Another Returning Player Thread!

Been a while since I've played UO but have re-subscribed and getting ready to head back into it.
I also purchased High Seas just for something different.
Anyway I will be transferring the characters I can remember from Oceania to Atlantic (I hear this is more popular?), I remember my pride and joy in the day my GM Blacksmith and then 120 skill when that got bumped up from GM 100.
To the point, is Blacksmithing even required now that pretty much everything has been made/found and with the population not being what it used to be?



  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    you can still get powder of fortifying from doing the BODs.
    And now its a point system.
    You can actually pick your own reward, based on the point value of the BOD.

    If you are going to make your own outfit, powder of fort is used to take the durability to 255.

    And you can always sell the powder of fort
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