I have a Question about the latest Newsletter...

poppspopps Posts: 4,130
edited June 2019 in General Discussions
This is about the UO Newletter at https://mailchi.mp/broadsword/uo-newsletter-36?e=[UNIQID]

At some point is reads :

"New Rewards in the Black Market!

Rising Tide has been a huge hit!  Our final batch of rewards to hit the Black Market will be on June 1st and we are sure you are going to love them!  The cannon updates and the plunderbeacons have been so popular we are decided to leave them in as permanent features!  The reward cargo will also come into play in the next chapter of our ongoing arc we began with, Rising Tide!  While the Black Market is open today, it won't be forever so hit the High Seas and get those doubloons today!"

Now, there is several things I do NOT understand and would like to be clarified, possibly.

# 1 Question) - It is said that PlunderBeacons will become permanent.
With what loot from destroying them ?

Which it leads us to the second question : 

# 2 Question) - It is clearly said that the Black Market won't be open forever and that players should "hit the High Seas and get those doubloons today".....
Which to me it means, that with the stopping of the Black Market, so will stop the Maritime Trade Cargos to spawn. What would be the point, infact, to keep getting Maritime Trade Cargo if they will not be possible to be traded in for Doubloons since the Black Market will be closed at some point ?

Is that so ?

# 3 Question) - How much forewarning will we get before the Black Market shuts down so as to redeem whatever Maritime Trade Cargo we might still have for Doubloons and, thus, Rewards, so as to avoid remaining with any of them which we could no longer use at the Black Market to claim for Rewards ?

# 4 Question) - The above Paragraph says that on JUNE 1ST the "FINAL" batch of Rewards is hitting the Black Market.... final, to my understanding, means the LAST ONES.... after these, no more...

Then, though, the same Paragraph says "The reward cargo will also come into play in the next chapter of our ongoing arc we began with, Rising Tide!".
That confuses me and quite some.... is June the FINAL Month for the Black Market Rewards and for Maritime Trade Cargos after which they will be stopped for good OR will also in July come more Rewards ?

Bottom line is, can we please get to know what the Plans are, exactly, for the Black Market and for the Reward Maritime Trade Cargoes ?

Will they both shut by the end of June so that we need to turn in for Doubloons as many Maritime Trade Cargo as we can because "While the Black Market is open today, it won't be forever so hit the High Seas and get those doubloons today! " ?

Or will they continue also for July ?

@Mariah , @Kyronix , @Bleak , @Mesanna , can anyone please shed some light on what is next to come ? 



  • Acid_RainAcid_Rain Posts: 282
    Two things scream at me : 

    1) Were they planning on changing cannon function back to the prior cluster F*** of clicking we previously had? They’re leaving in cannon function permanently? Are we supposed 2 b happy? What on earth r they talking abt?

    2) As Popps pointed out, why would they leave in plunder beacon yet close the Black Market? Do they realize the SOLE reason we’re doing beacons is for the Black Market picks, MAINLY Tritons! U close down the Black Market & try to add cargo crate functionality elsewhere through another mechanic & u’ve just spent DEV time developing/implementing another useless feature no one will ever use.

    They’re missing the point - We’re doing Beacons to get Tritons because so many of them pop with such God awful stats/skills that they’re TRASH. 

    My spread sheet has 46 Tritons currently & well over half I released. I have 2 would consider good & maybe 3 more decent. THIS IS WHY WE’RE DOING BEACONS.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492

    @Acid_Rain why on earth would you think they would revert the changes to cannon firing? That would make no sense at all. 
    The way I read the newsletter:
    Plunder beacons are staying, the black market person isn't.
    June is the last month new items will be added, but we do not yet have any information as to how long after that we will be able to keep buying his inventory.
    Cargo will continue to drop from beacons, but will play a different part in the ongoing story line. We do not yet know what that might be.  We can already turn them in to the towns to boost their coffers. 
    While much of what we're getting is an upgrade to high seas, part of it is also an event storyline, the story has to progress to a conclusion  somehow, sometime.
    Some people are doing the beacons to get Tritons.  It is a mistake to say everyone is. I'm not. I have one triton, still in statue form. I think my tamer already has enough pets in her stable. 
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
    Popps, don't you like surprises at all? As Petra points out, and as is obvious when reading the news letter, cargo will be used in some other way. 

    Glad to see the beacons are staying. :-) 

    I'm very much hoping we don't run out of steam before new game content, beyond salvage loot, is brought to fishing and MIB's. 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130

    @ Acid_Rain why on earth would you think they would revert the changes to cannon firing? That would make no sense at all. 
    The way I read the newsletter:
    Plunder beacons are staying, the black market person isn't.
    June is the last month new items will be added, but we do not yet have any information as to how long after that we will be able to keep buying his inventory.
    Cargo will continue to drop from beacons, but will play a different part in the ongoing story line. We do not yet know what that might be.  We can already turn them in to the towns to boost their coffers. 
    While much of what we're getting is an upgrade to high seas, part of it is also an event storyline, the story has to progress to a conclusion  somehow, sometime.
    Some people are doing the beacons to get Tritons.  It is a mistake to say everyone is. I'm not. I have one triton, still in statue form. I think my tamer already has enough pets in her stable. 
    "We can already turn them in to the towns to boost their coffers. "

    Besides the fact that, as I understand it, Towns' Coffers were already boosted to "keep going" for Years, it is not really necessary, at least to my opinion, to keep Maritime Trade Cargo in existance to further boost Towns' Coffers.... perhaps a novelty way could be found that is also good fun ?

    I mean, I can understand collecting Maritime Trade Cargo to turn it at the Black Market for Doubloons and, so, for cool Rewards, but to collect Maritime Trade Cargo only and solely to further boost Towns' Coffers ?

    How much do we want to boost these Towns Coffers ? For another 100 Years of gameplay time ?

    I'd rather prefer to see a different, cool and fun way....

    I mean, the current Timeline will run until the end of 2019, then, I would hope, for 2020 we will get, hopefully, another Timeline and storyline....

    Since 2019 Towns' Coffers are already weeeeell covered for the current Year (and some Towns' Governors also think for some following Years to come....), how about we let the Maritime Trade Cargo go and hope for 2020 Timeline in a new and cool way to still boost any further Towns' Coffers ?

    Just a thought....

    @Kyronix ?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    LilyGrace said:
    Popps, don't you like surprises at all? As Petra points out, and as is obvious when reading the news letter, cargo will be used in some other way. 

    Glad to see the beacons are staying. :-) 

    I'm very much hoping we don't run out of steam before new game content, beyond salvage loot, is brought to fishing and MIB's. 
    "I'm very much hoping we don't run out of steam before new game content, beyond salvage loot, is brought to fishing and MIB's. "

    Since you brought up Fishing, I really HOPE that we will be able to see some Fishing love which is long due, considering that the last major update to Fishing dates, as I understand, from the times of the High Seas expansion....

    Some discussions about Fishing hopefull changes can be find here https://forum.uo.com/discussion/3885/uo-timeline-for-2019-will-it-include-also-fishing-for-much-needed-new-content-additions-rework
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492

    I said: Cargo will continue to drop from beacons, but will play a different part in the ongoing story line. We do not yet know what that might be. 

    how about we wait and see instead of nagging poor Kyronix when he's busy trying to get the current publish right?
  • Acid_RainAcid_Rain Posts: 282
    popps said:
    This is about the UO Newletter at https://mailchi.mp/broadsword/uo-newsletter-36?e=[UNIQID]

    At some point is reads :

    The cannon updates and the plunderbeacons have been so popular we are decided to leave them in as permanent features! 

    To what other cannon updates could they be referring ? 100% agree reverting the cannon firing would make no sense at all which is why their wording had me confused.

    Some people are doing the beacons to get Tritons.  It is a mistake to say everyone is. I'm not. 
    I never said “everyone is”. I even capitalized the word to show not everyone. However, I can safely say EVERYONE I know is doing beacons for Tritons.

    Acid_Rain said:
    Do they realize the SOLE reason we’re doing beacons is for the Black Market picks, MAINLY Tritons!
    I will concede my comment on wasted DEV time was alil harsh but unless they REALLY plan to up the level on these event picks/items in the future, it’s hard to imagine something will outshine the only new combat pet introduced lately & prob for quite awhile.

    I stand by comment on most of the Tritons being horrible & would gladly share my spreadsheet that supports the fact, if so desired.

    I understand the monumental undertaking our team has in front of them, considering staffing limitations, budget, etc,... I appreciate what they do & look forward to the fruition of their efforts but still need to voice my opinions time to time ;)

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    @ popps

    I said: Cargo will continue to drop from beacons, but will play a different part in the ongoing story line. We do not yet know what that might be. 

    how about we wait and see instead of nagging poor Kyronix when he's busy trying to get the current publish right?
    I am simply trying to understand what the plan is, because, I am not able to understand it from reading the Newsletter...

    Nothing less, nothing more, just trying to understand what lays ahead of us about Black Market, Maritime Trade Cargos and so forth........
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