The Catskills RP Community (An OOC Invitation)

JudasJudas Posts: 260
"If you're looking for a good time ..."

This is a message for lapsed, returning, or otherwise interested UO role-players.  I wanted to make sure people knew there is still a fairly active RP community on the Catskills shard.  While not at the numbers of years past (then again, nowhere is), we still have decent activity and a good mix of faces ranging from the early days of Catskills to more recent times.  If you enjoy role-playing, scheduled events, random interactions, conflict, and/or story lines, then feel free to check out Catskills.

For anyone interested but not sure where to start, feel free to contact me at ICQ# 6082388 or PM me here.  I also encourage people to attend one of our weekly tavern nights.  The current rotation schedule can be found on the Catskills forum and I'm planning to update it there every month.

Thanks for reading, and hope to see more role-players in game!


  • DerajDeraj Posts: 88
    edited March 2018
    Let us also not forget that Catskills is the premier and official Roleplay Shard™ of Ultima Online, "the shard that Great Lakes and Atlantic only wish they could be!", so it must be the most logical place to drop in on if you are a roleplayer.

  • *eyes the room* Atlantic will have her day once again....All We require is Time. Entropy comes to all things, Oblivion will always triumph....
  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    Join us! I was on Atlantic for years before I was kidnapped to Catskills, but it's been a lot of fun. They even give me cookies when I do good!
  • JudasJudas Posts: 260
    I second what Faeryl said, come join us! Though I'm originally from Catskills, I did play on Atlantic for a few years and more than a few Atlantic RP faces ended up on Catskills.  Feel free to ICQ me at #6082388, maybe we know some of the same people.
  • OkamiOkami Posts: 84
    Plus I'm here. I'm alright. Ask anyone.

  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    Yeah, Okami's alright.  ;)
  • DashDash Posts: 8
    Been looking for ya'll on Cats but haven't found ya yet.  Heck, I haven't found more than 3 people TOTAL on all facets yet.  But I'll keep looking.
  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    Dash said:
    Been looking for ya'll on Cats but haven't found ya yet.  Heck, I haven't found more than 3 people TOTAL on all facets yet.  But I'll keep looking.
    Try in the RP Community channel if you're looking for RP. During the week at least things seem to pick up around 8pm EST. Weekends are kind of more random. Also, there should be some activity around Trinsic tonight. :)
  • JudasJudas Posts: 260
    For anyone interested in attending any of our guild's events, feel free to swing by here and check out our News & Events section:

  • Boo
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