Trade Routes - August 22nd 9PM EDT - Fiction

EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 195Event Moderator
Bent over my desk and studying my route map, plotting out the next rum run is where my men found me to report that my night was about to get ten times harder. Yew was a disaster. Not one barrel had made it to the destination before the sissy lord and his toadies got there to seize it all. Not only would I have to step it up and increase the number in the next drop but I would have to do it while being short handed as well. Pirates life for me was getting difficult to convince men to sign on for. Johnny had more of a mind for these things, just tell me where to point my sword and I am good. This new run has to go off without a hitch or no one is going to follow and look up to me. Minoc or Moonglow...... where can I bribe people to look the other way. Zachariah is an idiot but he is in a remote area, on the other hand Maxwell has his three sons to help out with covering our tracks. 

Gates will be provided - Meet at Castle Blackthorn
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