reagents.
I have no issues with her armour as it is. As an RPer, I just want to be able to turn the apron into something that better suits the character.
You don't need to be rude simply because I'd like a wider variety of aesthetic choices for my characters.
Faeryl said: I said they should have a bag instead. Like it is a belt that would hold a bag of reagents.
A Native American medicine bag would look nice IMO.
Hawkwinds robe should be changed also.
Pretty please?
Restricting any item from a certain aesthetic look isn't increasing the variety of options available. It's just creating something else that will be ignored because it's not a viable option to everyone.
To the people saying that my paladin uses a book? Yes, she does. But guess what? She also uses a sword. So why am I not allowed to have that option? Because she requires a mana bonus over strength or dex? Why is such a restriction in place when you have several styles of magic that are intertwined with melee? Chivalry. Bushido. Spellweaving even. They all work with melee. So why can melee only have a "melee" look and magic only a "magic" look?
Restricting aesthetic options to a single artifact is honestly unfair and wasn't the best way to go about introducing such a thing. It should be widely and easily available.
It's not something that'll break the game.
*Likes pretty much all posts above*
High Council Sage
Ancient Conclave of Wisdom
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Discord Lord Nabin#5433
High Council Sage
Ancient Conclave of Wisdom
ICQ 248-636-691
Discord Lord Nabin#5433