Anniversary tokens request

We get those annual tokens like the 21st anni token.. Can we get them where like previous year rewards are able to be chosen from on newer tokens going out?


  • I like this idea

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    me too
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    it would be nice..
    I'd like more mannequins & the nutcracker recipes
  • Mannequins would be nice but there is all kinds of deco and scroll books etc. The stuff is not game breaking but really noticeable when you want another and just cant seem to find any available.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    Mannequins would be nice but there is all kinds of deco and scroll books etc. The stuff is not game breaking but really noticeable when you want another and just cant seem to find any available.
    I usually have my tokens brought back to Sonoma.
    you can always ask in general chat..
    And i'd be happy to trade tokens for other items
  • DarethDareth Posts: 1
    Like the Grass Tiles,Sand tiles, Snow Tiles, would love to have "water" tiles, so those who have reg castles and keeps can use them to create pools, ponds, etc
  • Oh yeah, nice suggestion there Dareth.
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