UO Swag Store
I saw a post from Ultima Online on social media
asking for suggestions for the UO Swag Store...
since we can't post pics there, I'd like to post here

I'd like a 16oz stainless steel travel cup like pictured above
with the 15th Anniversary poster on it
asking for suggestions for the UO Swag Store...
since we can't post pics there, I'd like to post here

I'd like a 16oz stainless steel travel cup like pictured above
with the 15th Anniversary poster on it

This discussion has been closed.
what she said
in a non-sarcastic, and totally serious way
I guess outsourcing is not familiar to you.
Treasure Hunters
"Ultima Online logo and artwork are licensed from Electronic Arts, Inc. ..." etc. etc.
Instead, you find language notifying the site visitors against the illegal use of their *cough* website items (read: images). What you find is a generic T&C provided by SquareSpace... the site provider and architecture of this oh-so-simple spot on the web.
You will find no such language anywhere on the site related to the actual license holder (Electronic Arts) or the licensed software developer (Broadsword). The closest you will find to anything identifiable is in the T&C which states their juris is Florida (equating to the physical location or at least the LCC registration state of an as of yet unnamed business entity)... but no mention (even in the disclaimer statement) of EA, BS, or even UO... which is funny for a on-shore licensee of any brand, no matter how small it be.
Basically, they have a cookie-cutter T&C which they did search/replace for "company" with "UO SWAG" and no where do they make any link or statement as to being a licensee of EA. Personally, if this were someone selling my branded products, I'd be checking with my legal team and prepping a C&D. I find it really awkward for BS (a subcontractor of EA) to be pushing UOSwag (a questionable licensee of EA products) without having full transparency (which is what the BS website purports to uphold); especially on the front page.
Just saying.....
ETA: At least the DAoC "swag store" state right at the top of the Zazzle page that it is run by Broadsword....
At least someone who knows of UO is running it.
There have been cases where customers had to reach out on this public board to get an reply from the shop owner. Feedback on facebook suggests there are more. It has all the ingredients of the gold sellers sites.
But you are free to assume your money goes to support the game there, not someones pension fund.
And I assumed the Ultima Online page on social media, where I saw this post, is legit.
It is the page where I see posted, details about when there is new stories, publish notes, etc
And since I couldn't post pics there, I came here.
Please don't post your opinions about the swag store.
This post is about ideas to add to the swag store.
If you have ideas for merchandise, please share those ideas
Whenever I buy something online I do not care about the seller. I was buyin stuff when ebay was a baby. Then Amazon. I am glad someone that plays UO is running the store. EA is a huge company and they have no official T shirt store. But UO does. Why are people complaining that UO has a swag store when the Billion Dollar Daddy does not have one.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Treasure Hunters
this was intended for ideas for the swag store
not a debate about the validity of the swag store
which is a link from this website