GGS (Guaramteed Gain System) how does it work ?

According to , if the skill one is working on is between 115 and 120, the waiting times for a GGS gain are :

- 10.3 hours it the total skill points on the template are up to 350
- 27.7 hours it the total skill points on the template are up to 500
- 51.0 hours it the total skill points on the template are up to 700

Now, here comes the 2 questions that I have.

1) - What if, the template getting a GGS has a total, say, of 700 skill points, GETS the GGS skill gain and, AFTER getting the GGS gain, soulstones skills and drops the total below 350 total skill points.

Will the NEXT GGS gain be still after 51.0 hours OR will be it be after 10.3 hours ?

That is, WHEN does the "next" GGS gain downtime triggers ? Right after the previous GGS gain and thus that is the time when the system reads the Total of skill points in order to "set" the according downtime for the next GGS ?

2) - Say that the template is training Magery and is using a -(minus) Magery Weapon that drops Magery, in order to tell which is the downtime for the next GGS to apply, what is the actual Magery Skill that needs to be looked at ? The REAL skill (regardless of the drop received from the minus magery weapon), or the skill AFTER Magery has dropped ?

For example, say that the Template has Magery at 115 points. For a Total of up to 350 skill points, the next GGS, according to the Table, is after 10.3 hours.

YET, what if the character has been holding a  -25 Magery item that has dropped Magery down to 90 ?
Will the next GGS happen after a downtime 4.6 hours as the Table says ?

Considering how significant the downtimes are, both answers to those questions are quite important to me.

Thanks for the info.


  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Thanks, that's pretty much similar to the Link I provided which, at least to my understanding, does not answer my 2 questions....

    Is there anyone who knows more in details how the GGS works and who can therefore answer my 2 questions ?

  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    1 The check is when you use the skill, if enough time have passed for ggs gain then you get the gain. So lowering your total amount of real skills just before you use the skill will let you gain if enough time have passed.

    2 The time check is for real skill.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Chrille said:
    1 The check is when you use the skill, if enough time have passed for ggs gain then you get the gain. So lowering your total amount of real skills just before you use the skill will let you gain if enough time have passed.

    2 The time check is for real skill.
    Thanks, now I have the informations to organize with my time and gains.
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