Thank you for new soulstone hues..but

Now it’s time for a monthly token clicky item that drops a single use Soulstone in the UO store that’s not account bound!! I’ll take 10plz ty! @Kyronix @Bleak
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  • psychopsycho Posts: 370
    A soulstone you could move skill from one account to another would be quite powerfull.
    It would also clear up alot of my soulstones as each account has x chars with same skills.

    What Id also like to see is a way to paint soulstones, possible a vet reward.
    Now we have how many, 6 different colors? Id like mine to be in same colour or the ability to choose color myself after what is pvm skill and what is pvp skill etc

  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    i would go further and suggest they should sell loaded soulstones and the PS to go with it . I know no pay to win. lets face it the amount of new people coming in is minimal at  best . does it really hurt to let me add 120 magery after i have done it on 5 char across three shards over umpteen years. we need to stop looking at the past through rose colored glasses and look at what can best be done to keep the current players we have involved interested and most importantly spending money above and beyond our monthly fees....
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited June 2019

    As you can see from the wiki,

    there are now 8 colors of Soulstones. 1 color corresponding to each Virtue.

    Having the Soulstones available in the virtue colors was requested on Stratics a couple of times. Posters both here and on Stratics have also said they requested individual colors via email.

    So Yeh! Happy Dance!

    Like the great and mighty Poo, I will buy them, so development mission successful.


    However, as you can see from the above link:

    Green, Blue, Red, Violet - these are partially hued
    White, Black, Yellow, Orange - these are not partially hued

    @Kyronix, is there any way, just for the sake of consistency within a system, that the White, Black, Yellow, and Orange soulstones can be partially hued. Pretty Please?

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited June 2019

    For additions to the Soulstone system I would suspect we will see something more along these lines:

    keeping the same shape/Kanji but with Tokuno colors
    keeping the same shape/Kanji but with Natural colors
    keeping the same shape/Kanji but with Plant colors

    keeping the same shape/colors but replacing the Kanji with Virtue Symbols
    keeping the same shape/colors but replacing the Kanji with Runes for Mantras

    Elven Soulstones
    Gargish Soulstones


    Color variation is a vanity desire so why give you a dye tub, when they can get you to purchase each color individually?

    I love UO, but it is still a business.

    Pure vanity variations, more money in the coffers, less development time, I don't think we're going to see much in the way of functionality changes.

  • I agree the new color soulstones are nice but there so much more they could do like bind them to your EA account (the one your UO accounts are linked to) so you could pass skills between accounts.  They could add new items like a vanity mount for Paladins like oh. . . A silver steed.  This has been asked for numerous times and ignored.  If they REALLY wanted to make bookoo money sell gold packs.  Every game nowadays you can buy in game currency for it. For example I can by simoleons for the Sims Freeplay, you can buy Sim points for Sims 3 /Sims 4, you can buy coins for Plants Vs. Zombies 2 and I could go on.  Point is they are TOTALLY missing the boat not selling gold packs.

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