unNerf Ninja ??

Isn't it time we un-nerfed Ninjitsu?
 lets not revisit dog archers and the reasons it was nerfed to begin with but these days with Sampires and revamp pets what would be the harm in allowing us to use special moves etc while in animal form...
  1. should Ninjitsu be un-nerfed15 votes
    1. yes
    2. no
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 


  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308

    Not sure if I could agree with this unless dismount could be untied.

    I'd almost rather see the hiding-stealth requirement be lifted in a way but I also realize there would be more evade ninjas which also wouldn't be good for the game.

  • This would be so much fun, so obviously I voted no.  Fun for ninja, not so much for it's victims.  
  • Bring back uninterruptible Animal form or let FC effect animal form. 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    This would be so much fun, so obviously I voted no.  Fun for ninja, not so much for it's victims.  
    But there are no Victims in Fel only volunteers... 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • McDougle said:
    This would be so much fun, so obviously I voted no.  Fun for ninja, not so much for it's victims.  
    But there are no Victims in Fel only volunteers... 
    You asked what the harm would be.  PvP...thats why animal forms shouldn't use specials and abilities.  So much room for rediculous cheese and overpowered craziness.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    Personally, I think the ninja should be able to use limited abilities while in animal form. 

    Make it practical. 

    I love my ninja, but she is the least used because of the nerf. I take her around, lurk alot, use her animal form for RP, maybe go stealthing and stealing from a dungeon, and spying on certain Fel personalities, that's about it.

    McDougle said:
    But there are no Victims in Fel only volunteers... 

    .Best. Line. Evar!
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Kirthag said:
    Personally, I think the ninja should be able to use limited abilities while in animal form. 

    Make it practical. 
    I could go with this on lower level forms up to llama form. It would be no different than being on a mount. The buffs are too great on unicorn and wolf. I think all weapon specials with the exception of dismount would be ok. Leave the spellcasting forbidden.  
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