Level 7 Maps (now Level 5, TROVE). Why did the Developers REMOVE Pirates Hold from the List ?

poppspopps Posts: 4,130
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

Level 7 Treasure Chests

  • These maps can be found in Level 6 treasure chests, in the pirates hold and a rare chance on one of the boss mobs.  You will see a few new creatures and lots of booty ! This is not a solo encounter.

Allosaurus, Corgul the Soulbinder, Scalis the Enforcer,The Great Ape, Tyrannosaurus Rex

Who have a chance to drop a Trove (Level 5 Map) which replaces the old Level 7.

The chance to get one from the Pirates Hold has been removed.

Why so ?

I mean, we are talking, after all, of "Treasure Maps" and, what is the general knowledge if not that it is, usually, PRECISELY Pirates who make a large use of Treasure Maps, hide their Treasures etc. etc. ?

Frankly, I do not understand it at all why Pirates Hold were removed as a place to find a Level 5, Trove Treasure Map as it was for the former Level 7 (or some say it should have been...) per Publish 68.......


  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    I know the notes for Publish 68 said they would be in pirates hold...
    but that was obviously never implemented...
    cause nobody ever got them there.
    And I'd rather they not add that, cause it might mess something else up...

    And by your own mention, they did add other bosses you can get them from.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    I know the notes for Publish 68 said they would be in pirates hold...
    but that was obviously never implemented...
    cause nobody ever got them there.
    And I'd rather they not add that, cause it might mess something else up...

    And by your own mention, they did add other bosses you can get them from.

    I thought that the drop rate in Pirates' Holds were low, not that it was never implemented....

    I mean, it was indicated in the publish notes....

    As far as for getting Treasure Maps on Pirates' Ships, well, I think they are quite "fitting" to spawn on Pirate Ships.... after all, don't Pirates deal with Treasure Maps, usually ?
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    Well I know my husband did over 400+ pirates and never got a single map from them...
    And that was last year or the year before... when he would do them all day.
    And everyone I know, say they have never gotten one that way...

    They already have bounty on their ship.
    We intercept them before they can bury their treasure...
    Besides they plunder all on the high seas...
    what would they want with land lubber treasure?

    I like that they added them to the dinosaurs...
    more ways to get them
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    @Mariah ; can easily remove that from the notes.   Like she did the BODs that never worked but were in the Patch notes.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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