Why are the fish tanks recipes so expensive to purchase
in Test Center
when you only give a little over two million gold to the TC1 players? And where is this Live rock that is needed to make those aquariums?
Remove Trap = Bad News
Treasure Hunters

Treasure Hunters

Treasure Hunters
Don't be silly.
And for TC1, the seriously need to just give gold on command, especially with people wanting to place the new keeps and castles to walk around in and check out before they do it on live shards.
I put 100 mil in the transfer account and sand in the bank.
Treasure Hunters
I setup three characters with 50M in their transfer accounts and commodities and deeds in their bank and backpacks. They aren't daily played characters so I just leave them like that. When TC1 resets and character copy is working, I transfer them all three there and am mostly setup with what I'll need.