Why it looks I am bipolar in temperament and posts

Because TWO people share this account. 

  Okay back before the "New" Account (Mis)Management System we paid for our accounts with the same credit card. 

 Then along came the New Account (Mis)Management system with the whole master account thing. Well we thought the easiest thing was to make one Master account since we use the same credit card.   
Now the "New" official forums come into being, so sis and I BOTH tried to make forum accounts.   ONE account to rule them all ..LOL.  I beat Jirel so the Forum account is my name.  Even though she logs in using any of our 8 active accounts, it looks at the master account. 

 Yes, we've asked Mesanna to allow a second UO forum user name... answer: No.   Yes, we've asked to separate the accounts in to TWO master accounts....answer : NO.  So we share this and you'll just have to deal with bipolar posting.   

Little tip: If its angry, griping, b****in, and more than a little p***y that's Jirel.  She's fiery tempered, and has a ZERO tolerance for stupidity, rule breaking, incompetence, and generally doesn't suffer a fool lightly.  For all her shortcomings my sister is a good person

If its technical, nerdy, and looks something Sheldon wrote ..That'd be me!  I'm a nerd that works in IT. 

So there you have it, not bipolar just different individuals forced to share one forum account.


  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    We knew that :P 
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    Ya mine wife is also a account holder that shares a master account with me.  Since I post the most I would be the face you see here, but she lurks in the darkness behind me ready to pounce 
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  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    All I am concerned with is the content posted on this account. It matters not who does the typing. 
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