Is there any benefits from wearing Plate armor
I was ask this question in our guild discord, I had no clue as I have never wore plate armor before.
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Treasure Hunters

Treasure Hunters

Stamina Loss
Player’s stamina loss is influenced by the type of armor as well as the amount of armor that is equipped. Each piece of armor up to five pieces will reduce the amount of stamina lost when taking damage. The armor pieces which provide the most stamina loss reduction will take priority.
Lower Mana Cost
Each piece of non medable armor provides lower mana cost with the exception of woodland armor. Each piece of armor up to five pieces provides a percentage which can exceed the lower mana cost cap of 40. If a suit has 40 lower mana cost already, then 55 lower mana cost can be achieved when wearing 5 x 3% pieces. The armor pieces which provide the most lower mana cost will take priority.
It really does help against stamina loss. I use it on my warrior.
The LMC bonus is nice too. Just not as nice as studded/bone.
Treasure Hunters
It makes no sense why plate and studded don't get the same LMC bonus reduction?
I wear studded on several characters specifically for the bonus 3% LMC. If plate were the same I'd wear some plate.
Yeah, I get that but slightly better stamina loss just isn't worth 10% LMC loss.
With DEX over 100-120 stamina loss is barely noticed but at 20-40 INT 10% LMC adds up quick with specials.
For a Warrior, be it a Sampire, Zero Sampire, Dragoon (Bushido Paladin), Paladin, Modern Sampire, etc. etc. etc. having to make a choice in between Armor that is Medable (more Mana Rgen rate) but does not offer great bonuses for Stamina Loss Reduction or Lower Mana cost or, in alternative, prefer Armor that focuses on Stamina Loss Reduction over Mana Regen/Lower Mana Cost or, in alternative, prefer Armor that focuses on Lower Mana Cost over Mana Regen/Stamina Loss Reduction, which would be more preferable to use for them with everything being considered?
That is, is it always preferable for a Sampire, Zero Sampire, Dragoon, Paladin, Modern Sampire etc. etc. to prefer for their Armor suit Blacksmith armor (platemail, ringmail, chainmail, and dragon armor) that favour Stamina Loss Reduction over Mana Regen Rate (medable Armor)/Lower Mana Cost ?
Or are there exception to this ?
What I am trying to understand, is in WHAT cases (i.e. what Templates) WHAT Armor type is better suited....
That is, what the "Rule" or "Pattern" that should be followed for different Templates might be....