Shark Week - July 28th Aug 4th - Self Paced Event

EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 195Event Moderator
As you know - Shark Week - is starting July 28th.  Please head over to Castle Blackthorn and talk with Stephanie the Shark Biologist to see where these sharks call home.   This is a self paced event and lasts 1 week. Each Shark has coordinates listed when you hover over them.  Write them down in a book and turn them into the Britain Meeting House mailbox for credit.

Instructions. 1. Approach the NPC and say Shark. 2. The last word in the paragraph that is capitalized will be the keyword to say to keep them talking. 3. Get the shark name and clue as where the shark is. 4. Grab your boat and set sail to the location mentioned to find the shark.
Useful information 1. There are 8 shark biologists located at each of the docks that a fish mongers reside. 2. Each biologist has a rare shark for you to locate totaling 8 sharks.  3. Locations are Fel, Tram, T2A, and Tokuno.   If you are worried about fel you can skip that one and do the other 7 =)  4. Working as a team will help cover more water. 5. Picture below is what the shark looks like in the water and this is what you are trying to find.  6. I will be putting the sharks out Saturday night and turning on the NPC’s,  feel free to start as early as you want on Sunday morning.  Good Luck


  • DoytchDoytch Posts: 16
    Ay but what is the prize for all my fine hunting and time investment?
  • EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 195Event Moderator
    The satisfaction of completing such a hard task - Not everyone will succeed 
  • WildfireWildfire Posts: 1
    edited August 2019
    This why my entire guild has been playing WoW together. Too much time and effort for no reward whatsoever in UO.  At some point the EM’s and devs need to realize the game is dying from highly skewed risk/time vs reward mechanics. 
  • EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 195Event Moderator
    I would like to thank all those who participated in Shark Week.  Your efforts will be noted.  I had well over 50 participants so to many to list everyone by name but I read through your books and job well done.  Thank you all.  Hope you all had some fun for those who were able to figure out the clues and find the Sharks. I know it wasen't easy.
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