My Skree went poof.
I decided to do some Beacons so I gathered my crew and took out my Pirating Skree, checked his lore and went to the ship. Found a beacon 2 screens from where I was parked. The skree was on the ship fighting the orcs.
Got some texts from customers so that toon died. Brought him back to life and somewhere along the line I had 0/5 pets. No skree near or no skree body. He had never died so I doubt he did now. He was only out of the stable for 20 mins at most.
I tried all the recovery methods. He went poof.
I tried all the recovery methods. He went poof.
Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
In All Seriousness though this is a major issue. The developers need to substitute the code where pets go wild with returning them back to the stables, and make the pet balls just work everywhere.
I dont think my skree went wild. I lored him before we left. I lore pets a lot. He was only put for 20 min. Hopefully what happened will not be reproduced by others.