a couple questions

McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
is there a listing of the cap differences between PVM and PVP like FC/FCR and SDI ? are the caps on mana regen etc the same??
i am what i think is a parry mage at the moment 
120 mage/eval/med/focus/resisting/parry should i drop focus for something else?

what is a Nox/mage can someone give me that template and a brief overview?
keep in mind i am a trammie carebear just have decided to fight rather than run die and give up champ spawn everytime...
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 


  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    edited June 2019
    If you are using a mage weapon you will lose 1/2 your parry chance if you don't have a shield euqipped. You can also be Disarmed. 

    You can go 120 wrestling and use a shield but keep your main hand open. You gain Disarm and Paralyze. Can also pick up the bracer's of Alchemical Devastation for hit lightning on your punches. 

    You can go 100 anatomy + 120 Eval for full block chance, but you will have no weapon specials and no chance to hit with your fists. 
  • ezikelezikel Posts: 90
    the cap for the regen is the same for pvp and pvm.what you want to do with you mage ?just pvp of be able to do the spawn and fight back if you get raided ?
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    yes just want to be able to fight back defend myself for the most part since i added parry and raised my DCI it's been better i was wondering about SDI because i am at 111 and if being over 100 doesn't really help i could lose some and raise my DCI even more
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • ezikelezikel Posts: 90
    the caps for pvp its 20 if you get parry 25 if you dont ave it or any of this skill mystic necro bushido chivalry spellweaving animal taming
  • ezikelezikel Posts: 90
    you really need to get 45 dci and 80 dex for parry. to ave more chance to block its important to get 100 anatomy or wrestlings maybe remove focus for that

  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    edited June 2019
    Fc Fcr is the same. Im not home to go over my numbers but with Parry you should have enough to remain 80 dex if a player curses you. 

    There's a ton of different mage temps. Wrestle Parry is the ultimate defense. You can do alchemy or scribe. 

    Nox mage is just a poisoning mage. I wouldn't recommend it for a beginner. 
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