Remove Trap Slow Gaining

Anyone know what I am doing wrong training remove trap? I have tried the circuit trap training kit and a dart trap from a tinker but my skill has not moved at all from buying it to 28.9. I have another skill turned down also, so plenty of points for gaining.

Any help here would be appreciated, thanks.


  • OrdoviciaOrdovicia Posts: 36
    Okay, it final gained .1, so I guess it's just slow.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,759
    I got my skill to 67.5 just doing the lvl 1 maps.
    someone told me that you got better gains from them.
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 356
    Buy skill to 33 and do stash and supply maps. Took me to 80s in a couple days. Good Luck!
  • OrdoviciaOrdovicia Posts: 36
    Okay, thank you both for the tips!
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