what event never join again
Cause sarah event drop us into dead.. res die ...stuck not able to walk even.
and why I see chinees letters .. and why have other players name as Iam not bleu colored
and Iam ,not on party what is dam this
whats wrong here plz.
and I LOST 8K FAME I 2 SEC DAM ... to get cost 2 houre whats wrong here.. DAM
Learn to make event.. plz before start one.

and why I see chinees letters .. and why have other players name as Iam not bleu colored
and Iam ,not on party what is dam this
whats wrong here plz.
and I LOST 8K FAME I 2 SEC DAM ... to get cost 2 houre whats wrong here.. DAM
Learn to make event.. plz before start one.

There Can Be Only One
The Glorious Lord Praha Baron of Britain "Europa player"
The Glorious Lord Praha Baron of Britain "Europa player"
- Lost my birthday drink to give arround.
- lost sending bag.
- laag out and res die over .. not even able to run walk out.
sarah said ' you r connecting is low LOL I pay dam 150 euro t oget Top connect. dont foool me plz.
and my job is computer ict in real..
I say LEARN TO MAKE EVENT .... no sorry learn to know the game , and do later event.
we are not Spidermens or supermen like you drop dead zone all the time.
-""" we die from SARAH EM and AND ! not from mobs. .so plz do not join any event anymore ty.""""
on europe server
Sorry for my baad english but you know what I mean
"" I hope noone join anymore events on europe cause she always do dead zone were eveyone die over and over again. this is not event fun this is waste time
The Glorious Lord Praha Baron of Britain "Europa player"
*guild for new players*
Streamer : https://www.twitch.tv/julespraha/