Blessed Limited Carryall Container

Forgive me if this has already been suggested. And I figure, though I don't know from experience, that this isn't an issue when using EC. That said...

I'd love to have a blessed carryall container that is limited to only being able to carry 10-12 Blessed and / or insured items. 

All of my characters carry items I often use around the house. Or items I only use occasionally but never know when I might need them.

Things like: An Axe, Scissors, Interior Decorator, Crystal Ball of Knowledge, House Placement Tool, A Blank Book (to leave a note), A couple Slayer Spellbooks, A couple less often used Runebooks, etc.

All these items are either blessed or insured but are a PITA to organize again after they've scattered all over my pack when I die. It would be great if a handful of selected sundry items were still in one smaller pack inside main pack. If a container like this could be created to not accept items that aren't blessed or insured, so it couldn't be exploited, I think it would be a desirable item to have. I'd buy it at the UO Store or claim it as a Vet gift.

Just thinking out loud...Thanks!


  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    I would love to see a way to avoid having bless items, like quest keys, all pop up to the main back pack when you die, its a huge pain in the rear getting them all back to the alt back pack when they all hiding behind rune and spell books etc..
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    Yes! Little stuff like that, that gets buried, Drake!
  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400
    I avoide dying like the plague!   I have to much stuff in my organized bags as it is... and doing the omg I cant find my clothes to run back to get my stupid gd out of trouble fast enough cause half of it is hidden under tons of books and stuff.....   Long ago a bag/container for things like runebooks and the odd and end of things that go poof if you die and hide under every odd place item was said to be in the works....  ah the things in the works.... if half of them ever came out of the works we'd be so surprised half of us would keel over dead of shock!
  • TimTim Posts: 840
    It's not a big problem for me (EC) but if it could put the cursed items back in it when you reclaimed your gear I'd buy it.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    I would think putting a cursed item in a blessed bag would cause the universe to implode, stars fall from the skies, and worlds to collide.

    (Just binged on "Good Omens"... sorry)
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    @Lady_Storm said:
    " Long ago a bag/container for things like runebooks and the odd and end of things that go poof if you die and hide under every odd place item was said to be in the works."
    Ah! I didn't know that. Well, I won't give up hope!

    @Tim said:
    "It's not a big problem for me (EC) but if it could put the cursed items back in it when you reclaimed your gear I'd buy it."
    If cursed items can be looted by monsters and other players when you're in Felucca then I'm thinking it wouldn't work to have them in a blessed container inside main pack. Just speculating though, because I truly don't know diddly about what dev's can and can't do for programming.

    @Kirthag said:
    "I would think putting a cursed item in a blessed bag would cause the universe to implode, stars fall from the skies, and worlds to collide.

    (Just binged on "Good Omens"... sorry)"
    Good Omens is on my make time to binge list! 

  • TimTim Posts: 840
    I was thinking along the lines of if it was still on your body when you got back to one click loot your body. If something/one get to it first it's of course gone. Its a small thing but I usually have some cursed item in my loot bag for a closer look later or melt down and if I die they get spread out over top level of backpack.

    Off topic but am I remembering correctly back in the day if a blessed item was in a bag in your backpack when you died it was no longer bless?
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    Hmm if the blessed item was inside a pack inside your main pack? I don't remember that, Tim. Could be. I think all of my blessed items back in the day were items I was wearing. So they would have fallen into main pack when I died. 
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