Bad week redux again

EM KincaidEM Kincaid Posts: 204Event Moderator
I wish to go on record as saying I HATE Microsoft's latest batches of updates. Today makes the third time this year that I'll be wasting a weekend re-installing everything, instead of doing what you and I love - playing UO, designing events, and listening to the death rattle in the throats of dying players.
Maybe it's time for a "get the EM a new PC" kickstarter? Oh, and as you no doubt noticed, the EM websites borked too. What a revolting development. 
At any rate, no event tonight. Sorry. Next weekend should be a council meeting, if Microshaft leave my Windows alone. If I can get in game anytime this weekend, I'll drop some tele tiles around the hall as a consolation. 


  • MagichandsMagichands Posts: 141
    LOL... We have to get ready for a raid in Microsoft HQ !! Summons some of your sneaky orcs !!! 
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