How to train "Remove Trap" ?

How is the most efficient way to train Remove Trap?  I couldn't find an npc to train me past 27.8; the only npc I could find was in New Haven.  The player wiki said use the room in the warrior building, but I couldn't tell what chests/crates were good - I'm getting blown to pieces & lethal poisoned every other attempt.  My character has all 70's resists, 50% Enhance Potions, and Greater Cure potion kegs in his pack.  This seems like I'm ice-skating up hill...  please gimmie some ideas!  (P.S. I already know about Trans. and Alacrity scrolls).


  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    There is a Rule that must be observed to Train Remove Trap :

    "Remove trap is a skill used to remove traps on containers and disarm floor traps in various locations. There are ‘qualifying’ requirements which must be met before the skill can be trained. The character must have at least 50 points in both Detect Hidden and Lockpicking."

    Here you might find some advice. Also on you might search the Forums for posts giving advice on training this particular skill.
  • Thanks Popps!  I'll check there in a few minutes while I set up my character.  He's got GM Lockpicking, and GM Detect Hidden by the way.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Please bear in mind that the information currently in the page will be obsolete once this publish is live. I will update the page when I have firm information on what to update it to.
  • fonsvitaefonsvitae Posts: 51
    Thanks Popps!  I'll check there in a few minutes while I set up my character.  He's got GM Lockpicking, and GM Detect Hidden by the way.
    I recently trained RT; you are best raising tinkering and making your own traps as you go. It is a dirty job, but its end is GM RT.

    You may also want to wait until next publish or so goes live as the devs are implementing a new way to gain/ train w/ this skill and it may be an easier path than what we have now.

  • I'm currently at 57.0 RT.  I've also discovered that training Tinkering up with Remove Trap is the best way: my Tinkering is at 50.1 right now, and the gain's say "easy" from crystal ball.  It kinda sucks for the first 30-40 points because you cannot actually trap the boxes because the tinkering skill needed for installing a trap is too high.
  • Ok, checking in.

    At 60.0 Remove Trap, 60.2 Tinker-trapped boxes give me "optimal" gains.  Just an fyi 
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    edited May 2019
    @Nazghoul_Mortis, this time around training remove trap I've not tried so hard to keep tinkering 5.0 to 10.0 points ahead of remove trap.  I've kept it within about 2 or 3 points however, and for a while now it's actually been lower than remove trap.  Tinkering's at 83.1 and remove trap is at 85.8.  I did make another 20 sets of boxes to do, for a total of 40 at a time.  I may make a third set to have 60 boxes. I'm also thinking that when I hit 90 remove trap, if I'm tired of wasting resources on training tinkering on this character, I'll just start having my GM tinker on a different account trap all 60 boxes every time they need to be trapped and hopefully still get acceptable gains from 90 to 100 remove trap skill.  

    One thing to note that seems to help is to do this training on a character with few other skills so your skill total is as low as possible. This character now has about 45 magery, 50 detect hidden, 50 lockpicking, 85 remove trap. and 83 tinkering.  I did let her have meditation and eval but have soulstoned wiped off those skills as the RT and tinkering increased.
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Just a followup.  At 86 remove trap, trying to disarm traps set by a GM tinker is declared by the Crystal Ball of Knowledge to be "Challenging."  Made a box of 20 and got through 5 before calling it quits because of the many, many failures.  Will check again at 88, 90, 92, etc. to see when they became "optimal."  The ones made at 83.1 tinkering are "Easy" to disarm at 86 remove trap skill but at least you're using the skill and getting a few gains.
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    Maybe they will release the beloved puzzle training things on production shards while still testing things out on test center to help folks out with remove trap. Good luck on your training!
  • With Remove Trap at 65.7 & 60.2 Tinkering, gains just started to be "easy".

  • Update: with Remove Trap at 68.5 - 70.1 Tinker-box traps give "optimal" results.  Just a quick FYI

  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    edited June 2019
    And at 95.1 Remove Trap skill, GM-tinkered trap boxes start to give "optimal" results.  
  • Nazghoul_MortisNazghoul_Mortis Posts: 121
    edited June 2019
    Update: 76.0 Remove Trap vs. 70.1 Tinkering = "easy" now.  Be back soon with more info!
  • Another Update:  Tinker-trapped boxes at 80.1 give "optimal" gains at 76.7 Remove Trap.
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    It looks like the boxes trapped by a GM tinker will take you all the way from 95.1 Remove Trap skill to 100.0 Remove Trap skill with "optimal" results.  

    Getting ready to start the process on another shard now.  Finished RT training on Origin early this morning.  I'll try to take better notes to see where the "optimal" results happen.  I kind of suspect that in many cases the tinkering skill can be lower than the remove trap skill, but am not 100% certain about this. 
  • Update: Using Tinker-trap boxes from Tinkering at 80.1, you get "easy" gains once you hit 85.6 Remove Trap.
  • Update: Tinker-boxes made at 80.1 give "easy" gains at 87.5 Remove Trap
  • Update: At 87.8 Remove Trap, you get "optimal" gains from 90.1 Tinker-trap boxes.
  • Update: At 95.6 Remove Trap, Tinker-boxes made at 90.1 are "easy" ..
  • ShannowShannow Posts: 35
    Hi, I used these helpful posts as a guide and did some training too. Anyway, I studied how the gains work a bit more closely:

    if remove trap is 65.0 and tinkering is 69.9 training remove trap is optimal
    if remove trap is 65.0 and tinkering is 70.0 training remove trap is challenging
    if remove trap is 65.1 and tinkering is 70.0 training remove trap is optimal.
    This seems to occur every time you tick your tinkering gains from x9.9 to x0.0
    So my advice is keep remove trap 4.9 or less below tinkering to reduce the number of failures and traps going off and to stay in the optimum range.
  • Nazghoul_MortisNazghoul_Mortis Posts: 121
    edited June 2019
    Update: Only GM-made Tinker-boxes will give "optimal" gains at 96+  Remove Trap.

    And, thanks Shannow for your research.
  • And... GM Remove Trap! Finally!
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    The wiki page for this skill has now been updated (link above)
  • TrismegistosTrismegistos Posts: 197
    edited June 2019
    As removing the request for "Detect hidden" would it be possible to choose RT as a starting skill?
  • As removing the request for "Detect hidden" would it be possible to choose RT as a starting skill?
    Good question.  I'll log on Origin to check and update later

    I'm curious if RT will be a selection when using a mythic token.  Anyone know?


  • As removing the request for "Detect hidden" would it be possible to choose RT as a starting skill?
    Good question.  I'll log on Origin to check and update later

    I'm curious if RT will be a selection when using a mythic token.  Anyone know?

    Remove Trap was not an option for a new character start up skill.  Checked on Origin so it should reflect the current patch.

    Still curious about the mythic token
    (maybe with 50 Detect hidden and 50 lockpicking)


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