Suggestions of a Mastermind

Hello All!! 

Just wanted to throw some suggestions that I thought would be nice to have, please give your thoughts (or don't :D )   and more importantly, thank you for taking your time to read the ideas of mine, they get better as the list goes, I promise.

1.  The 14 year vet reward transfer shield have a visible number of how many charges it has in it. 
        -- I believe current system you have to double click them, it then claims a token that was on it and tells you how many you have remaining.  Can we not get just a number added when we click on the object to tell us the number of charges, i believe the fire painting (SoT painting) would be the best example of what I am looking for.

2.  Timers added to anything that has charge renewals (SoT painting, transfer shields, etc)  
        -- I know we all kind of have an idea of when things will recharge and go claim our precious shiny objects, but to add just a timer would be lovely. Example; Able to claim "x" in 4 days. 

3.  Gargoyle tamers flying.
        -- For far too long, this has been somewhat unfair to any other race of tamers.  I am not saying completely take it away (wouldn't complain) but at minimum, decrease their movement speed by a % per pet slots they currently have with 5/5 slots being the same speed any other class on foot would be **WHILE IN COMBAT**.   If this fix is too complex, just make Ethereal mounts not require a slot to use.

4.  Raffle ticket generator
       -- Many player ran events have various giveaways and raffles but have to spend hours making books and then doing some sort of verification to make sure the book wasn't a fake in some way.  Why not make an item that is like a guild stone graphic that when owner clicks (much like the current auction safes)- it will ask various questions (what the raffle is for / is there a gold fee to enter / prize (if gold is prize then owner can just put whatever item as a prize and the person can turn it in) / time limit for people to get a ticket ) and then much like the current auction safe winning gump that pops up on the winners screen as well as the owners screen, that way the owner knows who to give the prize too and the winner can't troll the owner and just sit there for hours delaying any further giveaways at the event.
An item like this could potentially be great not only for players but EMs or Devs as well.  They could do a once a year drawing for a house placed somewhere or an item or something that would be a thank you and incentive to have active paid accounts.

5.  Add some randomness to EM event story lines/ drops
      -- To me it seems like the same people over and over get the majority of the EM drops, whether they are paying for them or not, transferring them to sell,  who knows.  But i see the same names/ vendors selling these potential game changing items. Game changing meaning, if a player happened to get an item at a random time, selling that or keeping that item for the player may be changing for them, it could get them the armor or weapon they were needing to take their characters to the next level.   I am not saying, divert completely from your schedule or even make every random chance that they may have some mobs spawned up be a drop.  But give some randomness to your storylines as well.  If your current story line is pirates have been attacking in weekly events on Tuesdays, then throw a few mobs up on a Friday night and drop a hint in general chat.  This would also increase the value of the (I'm sure now in the thousands) of EM event items due to the less number of drops and may even bring some pride to the player / shard.

I think 5 is enough for now.  Thank you again all! 

- Garetjax / Candy Spice of Great Lakes


  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,783
    4.  Raffle ticket generator

    Since it is unlikely they will do that.

    Another player uses this method:

    Name a house, Ticket 101 Mark a Rune inside the house so the title can not be overwritten. Change house name until you have enough tickets.

    Verify by using the Rune.


    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GaretjaxGaretjax Posts: 37
    That is just insane.  But can still be duplicated easily.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Garetjax said:
    That is just insane.  But can still be duplicated easily.
    how so?

  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Leave the poor flappy tamers be! Their speed is their gift for not being able to mount their pets and run them to safety to heal them.
  • GaretjaxGaretjax Posts: 37
    Garetjax said:
    That is just insane.  But can still be duplicated easily.
    how so?

    Well thinking out of the box here ... but with Multiclienting you just have a second account that owns a house, once the number or whatever is said.  Create the winning rune off the title of their home, then recalling in and giving it to whomever.   

    Marge said:
    Leave the poor flappy tamers be! Their speed is their gift for not being able to mount their pets and run them to safety to heal them.
    I don't think I've ever seen a tamer just run off and heal their pet in recent years.  Especially with Taming masteries now a days.  But go ahead and run in with your 5 slot unmountable pet at mount speed lol... only way to make this fair is nerf their speed or give ethy's 0 slots
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    I see that everyday in every fight! They always mount their Cus and run. The garg may run at mount speed but the pet does not - you still have to slow down for them. The flying ability is the trade off for not being able to ride pets. It is very fair. You can mount your pet and run at mounted speed - gargs can't. You can use an ethy - gargs can't. If you nerf the flying speed then its humans and elves that would then have the "unfair" mounted speed advantage. Is it unfair that only elves can tame Cus? Is it unfair that only humans have the jack of all trades ability? It is a trade off for choosing a race.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,783
    edited July 2019
    Garetjax said:
    That is just insane.  But can still be duplicated easily.
    You make the runes at your house.  You can not write over those runes. Also you check the winner by taking the rune (ticket) and verifying it goes to your house before it is official.

    A quick coords check will verify the rune. Unless they can change the name of your house, they can not get the name and correct coords.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    Gotta learn something new every day. The workaround sounds cool, yet it stays just that, a clunky workaround.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    I don't have any Gargoyles or Stinky Elves, but each race has their own cool thing about becoming that race. (or staying and not changing)

    The Flippy Flappy Flyers are fine. They suffer enough with their armor choices.
  • fonsvitaefonsvitae Posts: 51
    Pawain said:

    Another player uses this method:

    Name a house, Ticket 101 Mark a Rune inside the house so the title can not be overwritten. Change house name until you have enough tickets.

    Verify by using the Rune.

    Pawain said:
    Garetjax said:
    That is just insane.  But can still be duplicated easily.
    You make the runes at your house.  You can not write over those runes. Also you check the winner by taking the rune (ticket) and verifying it goes to your house before it is official.

    A quick coords check will verify the rune. Unless they can change the name of your house, they can not get the name and correct coords.
    The above is a terrific way to create unique, verifiable and non duplicable (we hope so) items in UO. Nice work to whomever came up with that.

  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,786
    Marge said:
    Leave the poor flappy tamers be! Their speed is their gift for not being able to mount their pets and run them to safety to heal them.
    how so is a normal human/elf tamer to mount a ethy when they have a 5 slot beast out there?  I always feel as if I am inch worm when afoot and a Garg tamer zips by at breaknecking speed with pet in tow.  I would love to mount an ethy when I have a 5 slot frost dragon with me.  I am more of a dragon tamer then the new pets tamer.  I do not own a dog on my normal account, I do have one on another account (untrained), nor have I trained up that super bug I see everywhere.  I was disappointed that the slug was not rideable so I have only one out (on another tamer) and 11 more in statue form.  My main pet I ride on Drakelord is a 5 slot mare and I use him for most events, but other shards I use GDs or FDs.
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Gargs get that ability to make up for them being so ugly...

  • Yeah Gargs have to drag there pets everywhere (instead of mounting).  It's a pain in the ass.  The speed is the trade off.


  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Drakelord said:
    how so is a normal human/elf tamer to mount a ethy when they have a 5 slot beast out there? 
    Never said they could ride an ethy with a 5 slot pet. I simply meant in general you can use an ethy. Also, just because the garg is 'flying' by does not mean their pet is. Those dumb pets are usually caught on a branch 10 screens behind.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 397
    Marge said:
    I see that everyday in every fight! They always mount their Cus and run.
    .I see the problem right there....*flips through spellbook*  I know there is something for this~  :D

    On topic: 
    Garetjax said:

    5.  Add some randomness to EM event story lines/ drops
          -- To me it seems like the same people over and over get the majority of the EM drops, whether they are paying for them or not, transferring them to sell,  who knows.  But i see the same names/ vendors selling these potential game changing items. Game changing meaning, if a player happened to get an item at a random time, selling that or keeping that item for the player may be changing for them, it could get them the armor or weapon they were needing to take their characters to the next level.  

    EM events drop mobs do a point tally for a guaranteed drop.  If you are capable of getting looting rights, 4th em boss death should guarantee you a drop.  You can get points from healing, dpsing and taking damage. There is also the random drops of x amount, whatever the em requested to drop.   That's how I understand it to work now.

    People that always seem to get drops bring multiple characters, so they have a better chance of getting a guaranteed drop each month.  It's all about knowing the system and frankly, most players don't.  Then there are people who buy all the drops they miss, and that just takes having gold.  

    This is an improvement over an old EM systems where an EM requested X amount of a drop and top attackers walked away with them or the em drop would be on the mob corpse.
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    Gargs get that ability to make up for them being so ugly...

    Ugly enough to ask for a revamp? Or still not thaaaat ugly? :D
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
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