VERY MINOR BUG: Dismounted on Login

FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
In EC, not sure about CC, when I log in I am dismounted from my horse.  It happens frequently.  It's not a bad bug, but it can be nasty if I am disconnected in a bad place and horse runs off to fight the good fight when I log in.


  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited March 2018
    yes i have this too on EC
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited March 2018
    Feigr said:
    In EC, not sure about CC, when I log in I am dismounted from my horse.  It happens frequently.  It's not a bad bug, but it can be nasty if I am disconnected in a bad place and horse runs off to fight the good fight when I log in.

    It'a bug? I think it is normal (in EC at last: never use CC). My chars always Log-in dismounted (beside on ethereal) and the equipment is auto-eqipped if a fixed sequence, so if you have items the require bonus from other items that ore putted on later in the sequence, they are NOT auto-equipped al Log-in (e.g. IME, at EC log-in, armor is equipped BEFORE Jewlery, so if you need the STR bonus of your Jewlery to wear a piece of armor, you will NOT get that piece of armor auto-eqipped).
    I thinks it is a feature, not a bug...
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Ivenor said:
    Feigr said:
    In EC, not sure about CC, when I log in I am dismounted from my horse.  It happens frequently.  It's not a bad bug, but it can be nasty if I am disconnected in a bad place and horse runs off to fight the good fight when I log in.

    It'a bug? I think it is normal (in EC at last: never use CC). My chars always Log-in dismounted (beside on ethereal) and the equipment is auto-eqipped if a fixed sequence, so if you have items the require bonus from other items that ore putted on later in the sequence, they are NOT auto-equipped al Log-in (e.g. IME, at EC log-in, armor is equipped BEFORE Jewlery, so if you need the STR bonus of your Jewlery to wear a piece of armor, you will NOT get that piece of armor auto-eqipped).
    I thinks it is a feature, not a bug...
    You're wrong, it's a bug.  When a person logs out and logs back in, they expect to have the character the same.  Expecting otherwise is just argumentative.  There's no point.  Why would your explanation be a feature? What's the purpose?
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited March 2018
    Feigr said:
    You're wrong, it's a bug.  When a person logs out and logs back in, they expect to have the character the same.  Expecting otherwise is just argumentative.  There's no point.  Why would your explanation be a feature? What's the purpose?
    Apologies: I didn't want to be argomentative for the sake of it: I only described my experiences in seeing some login. Moreover, I saw people arrive from a "Business Recall" (the 1.000 gp one) to a Vendor, People that I know for sure were on ethereal arrived mounted, poeple on tamed pets arrived dismounted and automatically remounted a split second after. Clearly I don't have an exaustive case study, but that is the impression I got: that it is a Feature of the way char "loading" in tele-transportation (of wich Loggin-in is a part, db & graphically-wise speaking) technically function in UO. That it can be inconvinient I agree with you, but if it is "mandatory" or "buggish" only a Dev can confirm...

  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    I just don't want to bog down into side details and off-topic tangents.  Equipment aside, ethereal mounts aside... When you log out on a horse, you should log in on a horse.  Keep it simple.  It's a stupid bug and it's minor.  Everything on UO has to be argued about and it's annoying af.  Who'd really argue that this should be kept and isn't a bug?
  • OkamiOkami Posts: 84
    I can add that this even happens with Ethereal mounts, and sometimes the horse will "wander" causing your game to crash immediately on log in. In EC. It's only happened twice to me in 6 months, but it happens.

  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    I agree that it can be even dangerous (beside logginin dismounted, one don't login with the full L/M/S given by its equipment), but still think that it is not a bug, but a feature of the way in which Chars are DB-loaded at log-in or when they teleport from areas on different subservers.
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    I think where we disagree is the term Feature and Bug Ivenor.

    Bug: Unintended consequence of program.
    Feature: Intended function of the program.

    Are you saying that you think this is intended or that there isn't a solution?  Just having an idea of what is causing something to happen doesn't make it a feature in my mind.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited March 2018
    How can anybody think that this is intended when in fact it does not happen every time anybody logs in to UO.  I use the CC and have NEVER had this happen.  It is clearly a bug that needs to be squashed.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited March 2018
    @Feigr @Bilbo
    Hmmm... maybe the point is what we mean for "intended". I don't use the CC, but, for what I noted on the EC, it seems to me that the "delay" is the norm. Maybe, I hypotize, the EC takes more time to load the graphic respect to the CC? If this is the case this is not a bug in the IT meaning of the word (corrupted coded that malfunction), but a "feature" of the way the EC handle that specific function (that could have unintended consequences, if you login with enemies around). Or could it be caused by the lag (by itself, or added to the use of the EC) if you use a "yellow" or "red" Shard, and so have to suffer a longer syncro time between Shard Server/ EC Client?

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @Ivenor ; I play CC but when I want to sort or place something in a container in an exact spot I use the EC and I have never, never noticed any display delay when loading the EC.  Are you loading that much stuff on your screen that you really get a delay, I also have no other programs running while playing UO.
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    edited March 2018
    You're not answering the question Ivenor.  Intended doesn't have multiple meanings. 

    I have my BSDMDA and hold a lot of recognized certificationsj. A bug is something that wasn't intended even if the coding allows the bug.  In your definition there would be no bugs ever.  I get generally what you're trying to say, but in this topic you're coming off as explaining away something that is clearly not intended.

    It's beyond irrelevant if the code is the reason for it.  

    For example, if I use COUNT (DISTINCT or DISTINCT (COUNT there are two results I'm going to get.  I don't say "It's intended" if I use the wrong one.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited May 2023
    "I would like to raise the severity of this bug because.
    Currently if you have a giant beetle that you have trained to 5 slot. And it has items in it. When you log out you would expect it to log out with you if you have mounted it, if you briefly say log-in with the wrong char and immediately log out again, you would perhaps not realise that you just said goodbye to your trained 5 slot beetle and its contents. "
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
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