Endless Journey character logging off with a Blue Beetle, any known issues with that ?

Endless Journey character.

It gets a Blue Beetle and logs out while riding the Blue Beetle.

Beetle had some bags with items in them.

Not yet bonded.

EJ character is logged off at an Inn (so, instant logging off...)

After days, when logging back in with that EJ character, the character in on foot, no longer riding the Blue Beetle.

Beetle is gone, nowhere to be seen. Checked the stables for that EJ character but "stable list" gives no showing, only the cursor to actually stable a pet....

What gives ?

Are there known issues about this ?

Is it a bug or what ?


  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    If I'm not mistaken, it was stated at the beginning of EJ that no one could log out with a loaded beetle or packy.  That would kinda kill the need for storage, which is what they are counting on to get you to buy storage vaults or subscribe.

    There is no free ride

  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Are you sure the EJ account character was able to mount the blue beetle that had things in its backpack before logging out?  That's not supposed to even be possible, according to the restrictions list for EJ accounts: https://uo.com/wiki/ultima-online-wiki/beginning-the-adventure/endless-journey/   
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    If I'm not mistaken, it was stated at the beginning of EJ that no one could log out with a loaded beetle or packy.  That would kinda kill the need for storage, which is what they are counting on to get you to buy storage vaults or subscribe.

    There is no free ride

    Nope, it is not possible to STABLE a loaded Blue Beetle or Pack Horse/Llama.... but it DOES IS possible to log off with a packed Blue Beetle while riding it.

    I have characters from a subscription plaid account logged off while riding a Blue Beetle with items in it and everything is fine.

    Not sure about EJ characters...

    One EJ character logged off while riding a Blue Beetle with NO items in it kept the Blue Beetle when logging back in.

    Another EJ character logged off while riding a Blue Beetle with items in the beetle's pack upon logging back in had no longer the Beetle.... gone for good.

    So, not sure why one EJ character kept the Beetle while the other didin't...

    A Bug ?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Margrette said:
    Are you sure the EJ account character was able to mount the blue beetle that had things in its backpack before logging out?  That's not supposed to even be possible, according to the restrictions list for EJ accounts: https://uo.com/wiki/ultima-online-wiki/beginning-the-adventure/endless-journey/   
    Well, I am positive that an EJ character can indeed get transferred a Blue Beetle AND ride it.

    It can ALSO log off while riding it.

    Since Blue Beetles are meant to carry items, I do not see "why" the EJ character should or could not ride the Blue Beetle with items in the Beetle's pack...

    They can own Blue Beetle, ride them, but the Beetles can have no items in their pack ?

    Makes no sense whatsoever to me.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    The EJ char cannot log off with a beetle that has items.

    Accept it.  It's the rule for EJ
  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,294
    Uriah is right, an EJ account cannot ride a beetle with items in its pack. If you try to get on it gives a message about not being able to.  So when an EJ account logs out with a packed beetle the bug won’t go in the stable and the countdown begins to that beetle going wild and dropping its contents on the ground. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited July 2019
    Uriah is right, an EJ account cannot ride a beetle with items in its pack. If you try to get on it gives a message about not being able to.  So when an EJ account logs out with a packed beetle the bug won’t go in the stable and the countdown begins to that beetle going wild and dropping its contents on the ground. 
    Aside from the annoyance of the items that I lost, nothing unreplaceable, but time spent and now wasted to get them which I will have to spend again to get those items again.... which is very annoying, my recallection is that, after putting those items in the Blue Beetle's pack, I DID have the EJ character ride it and, while I may then have pushed the logout button fast, I would have said that I seemed to remember seeing the EJ character riding the Beetle before logging out...

    This, also because I had the other account, the subscription account, still there, AFTER the EJ character had logged off so, if, for some reasons, the EJ character had not ridden it, the Blue Beetle would have been there alone, hanging around, and I would have seen it for sure with the other character from the subscribed account...

    So, my recallection is that the EJ character did log off with the Beetle having items in its backpack... what happened after, I have no clue....

    I will try to replicate it again with items I do not care to loose to see what happens...

    It's VERY annoying though, I was hoping to really be able to use EJ characters with Blue Beetles to be able to store away 125 items in them.... considering that the carrying and bank ability of EJ characters is ridicolous....

    Damn storage in Ultima Online.... there is never enough space to save up stuff and now the Developers have ALSO made fellowship coins which do not stack..... in addition to all of the many items which STILL cannot stack....

    Why hasn't the stacking of all items be made a real priority ?

    It would help a lot towards helping out players with their storage needs....
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,650
    How many times are you going to argue about it. EJ accounts are not allowed storage. No Blue bug for you.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    edited July 2019
    lol  you storage Nazi... lol
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Maybe popps should read the rules and instructions before trying to play UO.  Not being able to use a bug as storage was a major complaint by EJ users and UO fixed the ability to auto stable a packy with items a very long time ago.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Bilbo said:
    Maybe popps should read the rules and instructions before trying to play UO.  Not being able to use a bug as storage was a major complaint by EJ users and UO fixed the ability to auto stable a packy with items a very long time ago.
    I am not the first one to point out an issue with lack of storage in Ultima Online lamented by many....

    EJ characters only have 24 items in the bank box and have no access to houses etc.

    Frankly, permitting them to log out with a Beetle having items in its pack would have not looked to me "that" big of a deal, considering that it would STILL much limit the usability of that EJ character....

    Who would go fighting with a character riding a Blue Beetle having items in its pack which the player wants to keep ?

    It looked to me SO granted that this was possible to do, especially after having seen that EJ characters could be transferred the ownership of them AND ride them, that it did not remotedly entertain my mind that EJ character could NOT ride Blue Beetles having items in the packs....

    I was not around when EJ accounts where created... it is very likely that I have missed all of the complaints raised by EJ users and, therefore, was not aware of this limitation.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    This question has been answered. 
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