More recepies should be added to UO

psychopsycho Posts: 370
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

I think the best way to introduce new artifacts(or deco) would be to add more recepies.

Recepies keeps hunters active to get the recepie wanted and it keeps crafters active aswell.
Wanted artifacts can be crafted and sold which also gives vendors new items to sell.
To get ingredients for the items needed in a new recepie, miners, lumberjacks and other hunters will also be active getting mats, gems, ingots, lumber and whatnot.
Even old artis from previous hunts could be added as an key ingredient for a more advanced version of the existing artifact.
This sounds like a win-win-win-win-win situation.  I rarely encounter ideas with such benefits.

I really think new recepies for new artifacts should be added, can be through a monster, T-map chest, MiBs, vvv, or even through the BOD system.

Any comments or ideas?


  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    I like recipes. Keeps Tandy busy.

    Personally I think a recipe discovery system working off of the Imbuing/Unraveling/Craft-Skill process would be an awesome way to add in new recipes. Although some way to balance it would be needed. If the few are able to attain these new recipes, that much whispered word "monopoly" would become louder on the forums.
  • Ezekiel_ZaneEzekiel_Zane Posts: 326

    Are the 19th anniversary recipes available in-game at all?
  • -- As long as they have a variety of ways to obtain recipes, this is something I can get behind.

    As it stands right now, a lot of the items that Heartwood recipes are needed for are craftable by only a few players on my home shard because the Heartwood quests are: 1) boring, 2) redudant, and 3) the RNG for recipe drops in the reward bags is insane, especially for the rarer recipes.

    I enjoy crafting and questing more than most people (I still run the Collector's Quest for Obsidian Statues ... I WILL have a full set one day, as God as my witness!) but even I have my limits with Heartwood quests.
    ~ Jennifer-Marie

    "Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]
  • Seems like they have so many recipes in game now I've completely lost track of them. Things like Krampus boots and such I really don't have an interest in making lol
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    -- As long as they have a variety of ways to obtain recipes, this is something I can get behind.

    As it stands right now, a lot of the items that Heartwood recipes are needed for are craftable by only a few players on my home shard because the Heartwood quests are: 1) boring, 2) redudant, and 3) the RNG for recipe drops in the reward bags is insane, especially for the rarer recipes.

    I enjoy crafting and questing more than most people (I still run the Collector's Quest for Obsidian Statues ... I WILL have a full set one day, as God as my witness!) but even I have my limits with Heartwood quests.
    Heartwood recipes are also found in treasure chest. I have them all and never did any heartwood quests.
  • psychopsycho Posts: 370
    Ive done a few dozen of the heartwood recipes the past few days and its not as bad quests really, some requires items to fill, some requires crafting swords/bows, some requires to somewhere and kill something.  Wasnt so bad quests and I got the recipes I wanted after an hour or two.

    However the recipes are totally outdated. I think even a decade a go (read 10years) the artis from the recipes was outdated.  UOML came in 2005, 19years ago,back then I guess it was OK items. Maybe just remove the recipes and add new ones?  same quest, different updated reward.

    Other places Ive gotten a recipe or two is from IDOC and vendor search.
    Im all for some recipes being rarer than others, but in general the full benefit and win-win-win situation would come from recipes obtainable by anyone.

    Also remember we have the recipe books (holiday gift), they are great for storing recipes :)

    @Mariah ; Maybe update the crafting section on with an own section of "recipes"

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    What is it you want on such a page? Would players be more likely to look at that page than the currently existing individual crafting pages which list what items need recipes and where they're acquired? Example:

  • Mariah said:
    What is it you want on such a page? Would players be more likely to look at that page than the currently existing individual crafting pages which list what items need recipes and where they're acquired? Example:

    — I’ve often thought, Mariah, that one general “recipe” page would be a very nice addition to the wiki. It’s nice to see them on the individual craft skill pages? But sometimes I don’t know exactly what skill a recipe falls under so there’s digging or I have to log onto my crafter and check menus. A one-stop-list page for recipes could be beneficial.
    ~ Jennifer-Marie

    "Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    Could you not just google the recipe and it would tell you what craft it is from???
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    Arron said:
    Could you not just google the recipe and it would tell you what craft it is from???

    I used to do that all of the time, before the recipe book came out... on my cell.
    but the first thing to pop up, should be the official site.
    Not a site, that doesn't always have the correct info.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    edited June 2019
    I'm working on it, but as you know from the recipe book, there are 151 recipes to list. I hope to finish before the end of today.

    I seemed to have missed one of the links, I'll get that fixed as soon as I can.

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