Black's Market "A Ship's Portrait" : How many there are ?

I am trying to find out how many A Ship's Portraits of fidderent Ships there are.

Is there a List somewhere ?

@Mariah , could you please kindly help with this List ?

Thanks !!


  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    Wood Carving of The...
    Crown Jewel
    Dragon's Breath
    Golden Ankh
    HMS Cape
    Lusty Wench
    Poseidon's Fury
    Scaly Eel
    Silver Hart
    Vengeance Bay Ghost Ship

    And if you're lucky, one with your name on it
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Wood Carving of The...
    Crown Jewel
    Dragon's Breath
    Golden Ankh
    HMS Cape
    Lusty Wench
    Poseidon's Fury
    Scaly Eel
    Silver Hart
    Vengeance Bay Ghost Ship

    And if you're lucky, one with your name on it
    Thanks! And there are some more rare that oters, or do they have all the same level of "availability"?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited June 2019

    Thanks for the List !!

    So, there's a total of 17 Ships.... any of them having been found to be rarer to get as the others ?
  • ZekeTerraZekeTerra Posts: 376
    You missed one:
    The Ararat

    There are 18 named ones plus the chance for one with your name on it.  Took me 60+ tries to get the one with my name on it.  They seem random and didn't notice any of them being rare (other than your name lol ).  Although I did end up with 7 Spartan's but got 2 complete sets and bunch of spares.
  • ZekeTerraZekeTerra Posts: 376
    Here's a pic of them mounted in my castle.  Note I have 2 of one of them up because I'm OCD and can't have an uneven number.

    The ships in the moat are named after the Wooden Carvings...

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Wood Carving of The...
    Crown Jewel
    Dragon's Breath
    Golden Ankh
    HMS Cape
    Lusty Wench
    Poseidon's Fury
    Scaly Eel
    Silver Hart
    Vengeance Bay Ghost Ship

    And if you're lucky, one with your name on it
    @Cinderella ;

    By the way, there is one Ship missing on your List


    I am positive, because I just got it....
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    ZekeTerra said:
    You missed one:
    The Ararat

    There are 18 named ones plus the chance for one with your name on it.  Took me 60+ tries to get the one with my name on it.  They seem random and didn't notice any of them being rare (other than your name lol ).  Although I did end up with 7 Spartan's but got 2 complete sets and bunch of spares.

    Do you have any of these in your spares ?

    HMS Cape

    - The Beast
    - Excellencia
    - Mustang
    - Poseidon's Fury
    - Rogue
    - Scaly Eel
    - Silver Heart
    - Vengeance Bay Ghost Ship
    - Ararat

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    Thanks for letting me know... I will have to recheck the extras I was given
  • ZekeTerra said:
    Here's a pic of them mounted in my castle.  Note I have 2 of one of them up because I'm OCD and can't have an uneven number.

    The ships in the moat are named after the Wooden Carvings...

    HAHA! OCD! I have OCD with symmetry. If you look around my castle you'll see it. My kids use to love doing little experiments of moving things in the house a few inches from where I thought they should be and seeing how long before I adjusted it back. Usually took about as long as for me to see it. But yeah trying to buy 2 of everything sucks. Especially with rares. I have to do little tricks with my mind to con myself into thinking something is symmetrical in those impossible situations. 
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
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