Does Fishing for Crustaceans Suck or am I doing something wrong?

I'm still very new to fishing.  I GMed it around the time that High Seas came out & haven't done anything with it since.  I'm currently at 101.8.

I've been putting lobster traps in the water, and they take forever to *bob*, if they even do it in the first place.  There's no real warning that you're in a "dry" spot.  I've been using one trap at a time, and fishing with my pole at the same time, and in the same place.  What am I doing wrong?  Any tips would be great. Thanks in advance!


  • GraceGrace Posts: 149
    edited June 2019
    Been a few years, but I used to lay out several traps at once. Would lay out maybe 25 on one side of the boat and 25 on the other side by sailing slowly and dropping them. Then slowly back up, then go back up the line of traps and pick them up one by one. They should have done 2-3 bobs by then. You lose several traps, but if you don't let them sit for a bit and bob, you won't get a named crustacean.  

    You have to get a feel for it and decide the timing and amount of traps best for you. Oh and I never hang
    out too long in one place, the sea is vast!  If no luck I move on.

    One trap at a time, well, yeah that is certainly the hard way!

    Good Luck!
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    @Nazghoul_Mortis ;

    One question... are you dropping crabs and lobsters Traps in DEEP water ?

    That I know of, in shallow water (near shores) they do not work as well as in deep water....
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    edited June 2019
    In order to get the amount needed for a fisher monger quest, you will want to do more than one at a time. I find a clear stretch and sail slowly back or forward dropping 100 at a time. You then sail to the start again and pick them up. They are just starting their second bob by this time. I usually wait til the third bob starts to pick them up. You will lose some but I find it worth it in the long run. You will lose less as your skill goes up. (At your level, you may just want 2 bobs.) Some areas I find lose more traps than I normally would. When that happens, find another spot.
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