Pet Training Bug
Found a pet training bug I have not experienced before. @kryonix
Shard Great Lakes
Location South of Zento (Well away from the Server Line)
Training Pet on Dread Pirates (Have Trained 100s here)
Pet Lesser Hiryu (Not Bonded)
Training round going from 3-4 slot (Hit 100%)
Did Lore to advance the pet after Pirate was dead and there was no pet training blue button.
Actions I was taking Standing there occasionally using pet training mastery.
Other Factors: second acct that does the boating and chest looting with a beetle was present but not active after clearing the hold and deck chest and sitting on the beetle.
Not big deal because it was a decent 108 wrestle, no color generic lesser hiryu I was going to use as a meat shield on GL. If it had been rare color and I had more than a couple hours of getting it from 1-3 slot into it, I would probably not be particularly happy

As I said I have trained hundred and experienced various bugs like the pet just disappearing never to be seen again or jumping from 1 slot to 5 slot in the first round of training. Never seen this one though. Cough and was not doing anything to try and find bugs this time. Just run of the mill garden variety pet training.
