A thought RE: The new Treasure Maps and "Loot Quality"....

poppspopps Posts: 4,131
edited May 2019 in Test Center
@Kyronix ;

I keep seeing a disconnect between some players insisting that the "new" Loot on Test Server about Treasure Maps is a "Nerf" from the existing and the developers insisting instead that they INCREASED the Loot Quality of the items in the Treasure Maps on Test Server albeit reducing their numbers in Treasure Chests as to what currently is on Production Shards....

I think that BOTH the players AND the Developers are right.

So, "how" is this possible ?

If the Items' Quality was indeed "increased" on Test Server as the Developers say, "how" is it possible that then players perceive it as a "Nerf" ?

The answer to this, to my opinion, lays in the REDUCTION of the number of items which can be found on Treasure Chests on the Test Server AND the RNG who, sometimes, likes to associate modifiers on items in a way that players do not like nor find usefull at all....

That is, an item can very well come with 15 modifiers on it BUT, if those modifiers are badly assorted, a bunch of them are going to remain unused by that given Template and, therefore, that "apparently" great item is felt as "junk" by the players even though it has many modifiers on it....

Now, on Production Shards where MANY MORE items spawn in Treasure Chests, the RNG has more "tries" at generating an item with a good assortment of Modifiers which the players can actually make good use of, because ALL the modifiers "make sense" so to speak, for that given Template....

On the Test Server, instead, with the drastic REDUCTION in the number of items generated in Treasure Chests, the RNG DOES NOT HAVE enough tries to them make at least 1 or 2 items which come with GOOD ASSORTED modifiers on that item to make it actually usefull and good to the eyes of players...

And there you go, with that comes the disconnect between the Developers who say that they INCREASED the Loot Quality (but reduced the Quantity) and players who, instead, insist of saying that on Test Server is a NERF to Treasure Hunting in regards to the Quality of Items from within Treasure Chests.

What is the possible solution to this "if" the cause if what I have guessed ?

To CHANGE for the new Treasure Maps' Chests the way that the RNG associates the modifiers on a given item....

Just make "pools" of modifiers which "make sense" for that given Profession Map (Spellcaster, Warrior etc. etc.) and ONLY allow the RNG to "pick" modifiers that go well with one another for a given item...

This way, EVEN WITH the reduction of items in the "new" Treasure Chests on the Test Server, items WILL mostly come with ALL modifiers that well match with one another and, thus, will no longer be felt as junk and a "nerf" by players....

Does it make any sense what I said ?
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